Homework 3
CS 436/580L: Introduction to Machine Learning
1. You can use either C/C++, Java or Python to implement your algorithms.
2. Your implementations should compile on remote.cs.binghamton.edu.
3. Make sure remote.cs.binghamton.edu has the packages that you require before
starting to implement.
4. This homework requires you to implement Logistic Regression and Perceptrons. Using existing packages for both these algorithms is not allowed.
5. Please make sure your code is readable and well-commented.
6. Your homework should contain the following components:
(a) README.txt file with detailed instructions on how to compile and run
the code.
(b) Code source files
(c) Type-written document containing the results on the datasets.
7. Submit the homework as a single zip file: f irstname lastname hw3.zip.
1 Logistic Regression
0 points Download the datasets available on myCourses. As in homework 2, the classification task is spam/ham.
25 points Implement the MCAP Logistic Regression algorithm with L2 regularization
that we discussed in class (see Mitchell’s new book chapter). Try five different values of λ (constant that determines the strength of the regularization
term). Use your algorithm to learn from the training set and report accuracy
on the test set for different values of λ. Implement gradient ascent for learning
the weights. Do not run gradient ascent until convergence; you should put a
suitable hard limit on the number of iterations.
5 points Improve your Logistic Regression algorithms by throwing away (i.e., filtering
out) stop words such as “the” “of” and “for” from all the documents. A list of
stop words can be found here: http://www.ranks.nl/resources/stopwords.
html. Report accuracy for Logistic Regression for this filtered set. Does the
accuracy improve? Explain why the accuracy improves or why it does not?
2 Perceptrons, and Neural Networks
In this question, you will implement the Perceptron algorithm and compare it with
WEKA implementation of Neural networks. You will also compare it with your
own implementations of Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes. If you are unsure of
whether your implementation is correct, then you may compare them with WEKA
implementations of Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes.
35 points Implement the perceptron algorithm (use the perceptron training rule and not
the gradient descent rule). Your task here is to experiment with different
values of number of iterations and the learning rate. Report the accuracy for
20 suitable combinations of number of iterations and the learning rate. Repeat
your experiment by filtering out the stop words. Compare the accuracy of
your perceptron implementation with that of Naive Bayes (implemented in
Homework 2) and Logistic Regression (implemented in this homework).
10 points Neural networks in WEKA.
– Download WEKA http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/.
– Convert the spam/ham dataset into the ARFF format used by WEKA.
– Using the Neural networks implementation in WEKA (called MultiLayered Perceptron), report the accuracy on the test set. Experiment with
different number of hidden layers and units. Report on how the number
of hidden layers and units as well as other options such as momentum,
number of iterations, and learning rate affect the accuracy.
What to Turn in
• Your code
• (5 points) README file for compiling and executing your code.
• (10 points) A detailed write up that contains:
1. The accuracy obtained on the test set using Logistic Regression for different values of λ.
2. The accuracy on the test set after filtering the stop words.
3. The accuracy on the test set different values of the number of iterations
and the learning rate.
4. The accuracy on the test set different number of hidden layers and units,
momemtum, number of iterations, and learning rate.
5. Compare the accuracy across the different models and report your observations.