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Homework 3: Dependently Typed Interpreter

Homework 3: Dependently Typed Interpreter
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This homework is ungraded. Feel free to ask and answer questions via Canvas, but don't post
complete solutions.
Consider the following simple expression language, whose syntax is given by a (plain) Haskell/Idris data
data Term = Num Nat | Plus Term Term | Equal Term Term | Cond Term Term Term
By contemplating different approaches to defining the denotational semantics for this language, the
effect of dependent types will become clearer.
(a) The first goal is to define the denotational semantics for this language in Idris (or Haskell) by using
the following domain.
data Value = N Nat | B Bool
To this end, define the Idris function:
sem : Term -> Value
Note that the recursive call of sem is expressed in Idris using the with notation. As an example, here is
how the case for Plus would look like. (In Haskell we would use a case expression.)
sem (Plus t u) with (sem t,sem u)
  | (N n,N m) = N (n+m)
Basically, this means to recursively compute sem for the two argument terms and then to pattern-match
on the resulting value (which is a pair of Value elements).
Obviously, this domain is insufficient, since it can't represent errors. Therefore, the definition is
necessarily partial. If you put the %default total directive into your module, Idris will complain about the
partiality of the definition. To make the definition total, we can temporarily employ the following
"hack". (This will be needed for other cases as well, and we will later get rid of it.)
error : Value
error = N 999
sem (Plus t u) with (sem t,sem u)
 | (N n,N m) = N (n+m)
 | _         = error
Play around with the definition and test it on these values.
n : Term Nat
n = Num 3 `Plus` Num 5
b : Term Bool
b = Equal (Num 8) n
c : Term Bool
c = Equal b b
err : Term Nat
err = n `Plus` b
(b) Re-implement sem by using the following GADT representation of the language. Note that Term is
now a type constructor, parameterized by a Ty value, which is used to indicate the result type of the
Term expression.
data Ty = Nat | Bool
data Term : Ty -> Type where
  Num   : Nat -> Term Nat
  Plus  : Term Nat -> Term Nat -> Term Nat
  Equal : Term t -> Term t -> Term Bool
  Cond  : Term Bool -> Term t -> Term t -> Term t
The Term type is now indexed by Ty , and the set of all terms is partitioned into Term expressions of
type Nat and Term expressions of type Bool . Note that Nat and Bool in the definition of Ty are
(data) constructors and NOT types. If you find this confusing, you can use the following definition
data Ty = TyNat | TyBool
The function sem will have the following type.
sem : Term t -> Value
Although you cannot anymore construct type-incorrect Terms ( err will not compile and must be
commented out), you still need the error value in the implementation of sem . Try to remove those cases,
and it will lead Idris to complain about the function not being total.
Why is that?
(c) Now let's turn the Value type also into a dependent type.
data Value : Ty -> Type where
  N : Nat  -> Value Nat
  B : Bool -> Value Bool
Make sure you understand that the two occurrences of Nat in the type of the N constructor represent
two very different things. What are they? (Same for Bool in the type of the B constructor.) Finally,
define a version of sem that uses the dependent versions of both, Term and Value . Now you can
remove the "error" cases, and Idris will successfully compile the program.
Why is that?

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