HW 3
In the HW3Assigned directory there is a subdirectory call userid, which you should rename your userid.
Inside that directory is a Makefile and come C++ code that doesn’t compile. This homework will have
three steps, which you will perform by editing the code in userid. You will turn in the final code.
Step 1: get the program to compile
Step 2: (you may end up doing some of these as part of Step 1, that’s ok)
Enable all functions to be callable as virtual functions.
Any other changes you need to make to get the desired output (see below).
Step 3: Convert the program to use no pointers and no new operations.
Make as many parameters const as possible. Use reference parameters whenever possible.
What to turn in:
Put your final code, after completing step three, into a directory called userid, where userid is your
Purdue userid. Include either the Makefile I provided or another Makefile to compile and run the
Correct output for the program:
When running the program after steps 2 and 3 the output should be as seen below.
1281 Gruene Rd
801 Bldg
Yorktown Heights
Employee1: Employee, Jerry Jeff Walker, 78130
Employee2: Employee, Fran Allen, 10598