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Homework #3 Derive the even-parity Hamming code

Homework #3

Your submission should be comprised of one item: a .pdf file containing answers to the
questions. Legible, handwritten solutions are acceptable for undergraduate students (472). The
handwritten solutions must be electronically scanned and submitted as a PDF file. Graduate
students (572) must compose their solutions in MS Word, LaTeX, or some other word processor
and submit the results as a PDF file.
1. (16 pts) Derive the even-parity Hamming code that corresponds to the following
data bits. Be sure to show your work and illustrate how each parity bit was
2. (24 pts) Suppose that you receive a Hamming code with the following contents.
(containing data bits and parity bits):
For all parts of this question, assume that a maximum of one bit was corrupted.
a. How many bits of data (not including parity bits) were originally encoded?
b. Assuming that the transmitted Hamming code was using even parity, is it
possible to determine the original data bits that were encoded? If so,
derive the original data bits (show your work). If not, explain why.
c. Now assume that the transmitted Hamming code was using odd parity. Is
it possible to determine the original data bits that were encoded? If so,
derive the original data bits (show your work). If not, explain why.
3. (8 pts) Imagine that you are considering two potential implementations of a virtual
memory system (case “a” and case “b”).
a. Assuming a memory page of 16K and a 32 bit virtual address space,
calculate the amount of memory (in bytes) that is needed to store the full
page table. Assume that each PTE requires 5 bytes. Show all calculations.
b. If the virtual address space is expanded to 48 bits (and all other properties
remain identical), how many bytes of memory are now required to store
the full page table?
4. (12 pts) Consider Figure 4.10 in the textbook (the image is identical for the 5
edition and 6th edition).
a. Determine the control signals which will implement the following MIPS
addi $15, $7, -36
Provide the required binary values of all control lines during this clock
cycle (the figure uses blue ink to notate the relevant signals). Assume
that control lines are “active high”. If a particular binary value is not
relevant, you may indicate this by placing an “x” in the corresponding bit
b. Similar to part A, determine the binary value of all control signals needed
to implement the following MIPS instruction:
lw $22, 76($10)
5. (25 pts) In this question we will be working with a CPU that exhibits the following
latencies for each stage of the datapath:
250ps 270ps 190ps 330ps 225ps
For our particular program, the percentage of instructions (in each category) are
as follows:
ALU/Logic Load Store Jump/Branch
52% 18% 17% 13%
a. What will be the clock period for a pipelined implementation?
b. What minimum clock period is expected for a non-pipelined design?
c. Suppose we want to improve the performance of our pipeline. We’ve been
informed that it’s possible to split a single stage of the pipeline into three
stages, but there’s a caveat: each of the three newly created stages will
exhibit 40% of the original latency (not 33.3%). Which stage would be the
best to split, and what latency would be exhibited by the newly pipelined
CPU? I.e. how much time would this new CPU implementation require to
fully execute an instruction?
d. Ignoring the effects of stalls and hazards, what is the utilization of the data
memory? Express your answer as the percentage of clock cycles when
the data memory is actively being used.
e. Ignoring the effects of stalls and hazards, what is the utilization of the write
port on the register bank? Note: I’m asking specifically asking about the
write port (controlled by the RegWrite signal in Figure 4.10). Express your
answer as the percentage of clock cycles when the register write circuitry
is being used to update a register.

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