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Homework #3  Kernelized Perceptron

CSCI567 Homework #3 
1 Kernelized Perceptron
Given a set of training samples (x1, y1),(x2, y2), · · · ,(xN , yN ) where y ∈ {−1, 1}, the Perceptron
algorithm learns a weight vector w by iterating through all training samples. For each xi
, if the
prediction is incorrect, we update w by w ← w + yixi
. Now we would like to kernelize the
Perceptron algorithm. Assume we map x to ϕ(x) through a nonlinear feature mapping ϕ, and we
want to learn a new weight vector w that makes prediction by y = sign(wϕ(x)).
(a) Show that w is always a linear combination of feature vectors, i.e. w =
i=1 αiϕ(xi).
(b) Show that while the update rule for w for a kernelized Perceptron does depend on the explicit
feature mapping ϕ(x), the prediction can be re-expressed and thus depends only on the inner
products between nonlinear transformed features.
(c) Given the above, show that we do not need to explicitly store w. Instead, we can implicitly
use it by maintaining all the αi
. Please give the outline of the algorithm to achieve so. You
should indicate how αi
is to be initialized, when to update αi and which αi
is to be updated
and how it is updated.
2 Support Vector Machine without Bias Term
Support vector machines (SVMs) learn the function f(x) = wϕ(x) + b where ϕ is a feature
mapping, and predict the label of x using y = sign(wϕ(x) + b). Now we consider a new model of
SVM which does not use the bias term b, i.e. f(x) = wϕ(x) and y = sign(wϕ(x)).
(a) Introduce slack variables {ξi}, and write down the primal form of the model for a training
data set (x1, y1),(x2, y2), · · · ,(xN , yN )
(b) Write down the Lagrangian of the primal form.
(c) Take derivatives with respect to the primal variables w and ξi and set them to zero. This
gives rise to equations linking the primal variables and the dual variables. Write down these
equations. Make sure you can express the primary variables in terms of the dual variables.
(d) Using the derived equations, substitute the primal variables into the Lagrangian. You then
re-organize the Lagrangian and make sure the final term depends on the dual variables only
(you might need a few equations in the last step to eliminate a few terms)
(e) Write down the dual form – it should be an optimization problem with proper constraints on
the dual variables.
(f) Point out the main difference between the dual form in (e) and the dual form of original SVM
(with bias term), described in the lecture.
(g) Show that the dual form in (e) is a convex optimization problem (in this particular case, you
need to show the dual form is either maximizing a concave function or minimizing a convex
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #3 Due 10/17/14 23:59 PDT
3 Sample questions for Quiz #1
3.1 Regularization
Consider a training data D used to adjust parameters θ of a model L(D) = p(D; θ), where L(D) is
the likelihood of the data. Normally, I will find the optimal θ by optimizing the likelihood. Now, I
would like to use a L2 norm based regularization to prevent overfitting. What does the objective
function look like then? And should I minimize or maximize this objective function?
3.2 Logistic Regression
Consider a binary classification problem using multinomial logistic regression. Namely, each class
of {0, 1} has a weight vector w0 and w1. Let the input feature be x and the output of the classifier
be y.
(a) Write down the posterior probability p(y = 0|x) and p(y = 1|x) in terms of these weights.
(b) Show that the posterior probability is unchanged if a constant vector b is added to both
weight vectors.
(c) Observe that the log-likelihood is unchanged if a constant vector is added to both weight
vectors. Therefore, the maximum conditional likelihood estimates of the parameters are not
unique. A common technique to arrive at a unique solution is to use the regularized multinomial logistic regression. Assume you use the square of the weight vectors’s L2-norm (i.e.
) as a form of regularization. Show that the regularized multinomial logistic regression
has a unique solution, therefore, eliminating the invariance.
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #3 Due 10/17/14 23:59 PDT
4 Programming
In this part, you will experiment with SVMs on a real-world dataset. You will implement linear
SVM (i.e., SVM using the original features, namely the nonlinear mapping is the identity mapping)
using Matlab. Also, you will use a widely used SVM toolbox called LIBSVM to experiment with
kernel SVMs.
Dataset: We have provided the Splice Dataset from UCI’s machine learning data repository (https:
// The
dataset is for a binary classification problem in biological field. The dimensionality of the input feature
is 60, and the training and test sets contain 1,000 and 2,175 samples, respectively (they are provided in
Blackboard as splice train.mat and splice test.mat which can be directly loaded into Matlab).
Please follow the steps below:
4.1 Data preprocessing
Preprocess the training and test data by
(a) computing the mean of each dimension and subtracting it from each dimension
(b) dividing each dimension by its standard deviation
Notice that the mean and standard deviation should be estimated from the training data and then applied
to both datasets.
4.2 Implement linear SVM
Please fill in the Matlab function trainsvm in trainsvm.m and testsvm.m in testsvm.m (in Blackboard).
The input of trainsvm contain training feature vectors and labels, as well as the tradeoff parameter C. The
output of trainsvm contain the SVM parameters (weight vector and bias). In your implementation, you
need to solve SVM in its primal form
2 + C
s.t. yi(wxi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi
, ∀i
ξi ≥ 0, ∀i
Please use quadprog function in Matlab to solve the above quadratic problem. For testsvm, the input
contain testing feature vectors and labels, as well as SVM parameters; the output contains the test accuracy.
4.3 Cross validation for linear SVM
Use 5-fold cross validation to select the optimal C for your implementation of linear SVM.
(a) Report the cross-valiation accuracy (averaged accuracy over each validation set) and average training
time (averaged over each training subset) on different C taken from {4
, 4
, · · · , 4, 4
2}. How does the
value of C affect the cross validation accuracy and average training time? Explain your observation.
(b) Which C do you choose based on the cross validation results?
(c) For the selected C, report the test accuracy.
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #3 Due 10/17/14 23:59 PDT
4.4 Use linear SVM in LIBSVM
LIBSVM is widely used toolbox for SVM and has Matlab interface. Download LIBSVM from http://www. and install it according to the README file (make sure to use Matlab
interface provided in LIBSVM toolbox). For each C from {4
, 4
, 4
, · · · , 1, 4, 4
2}, apply 5-fold cross
validation (use -v option in LIBSVM) and report the cross validation accuracy and average training time.
(a) Is the cross validation accuracy the same as that in 4.3? Note that LIBSVM solves linear SVM in
dual form while your implementation does it in primal form.
(b) How faster is LIBSVM compared to your implementation, in terms of training?
4.5 Use kernel SVM in LIBSVM
LIBSVM supports a number of kernel types. Here you need to experiment with the polynomial kernel and
RBF (Radial Basis Function) kernel.
(a) Polynomial kernel. Please tune C and degree in the kernel. For each combination of (C, degree),
where C ∈ {4
, 4
, 4
, · · · , 4
, 4
, 4
7} and degree ∈ {1, 2, 3}, report the 5-fold cross validation
accuracy and average training time.
(b) RBF kernel. Please tune C and gamma in the kernel. For each combination of (C, gamma), where
C ∈ {4
, 4
, 4
, · · · , 4
, 4
, 4
7} and gamma ∈ {4
, 4
, 4
, 4
, 4
, 4
, 4
−1}, report the 5-fold
cross validation accuracy and average training time.
Based on the cross validation results of Polynomial and RBF kernel, which kernel type and kernel parameters
will you choose? Report the corresponding test accuracy.
Submission Instruction: You need to provide the followings:
• Provide your answers to problems 1-3, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 in hardcopy. The papers need to be
stapled and submitted to CS front desk.
• Submit BOTH the code and report via Blackboard. The only acceptable language is MATLAB.
• For your program, you must include the main function called CSCI567 hw3.m in the root of your
folder. After running this main file, your program should be able to generate all of the results
needed for this programming assignment (you can assume that LIBSVM will be added into the
directory of your code, thus LIBSVM functions can be called directly). You can have multiple
files (i.e. your sub-functions), however, the only requirement is that once we unzip your folder
and execute your main file, your program should execute correctly. Please double-check your
program before submitting. You should only submit one .zip file. Other file format is NOT
allowed. Also, please name it as [lastname] [firstname]
Collaboration You may collaborate. However, you need to write your own solution and submit separately.
You also need to list with whom you have discussed.

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