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 Homework 3 Memory Management API - Phase 1

CS 307 – Operating Systems
 Homework 3
Memory Management API - Phase 1
This homework is prepared by Barış Altop and Berkant Deniz Aktaş under the supervision of Yücel Saygın.
Date Assigned: 04.11.2019
Due Date Time: 14.11.2019 at 23:55 (sharp, according to server’s time)
Late Policy: For every 10 minutes of late submission 1 point will be deduced. (Details at
the end)

In this project, you are going to implement a memory heap management API, and we will
provide a code for you to test your API. You are expected to create a shared memory, in
order to manage memory requests coming from multiple threads and grant or decline
requests based on free space available. You are also expected to manage all mutexes
and semaphores for shared memory access.
Program Flow
The main program, that we will give you, will call various functions in order to initialize,
access, change and dump the memory. Also there will be an array of threads, an array of
semaphores, a mutex, a memory server thread and a char array representing the memory
The init() function that is also provided will initialize the memory array and the request
queue and any related data structures. Afterwards it will start the memory server thread.
After initialization, you are expected to start all of threads, which will run in a function
called thread_function(int id). This function will generate a random size and call
the my_malloc(int thread_id, int size) function, which you will also
implement. My_malloc will utilize the semaphores and mutex for synchronization of
access to shared data structures. The thread_function will wait for the answer and -if
memory is granted- access the memory and set all the bytes allocated to it to character
value ’1’. The size of the memory will be randomly generated by the
thread_function function.
The memory server thread is expected to handle all requests for memory access. All
access requests will be appended to the shared queue. The server thread will read from
this queue and depending on the size and availability will return an answer to the
requesting thread.
• If there is enough space it should return the start address of the memory array.
• If there is not enough space it should return -1.
For this phase of the assignment you will only maintain an index of the next available
space. You are not expected to manage the memory allocations. The access will be
based on the index and the space remaining in the memory array. If the requested size is
smaller than (memory_size - index), then you should grant access.
The thread which makes the request will be blocked till the memory server processes its
• If space is allocated: Gains access to the shared memory and set all the bytes
allocated to it to character value ’1’
• If space is not allocated: Prints an error message “Thread ID: Not enough
memory” and exits.
Expected Functions
my_malloc(int thread_id, int size): This function should be called by a thread
with a size value no bigger than the memory itself. It will gain access to the shared queue
and write the requesting thread_id and the amount.
dump_memory(): This function is used to test memory allocation. It will print the entire
contents of the memory array onto the console.
thread_function(int id): This function should run as a thread. The function should
first create a random memory size. It will then call the my_malloc(id, size) function
and block until the memory request is handled by the memory server thread. Once the
thread is unblocked by the memory server thread it will take appropriate action. The
memory server thread will store the value in a shared array called thread_message. The
value is -1 indicates there is no available memory, hence only an error message must be
printed. If the value is bigger than -1 then it will be interpreted as the starting point in the
memory. It will set all the bytes allocated to it to character value ’1’. This entire process
will only run once, i.e. each thread will only make one memory request.
server_function(): This thread will run until release_memory function is called. It
will check the queue for the requests and depending on the memory size it should either
grant or decline them. The answers to the requests will be written to the
thread_message array and the requesting thread should be unblocked. It should return
either -1 for declining the request due to no available size, or the start_point of the
memory location that will be allocated to the requesting thread.
release_function(): This function will be called whenever the memory is no longer
needed. It will kill all the threads and deallocate all the data structures.
thread_id: This value will be incrementally generated and passed to the
thread_function as a parameter starting from 0 (zero), while the threads are being created.
Shared Data
char memory[MEMORY_SIZE];
pthread_mutex_t sharedLock;
sem_t semlist[NUM_THREADS];
int thread_message[NUM_THREADS];
queue<node memory_queue;
Submission Guides:
Solutions should be submitted in a zip archive, name your zip archive as: and submit to SUcourse.
Note that, your system time and SUcourse server’s time may not be synchronized so do
not wait the last minutes to submit your solution. Only the solutions in the SUcourse
system will be graded. Other submissions, such as emailing to instructor or assistants,
will not be graded.
You will be graded on the correctness of your solution and your use of semaphores based
on the code we have sent. You shouldn’t use unnecessary semaphores/mutexes, or
mutexes to lock any actions. You should definitely avoid using other means of aligning
your threads. All of these dirty tricks may actually make your code look like it has
“somehow finally started working” but in fact they will cause your solution to be invalid!
Late Policy:
You are allowed to late submit your homework. Our policy for late submission depends on
how late you submit. For every 10 minutes you are late, 1 point from your grade will be
deducted. Please do not ask for any relaxation. Below you can find the table for the
point deduction system:
Submission Time Deduction points Max Grade
23:56 - 00:05 1 99
00:06 - 00:15 2 98
00:16 - 00:25 3 97
00:26 - 00:35 4 96
00:36 - 00:45 5 95
00:46 - 00:55 6 94
00:56 - 01:05 7 93
01:06 - 01:15 8 92
… … …
15:46 - 15:55 96 4
15:56 - 16:05 97 3
16:06 - 16:15 98 2
16:16 - 16:25 99 1
16:26 - 16:35 100 0

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