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Homework 3 – MLP Conversation Analysis

COMP 598 Homework 3 – MLP Conversation Analysis
30 pts

The goal of this assignment is for you to develop python scripts and code using best practices covered in the
lessons this week to conduct a complete a data analysis project on My Little Pony. Note that all work for this
homework must be done in python.
Task 1: Watch some My Little Pony episodes (0 pts – totally optional)
It’s always important to study your source material … particularly when it’s very entertaining cartoons!
Task 2: My Little Pony dialog analysis (20 pts)
We’ll be using the dataset available here:
For the purpose of this study, we’ll use only clean_dialog.csv and assume that the dataset is perfect.
Write a python script named that, when run, computes and produces a JSON-formatted analysis of
the ponies’ interpersonal dynamics that has exactly the structure given below (all numbers below are just
examples). The canonical pony names used in the file should be: twilight (Twilight Sparkle), applejack
(Applejack), rarity (Rarity), pinky (Pinky Pie), rainbow (Rainbow Dash), and fluttershy (Fluttershy). All other
characters are considered “non-Pony” characters.
 “verbosity”: { // give fraction of dialogue, measured in # of speech acts produced by this pony
 “twilight”: 0.37,
 “applejack”: 0.24,
 “mentions”: { // give fraction of times each pony mentions the other
 “twilight”: { // the fractions here should sum to 1
 “applejack”: 0.12,
 “pinky”: 0.51,
 “follow_on_comments”: { // the fraction of times each pony has a line that DIRECTLY follows the
others pony’s line
 “twilight”: { // the fractions here should sum to 1
 “applejack”: 0.21,
 “other”: 0.4 // this is the number of times TS has dialogue following a non-Pony character
 “non_dictionary_words”: { // a list of the 5 non-dictionary words used most often by each Pony
 “twilight”: [ “huh”, “ugh”, “awwww” , “wheee”, “wha”]
COMP 598, Fall 2020
Attend to the following details:
- Here a “word” is any substring bordered by non-alphanumeric characters OR the start/end of the
containing string. This means that “anti-aircraft” contains the words “anti” and “aircraft”.
- A pony mention occurs when any of the words composing that pony’s name appears in dialog, with that
word capitalized. So “Hey Twilight!” counts as a mention of Twilight Sparkle. “I like pie” does not count
as a mention of Pinky Pie because “pie” is not capitalized.
- Non-dictionary words are any not present in the list words_alpha.txt, located here:
o This should be saved in your project as data/words_alpha.txt
Task 3: Unit Testing (5 pts)
Write at least 10 unit test (10 functions) for your code spread across mentions, follow-on-comments, and nondictionary words. They must all pass.
Note on grading for unit tests: the TAs will spot check your tests to confirm that they aren’t just a trivial
self.assertTrue(True). Beyond that, it’s up to you to think about what to test and how to test it – we won’t be
checking this deeply. I encourage you to compare unit tests with other classmates or come to office hours to
Submission Instructions
Your MyCourses submission should contain a project with the following structure
- scripts/
 This should use argparse and print a helper message when no arguments are given.
 This should accept the link to the clean_dialog.csv.
 It should assume that words_alpha.txt is sitting in the data/ directory.
 It will be run in a UNIX shell in which PYTHONPATH includes a path to the project’s src
directory. This will allow it to use code in the hw2 package.
 It should accept an optional argument “-o <file_name>”. If given, the JSON output is
written to that file. If it is NOT given, the JSON output should be written to stdout.
- data/ - this directory is empty. Do NOT submit your dialogue or words files. When graded, the TAs will
provide these.
o Nothing in this directory.
- src/
o hw2/
 <code>
 – this runs all your unit tests. At least 10 must be run and succeed.
 tests/ - this directory contains your unit tests

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