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Homework 3: Networking

Homework 3: Networking
CSE 534
In this homework you will acquire hands on experience in network design and
implementation.You will need to do your homework using Mininet and Quagga. If you are
not familiar with Mininet, you are strongly advised to start early.
First, set up Mininet and Mininext
Setup (0 points):
Your set up will be on Ubuntu. You will need to download a virtualization software such
as a Virtual box or VMWare (it is recommended that you download this virtualization
software even if you are using Ubuntu). Mininet works directly on the virtual box.
Once you have this, the mininet installation is as follows:
1. Download mininet version 2.1.0 from [Only use 2.1.0 version]
2. Next you need to download and install the MiniNExT extension. This extension lets
you virtualize file system and allows you to build complex networks over Mininet.
3. Get familiar with Mininet by going over the tutorial: We recommend you go through
4. Install Quaga using sudo apt-get install quagga. Read up on Quagga from
PART A (30 points):
A1. Create your own topology as below.
To do this, copy the MiniNExT examples folder (/home/mininet/USC-NSL-miniNExT75c2781/examples/quagga-ixp) into your own folder. Lets call your new path “myfolder/”
for convenience.
Change the myfolder/ to reflect the above topology. You do not need to add any
switch fabric, since hosts(H1, H2) and routers (R1, R2, R3, R4) are connected directly.
You also need to assign IP addresses. Keep in mind that you will have to create
separate subnets.
Start the configuration by running sudo python ./
Check that the nodes are created using the “nodes” command.
Check the routing table at each node.
Submit: (a) the file you created, (b) the network topology figure, but this time
including the IP addresses (with subnet information).
A2. Create static routes
Configure each node so that H1 can ping H2.
To do this, you need to change the IP forwarding variable to 1. You will then need to
create a static routing table at each node.
Submit: (a) the routing tables at all nodes (as a screen capture) and explain what you did
to configure them correctly. (b) provide the trace route output that gives the path
between nodes H1 & H2.
PART B (30 points):
First remove the static routes.
In this part you configure R1, R2, R3 and R4 as a RIP router. Figure out how to do this
by changing the RIP daemon. You will need to change the config files.
Submit: (a) the set of commands you used for the configuration in the correct order. (b)
Explanation of each command.
Run the RIP daemon on each router and host. Estimate the convergence time: this is the
time it takes for H1 to be able to ping H2.
Submit: (a) the routing tables at each node (both the kernel and the Quagga routing
table), (b) the traceroute output that gives the path between nodes H1 & H2, and (c) the
time taken for the ping, and (d) the convergence time.
Bring down R1-R2 or R1-R3 (whichever is on your current path from H1 to H2).
Estimate the time from when the link went down to when the connectivity was reestablished.
Submit: (a) how you got the link to go down, (b) the time it takes for connectivity to be
established, (c) provide the traceroute output that gives the new path between nodes H1
& H2.
Part C (40 points)
RIP-lite: Write your own "application" layer routing protocol that implements distance
vector routing uses Bellman-Ford algorithm. To do this, you create a TCP connection
with your next hop neighbor. Implement Bellman-Ford algorithm on top of this TCP
connection. You will periodically exchange routing information with your neighbors. You
will need to use socket programming for this.
This is an application level routing protocol because you are not expected to change the
routing table. You maintain all information in the application-layer.
Assume the following weights between the links (we are assuming that each node
including the hosts run the routing protocol, this is not usually the case):
R1-R2 = 10
R1-R3 = 6
R2-R4 = 4
R3-R4 = 5
H1-R1 = 2
R4-H2 = 2
Your routing protocol should run continuously in the background; if the weights change,
the routing protocol needs to update the routes. Assume the weights of your own
neighbors are stored in a file that you periodically check.
You can write your program in Java, Python, or C. Make sure that these languages are
supported by mininet.
After you write your protocol, answer the following question:
C1. Run your protocol and get the time taken for the protocol to find the shortest path
between H1 and H2.
Submit: (a) the routing protocol code. (b) The time taken for your protocol to find the
shortest path with explanation of how you estimated this (c) the application layer routing
table at each node.
C2. Assume that the weight of the link R1-R3 changes from 6 to 1. Estimate the time
taken for the protocol to converge.
Submit: (a) The time taken for the protocol to converge. (b) ) the application layer routing
table at each node.
C3. If one of the links has a negative weight, explain how you handle this situation.
Useful tools
sudo mn –c: for cleaning the previous mininet configurations
sudo apt-get install: traceroute to install traceroute
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk: to install Java

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