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Homework 3 Search Trees

Homework 3
ECE 345 Algorithms and Data Structures

• All page numbers are from 2009 edition of Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein.
• For each algorithm you asked to design you should give a detailed description of the idea,
proof of algorithm correctness, termination, analysis of time and space complexity. If not,
your answer will be incomplete and you will miss credit. You are allowed to refer to pages in
the textbook.
• Do not write C code! When asked to describe an algorithm give analytical pseudocode.
• Staple your homework properly. Use a stapler; do not use glue or other weird material to put
it together. If you are missing pages, we are not responsible for it but you are!
• Write clearly, if we cannot understand what you write you may not get credit for the question.
Be as formal as possible in your answers. Don’t forget to include your name(s) and student
number(s) on the front page!
1. [Search Trees, 15 points]
Let X be a set of n items, each with a key and a priority. For sake of simplicity, assume that
no two keys or priorities are identical. A PK-Tree for X is a rooted binary search tree whose
nodes are the items in X such that:
(i) key[x] < key[y] if x is a left descendant of y or y is a right descendant of x, and
(ii) priority[x] < priority[y] if x is a descendant of y.
(a) Given a key value, how would you search for that value in a PK-Tree?
(b) Give an algorithm to insert a new item into a PK-Tree.
(c) Give an algorithm to delete an item from a PK-Tree.
(Hint: Use rotations to restore the priority structure of the tree after an insertion or
2. [Search Trees, 20 points]
Suppose we have a list of n fixed length strings that are sorted lexicographically. This list is
stored in a balanced binary search tree for easy access. Let k be the number of strings with
prefix x. Devise an algorithm to output all strings with prefix x in O(k + lg(n)) time. (Hint:
First, find the first node in the tree with prefix x.)
Example: A sorted list with strings of length three may look like: ABC, ABD, BCC, BDC,
CAB, CAD, DAB. If x = ”CA”, then your algorithm should print out CAB, CAD.
UofToronto–ECE 345–Fall, 2017 2 Homework 3
3. [Hashing, 10 points]
Demonstrate the insertion of keys 7, 9, 88, 11, 25, 23, 22, 28, 14, and 21 into a doubly-hashed
table where collisions are resolved with open addressing. Let the table have 11 slots, let the
primary hash function be hp(key) = key mod 11 and let the secondary hash function be
hs(key) = (key ∗ 3) mod 4.
4. [Greedy Algorithms, 15 points]
Consider an interval (job) scheduling problem with n jobs, all of which are available at the
beginning. For i = 1, . . . , n, job Ji has a duration di and an associated weight wi
. For a
schedule S (ordering of the jobs such that they do not overlap and are executed without
preemption), let fi be the finish time of Ji
, j = 1, . . . , n. Then the total weighted waiting time
of S is
w(S) = Xn
We are interested in a schedule that minimizes the total weighted waiting time.
Describe an efficient algorithm to solve this scheduling problem (prove correctness and analyze
5. [Dynamic Programming, 20 points]
A pipeline is to be built in Siberia and Prof. Kostochka is to decide on the optimal location
of the stations along the path that has already been decided. More precisely, the pipeline
connects points x1 and xn and goes through locations x2, x3, . . . , xn−1. There are stations
at x1 and xn, but part of the problem is to decide whether to built a station at point xi
i = 2, 3, . . . , n − 1. If a station is built in xi there is an associated cost bi
, and if a pipeline
section is built between stations xi and xj—with no other station in between—there is an
associated cost cost ci,j . The total cost is the sum of the station costs plus the corresponding
pipeline section costs. The goal is to decide the optimal location of stations so that the total
cost is minimized. Suggest a general algorithm that Prof. Kostochka could use to make the
decision (without any assumptions about the costs). As usual describe it clearly (pseudcode
is not mandatory), argue that it is correct and analyze its running time. Try to make it as
efficient as you can.
6. [Skewed Heaps, 20 points]
In this problem you are required to develop a data structure similar to that of the leftist
heap from Homework 2. In leftist heaps, the Merge operation preserved the heap ordering and
the balance (leftist bias) of the underlying tree. Skewed heaps use the same idea for merging
heap-ordered trees. SkewHeapMerge is performed by merging the rightmost paths of two trees
without keeping any explicit balance conditions. This means that there’s no need to store the
rank of the nodes in the tree. This is similar to self-adjusting trees, since no information is
kept or updated.
Good performance of those data structures is guaranteed by a “rebalancing step”—like the
splay in self-adjusting trees, only simpler. At each step of the merging along the rightmost
paths of the two heaps, we swap all of the left and right children of nodes along this path,
except for the last one. The modified procedure for merging two skewed heaps looks as follows:
UofToronto–ECE 345–Fall, 2017 3 Homework 3
function SkewedHeapMerge(h,h
) : heap
if h is empty then return h
else if h
is empty then return h
if the root of h
0 ? the root of h then
exchange h and h
(* h holds smallest root *)
if right(h) = nil then
right(h) := h
(* last node, we don’t swap *)
right(h) := SkewedHeapMerge(right(h), h
swap left and right children of h
return h
The above recursive routine can also be done iteratively. In fact, it can be done more efficiently
than the leftist heap Merge (by a constant factor), because everything can be done in one pass,
while moving down the rightmost path. In the case of leftist heaps, we go down the rightmost
path, and then back up to recompute ranks. In leftist heaps, that also requires either a recursive
algorithm or pointers from nodes to their parents 1
Since there is no balance condition, there’s no guarantee that these trees will have O(log n)
worst-case performance for the merge (and hence all of the other operations). But they do
have good amortized performance.
Here’s the intuition for the above: In the previous merge algorithm we only had to swap
children when the right one had a larger rank than the left. In this merge algorithm, we
always swap children, so we might actually replace a right child of “small” rank with one of
“large” rank. But the next time we come down this path, we will correct that error, because
the right child will be swapped onto the left.
(a) Show that a SkewedHeapMerge of two skewed heaps uses amortized time O(log2 n) by the
use of the accounting method.
(b) Show that Insert and DeleteMin have the same amortized time bounds.
(Hint: Use weights instead of ranks. Define the weight of a node to be the number of nodes
in the subtree rooted at that node (below that node, including the node itself). Let node x be
a heavy node if its weight is more than half of the weight of its parent. Otherwise it is light
Just a note on implementation here. Sometimes we may want to be able to move up a tree as easily as we move
down; so every node will also include a pointer to its parent. That means that a node has a pointer to its left child,
a pointer to its right child, and a pointer to its parent, increasing the amount of space needed to store trees. To
decrease the space requirement, you can do this. Look at three nodes, a parent p and its two children r and l. Now
p will have a pointer to l, but not to r; l has a pointer to r and r has a pointer back to p. So, all the left children
in a tree have pointers to their right siblings (brothers) and to their own left children. All the right children have
pointers to their parents and to their right children. If you draw a picture, this should make more sense. Now every
node still has two pointers, and you can visit left nodes, right nodes and parent nodes easily.
UofToronto–ECE 345–Fall, 2017 4 Homework 3
one. What can we say about light and heavy nodes in any binary tree? Look at any root–leaf
path in the tree. How many light nodes can you encounter in such path? Why? The best case
is when the light nodes are also right children of their parents. For the accounting method,
every time we swap, we must pay $1. Moreover, if it happens to swap a heavy child to a right
child position, then you must deposit a “penalty” amount.)

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