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Homework #3: Turing Machines

CS424/CS524: Theory of Computing Handout #4

Read Chapters 3 and 4. You do not need to solve all these problems, see Canvas for details.
Written Problems
Problem 1 Give a (Sipser style) Turing machine M, describe how to convert it into a
Turing machine M0
so that L(M) = L(M0
), but M0 only halts with an empty tape. In other
words, M0 makes its tape entirely blank before halting. Beware that M might write blanks
in the middle of its tape, and you may need some way to detect the left end of the tape.
Problem 2 Suppose E is an enumerator for language L, as defined in Chapter 3. Furthermore, suppose E prints strings in length order. That is, if E prints string x before printing
string y, then |x| ≤ |y|. E may repeat some strings, and it may print strings of the same
length in arbitrary order. Show that L is decidable. (Hint: you might first handle the case
that L is finite.)
Problem 3 Suppose M is a Turing machine, and every transition either moves right
(R) or stays put (S), but no transition moves left (L). Argue that L(M) is regular. Note these
complications: M may halt before reading the entire input, it may take further steps when it
sees blanks, and sometimes it may not halt at all.
Problem 4 Argue that if language A is recognizable, then so is language A∗
. Don’t
use nondeterminism in your argument. (You may use multiple tapes, and you may use an
“English level” TM description in the style of Sipser.)
Problem 5 Given a standard Turing machine M, argue that it can be simulated by a
FIFO queue automaton S, as described in Problem 3.14. Your S should be deterministic.
Problem 6 Given two languages A, B ⊆ Σ

, define their “quotient” as the language
A/B = {x ∈ Σ

: ∃y ∈ B, xy ∈ A}. That is, it is the set of strings x, such that for some
string y in B, their concatenation xy is in A.
Problem 6(a). Show that if A is regular, then so is A/B. (Hint: use a DFA, modify F.)
Problem 6(b). Show that if A and B are recognizable, then so is A/B.
Problem 7 Let A and B be recognizable languages such that A ∪ B = Σ∗
. Show there
exists a decidable language C such that B¯ ⊆ C ⊆ A. (Hint: review the proof of Theorem
4.22, which handles the special case when A and B are disjoint. It is hard to define C first, in
this problem. Instead, look for its decider. That is, a TM which accepts every input string in
A − B, rejects every input string in B − A, and may either accept or reject for input strings
in A ∩ B.)
JFLAP Problems
For these problems you need to submit a JFLAP Turing machine as a “jff” file. We will use
JFLAP 7.1, a Java application (a “jar” file) which you may download here:
Each Turing machine should be deterministic and 1-tape. Note Canvas allows you to submit
multiple files for an assignment.
Problem 8 (ww.jff) Design a Turing machine deciding the language {ww : w ∈
{a, b}
∗}. That is: the input alphabet is {a, b}, and an input string is accepted iff it has
even length and its first half equals its second half. Furthermore, to make this a bit more
challenging, the tape should contain the original input string (and nothing else) when the
machine halts.
Problem 9 (substring.jff) Design a Turing machine deciding the language {x#y :
x, y ∈ {a, b}
∗ and x is a substring of y}. For example aa#baab is in the language, aa#abab is
not. Note the input alphabet is {a, b, #}, and the # simply acts as a separator.
Problem 10 (square.jff) Design a Turing machine deciding the language {1
n : n is a
square} = {ε, 1, 1111, 111111111, . . .}. It may help to use the fact that each square is a sum
of consecutive odd integers, for example 9=1+3+5. Note the input alphabet is simply {1}.

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