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Homework #4: Computability

CS424/CS524: Theory of Computing Handout #6

Everyone should read Chapter 5, Section 6.3 (oracles), and Section 6.4 (Kolmogorv complexity). Students in CS524 should also read Section 6.1 (the Recursion Theorem). As usual, you may not need to solve all the problems below;
see Canvas fo details.
Written Problems
Problem 1 Show a language L is recognizable if-and-only-if L ≤m ATM.
Problem 2 In Theorem 5.3, the book shows that REGULARTM is not
decidable. (In that proof, they compute hM2i from hM, wi. You can reuse
that in one of the subproblems below. You might also look at the argument of
Theorem 5.30.)
Problem 2(a). Show a reduction ATM ≤m REGULARTM.
Problem 2(b). Show a reduction ATM ≤m REGULARTM (equivalently,
Problem 2(c). Review: which part ((a) or (b)?) implies REGULARTM is
not recognizable, and which part implies it is not co-recognizable?
Problem 3 Given two languages A, B ⊆ Σ

, recall that their “quotient”
is A/B = {x ∈ Σ

: ∃y ∈ B, xy ∈ A}. Find an example where A and B are
decidable, but A/B is not. (Hint: use history strings.)
Problem 4 In Chapter 4, we saw that ATM is recognizable but not decidable. We may assume it is encoded in binary, so ATM ⊆ {0, 1}

. Using
that, argue that some unary language L ⊆ {1}

is recognizable but not decidable. (Hint: first find a computable “one-to-one correspondence” from {1}

{0, 1}

, sending each unary string 1n to some binary string sn, and then use
that to define your language L.)
Problem 5 See Problem 5.21, and argue that AMBIGCF G is not decidable. (The book gives an enormous hint, use it.) Furthermore, try to determine
whether the language is recognizable or co-recognizable.
Problem 6 Exercise 6.4, showing A0
TM is undecidable relative to ATM.
(Hint: redo the argument in Chapter 4, with oracles in appropriate places.)
Remark: In the next two problems, K(x) denotes the Kolmogorov complexity
of binary string x, as defined in Section 6.4.
Problem 7 Suppose we have an oracle for ATM. On input x ∈ {0, 1}

I’ll explain how to compute k = K(x) using O(2k
) oracle calls. Show how to do
it with only O(k) oracle calls. (Or even better, O(log k) oracle calls!)
Problem 8 Suppose f(x) is a computable function, where its inputs x is
a binary string, and its output is a non-negative integer. Suppose that f(x) ≤
K(x), for all x ∈ {0, 1}

. Argue there is a constant c such that f(x) ≤ c, for all
binary strings x. (Hint: otherwise, use f to find strings x with arbitrarily large
MPCP Problems
For the next two problems, see the program share/hw4/ (or its online
“notebook” version at It lets us
define a language L ⊆ {a, b}

, by setting L dominos, a list of dominos (pairs
of strings). For each of the following problems, find a value for L dominos
defining the requested L. You should test that your answer works, at least for
short strings. For these problems you should submit a short python file defining
L dominos.
Problem 9 ( L = {ww : w ∈ {a, b}
∗} ⊆ {a, b}

Problem 10 ( L = {a
n : n is a square} ⊆ {a, b}


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