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ECBM E6040
INSTRUCTIONS: This homework contains several programming assignments. Submission for this homework will be via bitbucket repositories created for each student
and should contain the following
• All figures and discussions; document all parameters you used in the IPython
notebook file, hw4.ipynb, which is already included in the homework 4 repository.
• Commit and push all the changes you made to the skeleton code in the Python
files, and
This homework has less workload than the previous two.
All the results, figures, and parameters should be placed inside the IPython notebook
file hw4.ipynb.
PROBLEM a (70 points)
You are asked to experiment with recurrent neural networks and input embeddings.
Start by going through the Deep Learning Tutorials Project, especially, the Theano
scan function and RNN [1, 2, 3]. The source code provided in the Homework 4
repository is excerpted from
You will be using the Airline Travel Information System (ATIS) dataset. A python
routine called load data is provided to you for downloading and preprocessing the
dataset. You should use it, unless you have absolute reason not to. The first time
you call load data, it will take you some time to download the dataset.
(i) Go through the RNN tutorial. Then, run the code and experiment with the
parameters. In particular, use two different values for the number hidden units,
the size of context window, and the dimension of the word embeddings (23 = 8
experiments in total). Document your choice of parameters, and discuss the
testing accuracy.
(ii) Repeat your experiments in (i), but without normalizing the word embeddings
after each update. Document your choice of parameters, and discuss the testing
(iii) The RNN used in the tutorial contains only one hidden layer. Similar to MLPs,
RNNs can have multiple hidden layers. Here, you are asked to implement an
RNN with two hidden layers by adding one extra hidden layer to the RNNSLU
class. Like the first hidden layer, the second hidden layer has hidden-to-hidden
recurrence (see Figure 10.3 of the textbook). After finishing the implementation,
experiment with the parameters, especially, those mentioned in (i) plus the
number of hidden units in the second hidden layers (pick two values). Document
your choice of parameters, and discuss the testing accuracy.
(iv) The RNN used in this problem implements a word embedding representation
F which maps a word x (ex., x =“puppy”) to a real-valued high dimensional vector F(x) = y, y ∈ R
N . Interestingly, the semantic relation between
two words is translated to the embedding representation [4]. For example,
F(“Spain”) − F(“Madrid”) ≈ F(“France”) − F(“Paris”). Explore the word
embeddings learned in (i). Could you find any interesting relations between
word pairs?
PROBLEM b (30 points)
Here, you are asked to revisit the universal approximation theory. In particular,
implement a shallow MLP (2-layer), a deep MLP, and a RNN to learn the parity
function. Although the universal approximation theory guarantees that the parity
function can be learned by a neural network, a 2-layer MLP (one hidden layer) might
need an enormous number of hidden neurons (on the order of magnitude of an exponential in the number of input bits). In contrast, a deep MLP requires significantly
lower number of neurons and a RNN requires even less.
(i) Implement a 2-layer MLP to learn the parity function for 8-bit inputs. Repeat
the problem for 12-bit inputs. Can you achieve 100% test accuracy in both
cases? Document the configuration of your implementation.
(ii) Implement a deep MLP to learn the parity functions as in (i). Document the
configuration of your implementation, and compare the number of parameters
you used in (i) and (ii). Are you able to learn the parity function?
(iii) Implement a RNN to learn the parity functions. Document the configuration
of your implementation. Are you able to learn the parity function?
If you have any questions you are advised to use Piazza forum which is accessible
through Canvas system.
[1] Grgoire Mesnil, Xiaodong He, Li Deng and Yoshua Bengi, “Investigation of
Recurrent-Neural-Network Architectures and Learning Methods for Spoken Language Understanding,” Interspeech, 2013.
[2] Gokhan Tur, Dilek Hakkani-Tur and Larry Heck, “What is left to be understood
in ATIS?” In Proceedings of SLT, 2010.
[3] Christian Raymond and Giuseppe Riccardi, “Generative and discriminative algorithms for spoken language understanding,” Interspeech, 2007.
[4] Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg S. Corrado, Jeff Dean, “Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality,”
NIPS, 2013.

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