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Homework #4 Multi-Layer Perceptron

Engineering Applications of Machine Learning and
Data Analytics
Homework #4 
Instructions: There are four problems. X Partial credit is given for answers that are partially
correct. No credit is given for answers that are wrong or illegible. Write neatly.
You must submit two PDFs on D2L. The first PDF has the results to the analytical questions
as well as figures that are generated
Problem 1: Problem 2:
Problem 3: :

1 Multi-Layer Perceptron [20pts]
In class we discussed the derivation of the backpropagation algorithm for neural networks. In this
problem, you will train a neural network on the CIFAR10 data set. Train a Multi-Layer Perceptron
(MLP) neural network on the CIFAR10 data set. This is an opened implementation problem,
but I expect that you implement the MLP with at least two different hidden layer sizes and use
• Report the classification error on the training and testing data each configuration of the neural
network. For example, you should report the results in the form of a table
Classification Error
training testing
50HLN+no regularization 0.234 0.253
50HLN+L2 regularization 0.192 0.203
250HLN+no regularization 0.134 0.153
250HLN+L2 regularization 0.092 0.013
List all the parameters that you are using (i.e., number of learning rounds, regularization
parameters, learning rate, etc.)
• I would suggest using Google’s TensorFlow, PyTorch or Keras library to implement the MLP;
however, you are free to use whatever library you’d like. If that is the case, here is a link to
the data
• I recommend using a cloud platform such as Google Colab to run the code.

2 Adaboost [20pts]
Write a class that implements the Adaboost algorithm. Your class should be similar to sklearn’s
in that it should have a fit and predict method to train and test the classifier, respectively. You
should also use the sampling function from Homework #1 to train the weak learning algorithm,
which should be a shallow decision tree. The Adaboost class should be compared to sklearn’s
implementation on datasets from the course Github page.

3 Recurrent Neural Networks for Languange Modeling [20pts]
Read “LSTM: A Search Space Odyssey” ( One application
of an RNN is the ability model language, which is what your phone does when it is predicting the
top three words when you’re texting. In this problem, you will need to build a language model.
You are encouraged to start out with the code here. While this code will implement a language
model, you are required to modify the code to attempt to beat the baseline for the experiments they
have implemented. For example, one modification would be to train multiple language models and
average, or weight, their outputs to generate language. Write a couple of paragraphs about what
you did and if the results improve the model over the baseline on Github.

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