EECS 492/592
Homework 4: Planning (100 pts)
● Submit a pdf of your work to gradescope, making sure to mark all pages relevant
to each outlined section on gradescope (including relevant code and output)
● Append all written pddl code and all graphplan output to the relevant portions of
your pdf (no need to submit on canvas too)
This assignment will give you practice with algorithms and representations used by planning
agents. Topics covered include PDDL, graphplan, partial order planning, and planning with partial
observability and nondeterminism. By the end, you should understand the design principles
involved in planning agents, and be able to construct new planning agents to solve problems in
new situations.
Before starting this assignment, you should read and be familiar with chapter 10 and section 11.3
of R & N (Russell and Norvig, 3rd edition).
Problem 1: Graphplan (60 pts)
You’ve got three bookshelves labeled Sh0, Sh1, and Sh2. Shelf Sh0 supports a stack of your
favorite AI textbooks: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Russel and Norvig), Pattern
Recognition and Machine Learning (Bishop), Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems
(Pearl), and Foundations of Machine Learning (Mohri, Rostamizadeh, Talwalker). Abbreviate
these as RN, B, P, and MRT respectively. See Figure 1 for the setup.
Your objective is to read all of the books, and also reorganize Sh0 so that RN is on top
(since you need it for EECS 492, of course) and the rest of the books are in the same order as
before. To do this, you have two available actions: Read and Move. You can only move a book to a
destination if both the book and the destination are clear (the book can’t be underneath another
book, and neither can the destination). You can only read a book if it is clear and you haven’t read
it before. The PDDL specification is as follows:
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
Move(x, y, z):
Precond: Clear(x), On(x,y), Clear(z), x ≠ z
Effect: On(x,z), ¬On(x,y), Clear(y), ¬Clear(z)
Precond: Book(x), Clear(x), Unread(x)
Effect: ¬Unread(x)
Sh0, Sh1, Sh2, RN, B, P, MRT
Clear, On, Unread
On(MRT,P), On(P,B), On(B,RN), On(RN,Sh0), Clear(MRT), Clear(Sh1),
Clear(Sh2), Book(RN), Book(P), Book(B), Book(MRT), Unread(MRT),
Unread(P), Unread(B), Unread(RN)
Clear(RN), On(RN,MRT), On(MRT,P), On(P,B), On(B,Sh0), ¬Unread(RN),
¬Unread(B), ¬Unread(P), ¬Unread(MRT)
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
A. (2 pts) In this world, we prohibit moving shelves. Why don’t we need Book(x) as a
precondition for Move to accomplish this?
B. (8 pts) Draw the planning graph for this problem up to level S1. Remember, the ordering
of levels goes S0, A0, S1, A1, S2 … etc. See figures 10.8 and 10.10 in the textbook for
examples. Do not draw the mutex lines (the graph is already cluttered enough). You may
draw this on paper and scan it into the computer, or (preferably) you may draw it on the
computer using a program like Google Drawings. Note: The examples in the book show
lots of negated literals in S0. Since we will use the closed-world assumption in this
problem, do not include negated literals in the graph unless they are necessary (necessary
meaning that they are preconditions of non-persistence actions or effects of
non-persistence actions). When reasoning about mutexes, only reason about literals and
actions that are shown in the graph. Technically, any literal added by a non-persistence
action is mutex with its negation - but there is no need for us to include all those cases
unless they arise naturally in the graph from effects of other non-persistence actions.
Second note: You should use the unique names assumption in this problem; that is, two
objects with different names are assumed to be not equal. Use this assumption when
satisfying the x ≠ z precondition of the move action; however, do not show the inequality
conditions explicitly in your planning graph or count them in your mutexes. You can
assume them in the background, and just not add actions like Move(MRT, P, MRT) to your
planning graph.
C. Answer the following questions about your planning graph. The types of mutexes can be
found in section 10.3.2 of the textbook or the lecture slides.
i. (8 pts) How many distinct pairs of mutex actions (including persistence actions)
are there in A0? List the pairs and categorize them. Use the notation P[On(RN,
Sh0)] to denote persistence actions. State how many mutexes are due to each of
inconsistent effects, interference, and competing needs. Remember, some mutexes
can fall into more than one category.
ii. (8 pts) How many distinct pairs of mutex literals are there in S1? List them and
categorize them. State how many are due to each of inconsistent support and
complement. Remember, some can fall into more than one category.
iii. (3 pts) Will clear(Sh1) and clear(Sh2) ever be mutex? Why or why not?
iv. (10 pts) List all non-persistence actions in level A1 (you don’t have to draw them
in your graph). How many are there? How many distinct pairs of them are mutex
due to competing needs? Next to each action you list, give the number of
competing needs mutexes that it is a part of with other non-persistence actions.
v. (4 pts) In any planning graph, the number of actions in the action layers is always
monotonically increasing. Explain why. (Note: understanding this may help you
answer the previous question, for it is easy to forget some actions…)
D. (7 pts) In this part, you will use an existing graphplan library to solve the problem. You
will need an installation of Lisp, as well as the Sensory Graphplan (SGP) package. Follow
the instructions in the separate SGP/Lisp handout to set up the necessary software. Once
you can successfully run graphplan on the demo problems in SGP, create your own
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
planning file titled “bookshelf.pddl”. Specify the PDDL under the domain
“bookshelf-domain”, and specify our particular instance of the problem under problem
“bookshelf-organize”. We have provided you with an outline bookshelf.pddl file doing
most of this for you - fill in the rest of the file yourself. Place the file “bookshelf.pddl” in
the “domains” subdirectory of the SGP package. To construct a plan, navigate to the SGP
directory, start Lisp, and type the following commands in the Lisp command line:
(load "C:\\full\\path\\to\\file\\loader.lisp") ;; For windows
(load "loader.lisp") ;; for Mac or Linux
(in-package :gp)
(load-domains "bookshelf.pddl")
(dribble "bookshelf.out") ;; Send output to a file
(plan 'bookshelf-organize) ;; the apostrophe is necessary
(dribble) ;; Stop sending output to the file
Note that in Lisp, semicolons are used for comments, so don’t type the semicolons in your
commands. To debug your code, you can use the commands (trace-gp top-level)
and (trace-gp actions) before invoking the planner to print more information
about the planning graph, but do not include this extra output in your pdf, as it takes up a
huge amount of space.
Paste your completed version of bookshelf.pddl in your pdf, as well as the output /
generated plan.
E. Answer the following questions about the plan generated by SGP:
i. (2 pts) Briefly describe in English what the plan does.
ii. (1 pt) How many actions were in the plan?
iii. (1 pt) How many levels of the planning graph were created?
iv. (2 pts) Why is the number of levels less than the number of actions?
F. (4 pts) If we give the graphplan algorithm a goal that is impossible to achieve, will
graphplan necessarily terminate? Why or why not?
Problem 2: Partial-Order Planning (22 pts)
As a dutiful college student, you want to accomplish several tasks before you go to bed. You want
to have your homework done and be logged off your computer (so your roommate cannot mess
with your social media while you are asleep). You also want to watch a relaxing movie on Netflix,
but have decided that before watching Netflix, you must first read a chapter of your textbook and
do your laundry. The PDDL specification of this problem is below:
Actions: Netflix, Read, DoLaundry, DoHomework, LogOff
Predicates: LoggedOn, BookRead, LaundryDone, MovieWatched, HaveBook,
BookRead, AtHome, HomeworkDone
Action Specifications
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
Preconditions: LoggedOn, BookRead, LaundryDone
Effects: MovieWatched
Preconditions: HaveBook
Effects: BookRead
Preconditions: AtHome
Effects: LaundryDone
Preconditions: LoggedOn
Effects: HomeworkDone
Preconditions: LoggedOn
Effects: ¬LoggedOn
Initial State
AtHome, LoggedOn, HaveBook
¬LoggedOn, HomeworkDone, MovieWatched
A. (2 pts) In PDDL, define the Start and Finish actions that will be used by your partial
order planner (easy, not a trick question).
B. (10 pts) A partial plan consists of several items: a list of actions, a set of causal links, a set
of orderings, a set of threats, and a set of unsatisfied preconditions. A causal link is a
tuple (action 1, precondition, action 2) which indicates that action 1 causes the given
precondition of action 2 to be true. An ordering is a statement “action 1 < action 2” which
says that action 1 must be done before action 2. Note that every causal link is paired with
an ordering, but there can be orderings without causal links. A threat is a pair (action,
causal link) which indicates that the given action threatens the given causal link by
making the precondition in the causal link false. Threats must be resolved by adding
ordering constraints: the threatening action must either come before the first action in
the causal link or after the second action in the causal link. Always add the fewest
constraints necessary to resolve the problem. Finally, an unsatisfied precondition is a
tuple (precondition, action) for some precondition of an action listed in the partial plan
that is not yet part of a causal link. A plan is complete if it has no threats and no
unsatisfied preconditions.
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
Partial-order planning works by taking an initial partial plan and making incremental
refinements until the plan is complete. A refinement to a plan is one of three things:
● The addition of an action to the plan to resolve one unsatisfied precondition
(along with the causal link, necessary ordering constraints, and any new
unsatisfied preconditions and threats)
● The addition of a causal link between existing actions to the plan to resolve one
unsatisfied precondition (along with the necessary ordering constraints and any
new threats)
● The addition of an ordering constraint to the plan to resolve a threat
For example, here are the first two partial plans in a sequence that solves the problem:
P0: Initial plan
Actions: (Start, Finish)
Causal Links: {}
Orderings: {Start < Finish}
Unsatisfied Preconditions: {(MovieWatched, Finish), (¬LoggedOn,
Finish), (HomeworkDone, Finish)}
Threats: {}
P1: Add action Netflix
Actions: (Start, Finish, Netflix)
Causal Links: { (Netflix, MovieWatched, Finish)}
Orderings: {Start < Finish, Start < Netflix, Netflix < Finish}
Unsatisfied Preconditions: {(¬LoggedOn, Finish), (HomeworkDone,
Finish), (LoggedOn, Netflix), (BookRead, Netflix), (LaundryDone,
Threats: {}
Using the same notation, extend this sequence of partial plans until you have found a
complete plan. At each step, put new additions to the plan in boldface. State the
refinement you made next to each partial plan number, by saying either “add action X,”
“add causal link X,” or “resolve threat X by adding Y.” Although in practice a partial order
planner may get stuck and need to backtrack, do not backtrack here (the problem is
simple enough that you should be able to find an uninterrupted sequence of refinements
that achieve a complete plan).
At the end, state how many causal links and orderings are in your final plan, as well as
how many different threats were encountered along the way.
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
C. (4 pts) Draw the partial-order diagram for the complete partial plan you found in part B.
See figure 10.13 in the book or the lecture slides for examples.
D. Answer the following questions about the plan you found in part B, and about
partial-order planning in general:
i. (3 pts) In general, why do we need to use an indexed list of actions (or some
similar data structure) rather than a set of actions in a partial-order planner? Give
an example of when this would be necessary. (Hint: what happens if you add more
than one of the same object to a set?)
ii. (3 pts) A linearization of a partial plan is a totally ordered sequence of all the
actions in the plan that obeys the ordering constraints of the partial plan. How
many ways can your complete plan be linearized? Show your work.
Problem 3: Nondeterminism and Partial Observability (18 pts)
You are constructing a robot that can train your dog to sit. Unfortunately, dogs often do not do
what they are expected to do, introducing lots of nondeterminism into the environment. Your
agent can tell the dog to sit, but the dog may instead remain standing, or it may lie down. If it
remains standing, the agent needs to repeat the sit command until the dog obeys. If the dog lies
down, the agent needs to make the dog stand up again. If the dog sits on command, it should get a
treat; however, sometimes a bird swoops down and steals the treat, in which case the agent
needs to use another treat. We specify this in PDDL as follows. The “OR” in the effects marks
Action Schemas:
Precond: DogStanding
Effect: DogSitting, ¬DogStanding OR DogStanding OR DogLyingDown,
Precond: DogLyingDown
Effect: DogStanding, ¬DogLyingDown OR DogLyingDown
Precond: DogSitting
Effect: HappyDog OR TreatStolen
Precond: TreatStolen
Effect: TreatStolen OR HappyDog, ¬TreatStolen
Initial State :
EECS 492/592 Winter 2017 Prof. Ed Durfee
A. (3 pts) Write pseudocode for a contingent planner that solves this problem (see the
pseudocode in section 11.3.2 for an example).
B. (4 pts) Draw your solution from A as an And-Or graph (see figure 4.12 in the textbook).
Loop back to repeated states. Only draw arrows for the actions that are part of your
solution (the bolded parts of figure 4.12). This means that every Or-node in your And-Or
graph will have only one action arrow emanating from it. And-nodes, of course, may have
multiple arrows.
C. (4 pts) Now we will modify the problem to account for partial observability. We now have
dog, bird, and nothing as explicit objects, an InView(x) predicate, a
ChangeView(x,y) action, and percept schema for the state of the world. Initially
nothing is in view. You do not know the state of the dog unless the dog is in view, nor do
you know the state of the bird unless the bird is in view. Instead of allowing for the
possibility of treats being stolen, you will only give a treat if the bird is not present. To
accomplish this, we remove the GiveAnotherTreat action and replace it with the
PrepareTreat action, which requires that the dog is sitting, and the effect of which is
TreatPrepared. The preconditions of GiveTreat are now TreatPrepared and
¬BirdPresent . We also add a Wait action, which requires BirdPresent and has no
effect. Modify the given PDDL to fit this new description by adding percept schema and
adding/deleting/modifying actions. You may also need to modify the initial state.
D. (4 pts) Write pseudocode for a new conditional plan based on the changes you made in
part C.
E. (3 pts) What would you need to know to decide whether an online replanner or a
contingency planner is a better choice in this scenario?