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Homework #4 Problem: Implement Bagging and AdaBoost

CS6375: Machine Learning 
Homework #4

Problem: Implement Bagging and AdaBoost based on the decision tree code that you developed in Homework 3. This code has to be modified to work with ensemble methods. Ensure that your code is modified
and organized as follows:
a. For this assignment, we will continue to restrict ourselves to binary trees. However, the functions to
compute entropy, mutual information, id3 and error must be modified in order to take weighted examples.
Specifically, make sure your code contains the modified the function headers:
• def entropy(y, w=None ):
• def mutual information(x, y, w=None ):
• def id3(x, y, attribute value pairs=None, max depth=5, depth=0, w=None ):
• def compute error(y true, y pred, w=None ):
b. Implement three new functions:
• bagging(x, y, max depth, num trees)
• boosting(x, y, max depth, num stumps) and
• predict example(x, h ens), where h ens is an ensemble of weighted hypotheses. The ensemble is
represented as an array of pairs [(alpha i, h i)], where each hypothesis and weight are represented
by the pair: (alpha i, h i).
Data Sets: We will use the Mushroom Data Set1
from the UCI Repository for this assignment. There are
22 attributes in this data set, of which we have dropped the attribute (stalk-root) as it contains too many
missing values. The data set has been converted from string to integer, with the unique feature values being
assigned indices starting from 0 in alphabetical order. Also note that rather than perform the classical task
of predicting whether the mushroom is poisonous or edible, our classification task is to predict (bruises?).
Experiments: Once you have debugged and tested your code, run the following experiments and write a
brief report answering the following questions:
a. (Bagging, 20 points) Construct four models for each combination of maximum depth d = 3, 5 and
bag size (k = 5, 10). Report the confusion matrix for these four settings.
b. (Boosting, 20 points) Construct four models for each combination of maximum depth d = 1, 2 and
ensemble size (k = 5, 10). Report the confusion matrix for these four settings.
c. (scikit-learn, 40 points) Use scikit-learn’s bagging and AdaBoost learners and repeat the experiments as described in parts (a) and (b) above. Report the confusion matrices for these sets of
settings. What can you say about the quality of your implementation’s performance versus scikit’s
Upload: Make sure all your code, including the (modified) decision tree functionality, is in a single file.
Also ensure that your code can be it can be executed by calling the main function. Upload your file through
e-Learning before the deadline.
Homework # 4 1 Due: via e-Learning and in class April 15 (Monday)

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