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Homework 4: Scheme warming up

Programming Languages Concepts

Homework 4: Scheme warming up

Submission: you should submit via Canvas a DrRacket file with Scheme
code in. Please clearly mark your answers using comments so that we can
tell the correspondence between your code and questions.
1. (3 points) Go through a brief tutorial about the DrRacket programming environment at
html. Be sure to change the language to R5RS.
Code the Fibonacci function in DrRacket, which is defined as follows:
f ib(n) =

0 if n = 0
1 if n = 1
f ib(n − 1) + f ib(n − 2) if n 1
To check your result, use DrRacket to compute the result of f ib(20),
which should be 6765. You only need to submit your Scheme code for
the Fibonacci function.
2. (3 points) Hofstadter Female and Male sequences are a pair of mutually
recursive functions defined as follows:
F(0) = 1
M(0) = 0
F(n) = n − M(F(n − 1)), when n 0
M(n) = n − F(M(n − 1)), when n 0
Write these two functions in Scheme.
3. (3 points) The Euclid’s algorithm for computing the greatest common
divisor of two numbers is one of the oldest algorithms. It can be defined
recursively as follows (if you are not familiar with how it works, you
should use the internet to find out):
gcd(x, y) = (
x if y = 0
gcd(y,remainder(x, y)) if y 0
Turn the gcd function to Scheme code. Scheme has a built-in remainder
function, which you can use for this problem. Also, Scheme already
has a built-in gcd function, which you shouldn’t use. To avoid name
conflicts, you should rename your gcd function to be something else
such as mygcd.
4. (3 points) Write a higher-order function ncall that takes three parameters: n, f, x; it returns x when n = 0, returns f(x) when n = 1,
returns f(f(x)) when n = 2, etc. That is, it returns the result of
calling f on x, for n times. For instance, invoking ncall with n = 4,
the add-one function, and x = 2 should return 6.

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