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Homework 4 Tikhonov regularization

Homework 4
1. Tikhonov regularization. Sometimes we have competing objectives. For example, we want
to find a w that minimizes ky − Xwk2 (least-squares), but we also want the weights w to be
small. One way to achieve a compromise is to solve the following problem:
minimize ky − Xwk
2 + λ kwk
where λ > 0 is a parameter we choose that determines the relative weight we want to assign
to each objective. This is called Tikhonov regularization (also known as L2 regularization).
a) Solve the optimization problem (1) by finding an expression for the minimizer wˆ.
Hint: one approach is to reformulate (1) as a modified least-squares problem with
different “X” and “y” matrices. Another approach is to use the vector derivative method
we saw in class.
b) Suppose that X ∈ R
, with n < p. Is there a unique least squares solution? Is there
a unique solution to (1) ? Explain your answers.
2. In 1936 Ronald Fisher published a famous paper on classification titled “The use of multiple
measurements in taxonomic problems.” In the paper, Fisher study the problem of classifying
iris flowers based on measurements of the sepal and petal widths and lengths, depicted in the
image below.
Fisher’s dataset is available in Matlab (fisheriris.mat) and is widely available on the web
(e.g., Wikipedia). The dataset consists of 50 examples of three types of iris flowers. The sepal
and petal measurements can be used to classify the examples into the three types of flowers.
a) Formulate the classification task as a least squares problem. Least squares will produce
real-valued predictions, not discrete labels or categories. What might you do to address
this issue?
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b) Write a Matlab or Python program to “train” a classifier using LS based on 40 labeled
examples of each of the three flower types, and then test the performance of your classifier
using the remaining 10 examples from each type. Repeat this with many different
randomly chosen subsets of training and test. What is the average test error (number
of mistakes divided by 30)?
c) Experiment with even smaller sized training sets. Clearly we need at least one training
example from each type of flower. Make a plot of average test error as a function of
training set size.
d) Now design a classifier using only the first three measurements (sepal length, sepal width,
and petal length). What is the average test error in this case?
e) Use a 3d scatter plot to visualize the measurements in (d). Can you find a 2-dimensional
subspace that the data approximately lie in? You can do this by rotating the plot and
looking for plane that approximately contains the data points.
f) Use this subspace to find a 2-dimensional classification rule. What is the average test
error in this case?
3. In this problem you will work with an analyze the dasaset jesterdata.mat, which is available
on the moodle site. The dataset contains an m = 100 by n = 7200 dimensional matrix X.
Each row of X corresponds to a joke, and each column corresponds to a user. Each of the
users rated the quality of each joke on a scale of [−10, 10].
a) Suppose that you work for a company that makes joke recommendations to customers.
You are given a large dataset X of jokes and ratings. It contains n reviews for each of m
jokes. The reviews were generated by n users who represent a diverse set of tastes. Each
reviewer rated every movie on a scale of [−10, 10]. A new customer has rated k = 25 of
the jokes, and the goal is to predict another joke that the customer will like based on
her k ratings. Use the first n = 20 columns of X for this prediction problem (so that the
problem is overdetermined). Her ratings are contained in the file newuser.mat, also on
moodle, in a vector b. The jokes she didn’t rate are indicated by a (false) score of −99.
Compare your predictions to her complete set of ratings, contained in the vector trueb.
Her actual favorite joke was number 29. Does it seem like your predictor is working
b) Repeat the prediction problem above, but this time use the entire X matrix. Note
that now the problem is underdetermined. Explain how you will solve this prediction
problem and apply it to the data. Does it seem like your predictor is working? How
does it compare to the first method based on only 20 users?
c) Propose a method for finding one other user that seems to give the best predictions for
the new user. How well does this approach perform? Now try to find the best two users
to predict the new user.
d) Use the Matlab function svd with the ‘economy size’ option to compute the SVD of
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. Plot the sprectrum of X. What is the rank of X? How many dimensions
seem important? What does this tell us about the jokes and users?
e) Visualize the dataset by projecting the columns and rows on to the first three principle
component directions. Use the rotate tool in the Matlab plot to get different views of
the three dimensional projections. Discuss the structure of the projections and what it
might tell us about the jokes and users.
f) One easy way to compute the first principle component for large datasets like this is
the so-called power method (see
Explain the power method and why it works. Write your own code to implement the
power method in Matlab and use it to compute the first column of U and V in the SVD
of X. Does it produce the same result as Matlab’s built-in svd function?
g) The power method is based on an initial starting vector. Give one example of a starting
vector for which the power method will fail to find the first left and right singular vectors
in this problem.
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