CS 534: Machine Learning
Homework 5
Submission Instructions:
The homework must be submitted electronically on Gradescope as a single submission. Each
question must be tagged appropriately (you need to set which page the problem is on), otherwise
you may lose credit. The answer must also be explicit, if you are exporting an iPython notebook,
you will need to add remarks to denote your final answer for the question.
The code can be done in Python, R, or MATLAB. The use of any other programming language
must be confirmed with Huan (TA). Source code must be submitted separately on Canvas (the
deadline is 15 minutes after the Gradescope submission) and zipped into a single file. There is no
need to attach the data, and you can assume the data will be in the same directory as the code.
The source code should be executable and there should be no explicit path names for the data files
(joyce/CS534/HW5/train.csv is an example of hard-coding).
1. (5 + 3 + 2 = 10 pts) (Illustrating the “curse of dimensionality”)
For a hypersphere of radius a in d dimensions, the volume is related to the surface area of a
unit hypersphere (S) as
V =
S × a
(a) Use this result to show that the fraction of the volume which lies at values of the radius
between a − ? and a, where 0 < ? < a, is given by f = 1 − (1 − ?/a)
. Hence, show that
for any fixed ?, no matter how small, this fraction tends to 1 as d → ∞.
(b) Evaluate the ratio f numerically by plotting the results for different values of ?/a = 0.01
and d = 1, 10, 100, and 1000.
(c) What conclusions can you draw from the plot?
2. (3 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 10 = 25 pts) PCA & NMF
Load the college dataset Colleges.txt provided.
(a) Preprocess the data by removing missing data and properly dealing with categorical
(b) Run PCA on this processed data. Report how many components were needed to capture
95% of the variance in the normalized data. Discuss what characterizes the first 3
principal components (i.e., which original features are important).
(c) Normalize the data (where applicable) and run PCA on the normalized data. Report
how many components were needed to capture 95% of the variance in the normalized
data. Discuss what characterizes the first 3 principal components (i.e., which original
features are important).
(d) Discuss why you should normalize the data before performing PCA.
(e) Run NMF on the normalized data using R = 3. Discuss what characterizes the 3
components. How much variance does it capture?
3. (2+15+3=20 points) Predicting Loan Defaults with k-Nearest Neighbors
Consider the Loan Defaults dataset from Homework #3, loan default.csv. You will be
using k-NN to predict whether or not a customer will default on a loan.
(a) Preprocess the dataset for k-NN. What did you do and why?
(b) Build a k-NN nearest neighbor classifier on the dataset. What was your model assessment
and selection strategy (e.g., what were you hyperparameters)? What were the optimal
(c) Evaluate the best k-NN model using the hyperparameters from (b). In other words, how
well does it do on the test data?
4. (2+20+3=25 points) Predicting Loan Defaults with Neural Networks Consider
the Loan Defaults dataset from Homework #3, loan default.csv. You will be using neural
networks to predict whether or not a customer will default on a loan. Note that neural
networks can be quite expensive you might want to use a beefier machine to do this.
(a) Preprocess the dataset for neural networks. What did you do and why?
(b) Build a feedforward neural network on your dataset. How did you select hyperparameters
and what were the optimal hyperparameters?
(c) Evaluate the best neural model using the hyperparameters from (b). In other words,
how well does it do on the test data?
5. (7 + 5 + 8 = 20 points) Model Bake-off for Predicting Loan Defaults
We will consider a new test subsample loan default 2.csv from the Lending Club Loan
Data to compare various models and determine the ’best’ model for this dataset. All the
models will be evaluated on this new test subsample in terms of AUC, F1, and F2.
(a) Select the top 5 features from the dataset (loan default.csv) and build an unregularized logistic regression model. Specify how you select the top 5 features. How well does
it perform on the new test subsample?
(b) Starting from Homework 3, you’ve used decision trees, random forests, SVM, k-NN
and neural networks. For each of these 5 models, re-train the model using the optimal
hyperparameters from your homeworks (you should avoid re-tuning to save yourself time)
on all of the 2850 training data loan default.csv. How well does it perform on the
new test subsample?
(c) Using the model from (a) as the baseline, how does all the more ’complex’ models
compare to the baseline? Compare and contrast the various models with respect to
interpretability, computation time, and predictive performance. If you were the loan
officer using this model, which one would you use to guide whether or not to give a loan?