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Homework 5 Visualizer of Data Structures

Homework 5 (final)
CS:2230 Computer Science II: Data Structures

The contents necessary to complete the assignment will be covered until
slightly after its announcement time (but before one week before the deadline)
to motivate attention in class. Rules:
• Submission through ICON, not email, of the source files (.java) only.
• Submissions must be of high quality, without errors.
• The homework is to be completed alone. You can still talk with peers
about solution ideas and general concepts.
• Do not use libraries nor additional classes unless permitted by the problems.
• Any fields or methods that are not included in the provided specification must be left private or protected.
• Late or improper submissions will receive 0 points.
CHOOSE ONE. Each problem outlined in this statement involves a considerable amount of work. Choose only one problem and work on it thoroughly.
Want to work on a different problem? You can negotiate this with the
professor. An acceptable problem for this homework must involve intelligent
and efficient data organization and manipulation, and should not be easier
than the problems presented here.
Outstanding homework. If the homework provided is outstanding (perfectly implemented and doing substantially more than required), you can be
awarded additional points for your overall homework grade.
Implementation of trees. Trees should be searched using recursion and
smartly, especially if they are search trees. (What is the purpose of data
structures if they are facilitate performance, anyway?)
Provide documentation. Besides the source code you will submit, you
must also submit a .pdf file explaining the structure of your program and
any algorithmic and/or design decisions with respect to the data structures
and their implementation.
1 Visualizer of Data Structures
Implement a visualizer of data structures, showing their evolution as operations are performed on them. The flow of the application you are to
implement is as follows:
1. After opening, the user is to choose an implementation of an abstract
data type from a menu.
2. After choosing the ADT implementation, its internal structure is displayed by the application.
3. Then, the user should choose an action (e.g., inserting a number or
String) on the chosen ADT, and its updated structure should be displayed.
4. Step 3 should be repeated until the user decides to close the application.
Expected work. The number of implementations of ADTs and the type
of user interface depends on whether you work alone or in pairs:
User interface Total ADTs Tree ADTs
Alone Text 3 1
Pair Graphical 5 1
Suggested ADT implementations. The following is the list of implementations of ADTs that I suggest you to implement:
1. Stack as circular array. Methods: push(String), and pop(). The array
must have initial size of 4 and duplicate its size as more capacity is
2. Stack as linked list. Methods: push(String), and pop().
3. Queue as a circular array. Methods: enqueue(String), and dequeue().
The array must have initial size of 4 and duplicate its size as more
capacity is needed.
4. Queue as a linked list. Methods: enqueue(String), and dequeue().
5. Deque as circular array. Methods: addFirst(String), addLast(String),
removeFirst(), removeLast(). The array must have initial size of 4 and
duplicate its size as more capacity is needed.
6. Deque as [double] linked list. Methods: addFirst(String), addLast(String),
removeFirst(), removeLast().
7. List as array. Methods: add(String), add(index,String), remove(index).
The array must have initial size of 4 and duplicate its size as more
capacity is needed.
8. List as linked list. Methods: add(String), add(index,String), remove(index).
9. Binary Search Tree. Methods: add(String), remove(String).
10. AVL BST. Methods: add(String), remove(String).
Note: the application should not crash upon invalid input or operations.
It must notify the user and continue normally. For example, dequeueing
from an empty queue should only produce a notification to the user (“cannot
dequeue from empty queue” or something alike), and ask the user for more
operations on the queue.
2 Data Mining
For this problem, you are to implement a few classifiers and an interface for
loading data (.csv files).
Classification is the task of predicting a class for a set of data points or
instances. The table below exemplifies six instances, with their attributes
and their respective classes (study home or play tennis):
outlook windy humidity temperature class
rain false high hot study
sunny false normal normal play
overcast true low cold play
overcast false low normal play
rain true high hot play
sunny true high normal study
Classification is very important in practice. It has applications to medical
diagnosis, insurance, marketing, quality control, etc., including every day
decision making (example below).
We are interested in the problem of predicting the class of each instance
as well as possible. Prediction means that our predictions are tested against
data not used in training. The task of training consists in adapting a data
structure using data. This is normally done with 90% of the data. Then,
testing is done with the remaining 10% of it.
Why not just memorize the data? Memorizing usually yields bad predictions. Data normally contains meaningful patterns and random noise.
Memorization, unfortunately, does not distinguish between them, giving too
much importance to noise.
Example classifier. For the study/play example, the following brief decision tree predicts the class of each instance by looking at the least number
of attributes at once. (In the data mining literature, an attribute is usually
called a feature.)
Note that this is not a binary search tree. In this tree, each node represents an attribute. Each node models a different attribute than its ancestors.
Each child of a node models a different value for the attribute of the node.
Implementation suggestions. You only need to concern with categorical data, meaning, you will not deal with numbers. An attribute can only
assume a finite set of values. For example, outlook ∈ {sunny, overcast,
windy}. Even if the data contained numbers, you should treat the numbers
as categories.
Describe each instance as an array of Strings. An attribute is, then,
represented by an index. Also, the class is not part of the instance. In spite
that you could store it with the instance, do not consider the class to be an
attribute that can be used in prediction! Obviously, the class is unknown at
the time of prediction.
When dividing the data into a testing and training set, you can use an
index to keep track of the instance number. (For example, you could load
the data to an array or a java.util.LinkedList/ArrayList.) Then you can use
the multiples of 10 as testing set and the rest as training set.
You can also assume that the class is binary. Treat labels “true”, “yes”,
“1”, “+”, “positive” as true, and the rest as false.
Expected work. You are to implement a few classifiers and provide a
little interface for loading data, and presenting the results of your classifiers
on the training set, compared through accuracy. What is accuracy? Accuracy
is the rate of correctly predicted classes. If you’ve got 315 correctly predicted
instances out of 380, accuracy is 82.89%. (Use floating number division to
report accuracy.)
If you work alone, you should implement three classifiers. If you work
in pairs, you should implement five classifiers, and provide a graphical user
interface for the program. Regardless of working alone or in pairs, you should
implement at least one tree classifier.
Suggested classifiers.
• Decision BST. Implement this tree as a binary search tree, where
you compare instances component-wise. For example, for instances
A={”rain”,”hot”,”high”}, B={”overcast”,”hot”,”normal”}, C={”rain”,
”cold”,”high”}, you have that A<B, because A[0].compareTo(B[0])<0
(i.e., “overcast”.compareTo(“rain”)0), but note that AB, because
A[0].equals( B[0] )1 and A[1].compareTo( B[1] )0.
Now, on each node you would store a copy of the instance (String[]),
but you would also store two counters: the number of times such instances are in the true class, and the number of times they are in the
false class.
How to classify an instance? When searching an instance through the
tree, if you reach the desired node, return the most encountered class.
However, if you could not find the instance or the number of observations was too small (less than 20 or less 10% of the training set), you
can seek the closest instances and combine their class counts. Then,
answer the majority of the combined nodes.
1For two Strings A,B, both A.equals(B) and A.compareTo(B)==0 denote logical String
• Mismatch BST. The previous BST is just memorization, although
this is partially palliated by allowing the search to combine the answers of nodes. Well, this BST always does that. Training: for an
instance {x,y,z}, for instance, you feed {”*”,y,z}, {x,”*”,z},{z,y,”*”}
to the tree. (I.e., transform an instance of k attributes to k different
instances.) Prediction: for an instance {x,y,z}, search for {”*”,y,z},
{x,”*”,z},{z,y,”*”}, combining all the counts for the true class and all
the counts for the false class. Predict true when it surpasses false.
This is an optimized ranged nearest-neighbors classifier. (Note: adapt
reasonably the idea for when there are more attributes.)
• Majority mismatch BST. It is just as above, but change the prediction rule. Prediction: for an instance {x,y,z}, search for {”*”,y,z},
{x,”*”,z},{z,y,”*”}, obtaining the most frequent class for each. Then,
predict the majority class. (Note: adapt reasonably the idea for when
there are more attributes.)
• Random Forest. For a training set of n instances with k attributes,
you are to divide the k attributes in 15 groups of max(2, k/15) attributes [almost] randomly. Then, train 15 decision trees, one for each
subset of attributes. What class to predict? Whenever predicting an
instance, use the most frequently predicted class among the 15 decision trees. The decision trees can be implemented using any of the
techniques above.
• Decision Stumps. Suppose that most instances with outlook=overcast
have class true, that most instances with humidity=high have class
false, and that most instances with temperature=hot have class true.
Then an instance {”overcast”,”high”,”hot”} can be reduced to true,
false, true, of which the majority is true, so we predict class=true.
(Do not look back to the training set for this classifier; choose a data
structure wisely to perform this task.)
• Majority Rule. The simplest classifier. It is useful to determine
how bad can other classifiers get. Just predict the most common class
encountered in the training set. (If another classifier performs worse
than the majority rule, then it is worthless.)
3 Game Battler
This problem is actually about combinatorial optimization and artificial intelligence. Alas, it is also interesting for data structures.
For this problem, you are to implement a turn-based battle system. In a
battle, there can only be two teams: the user and the computer. Each team
should be composed of the same number of fighters, and the fighters can be
of several types. During a turn, a team can only have one active fighter,
and only one action can be performed: either an active fighter’s action, or
two change the active fighter within a team. (So far, this is pretty much
like Pokemon.) Also, the moves a fighter has are determined by its type,
and they can affect the fighter itself, its team, or the opposing active fighter,
or its team. Each fighter has health points (HP), that decrease with the
opponent’s aggression. A fighter with 0 HP cannot be active any longer;
if there are remaining fighters, the team can have a different active fighter
without losing turns. The battle is lost by the team whose fighters have 0
HP. What is the problem? To make the computer smart, i.e., to let it try to
outsmart the user.
A tiny example. Let us consider a more specific example. (You could
just program this one.) Each team is composed of three fighters, each being
either a knight or a wizard. Both types have 100 health points, but knights
take half damage from physical attacks and wizards take half damage from
magic. Their movesets are:
• Knight
– Melee. Take 40 points out of the active opponent. (Physical.)
– Sacrifice. Both active fighters’ HP is set to 0.
– Heal. Recover 30 HP.
• Wizard
– Flame. Take 40 points out of the active opponent. (Magic.)
– Fireworks. Take 20 points out of each fighter of the opposing
team. (Magic.)
– Group heal. Each member of own team recovers 15 HP.
– Fumes. Each member of the opposing team is poisoned; they lose
5 HP for 4 of their turns.
The problem with such a game is that it requires the computer to be an
strategical adversary. Basically, the AI has to think about future moves and
their outcomes.
Expected work. If you work alone, a simple example like the above is
enough to get the job done. However, you are still to supply a user interface
for playing such a game. Using text should be enough. Also, you are two
implement two AI engines.
If you work in pairs, you must introduce more types of fighters and more
moves. Make sure that the moves are somewhat balanced, i.e., that no one
move is dominated by another rule. (For example, having another Melee
rule for the knight such that the other rule just means taking less HP of the
opponent.) Also, for pairs, the user interface must be graphical. And you
will have to implement four AI engines.
Regardless if you work alone or in pairs, you must implement one treebased AI.
User interface. The game should, at all moments, inform about the HP
and types of the fighters of each team. Naturally, the active fighters of each
team should be depicted clearly. Also, the UI should allow the user to choose
the members of both teams, and the AI engine for the computer.
AI engines. The first AI engine is mandatory to program.
• Delta HP. For this one, you have to implement a tree representing
the actions of both teams. All possible actions. The tree should have
height 8. You must choose the action that leads to the best outcome
in this tree. In this tree, a node represents a turn, so the root starts
from the computer’s turn (ego). Each branch defines a decision, which
are the moves of the active fighter and the decision to change the active fighter. The children represent the user’s turn, and the branches
represent the possible actions taken by the user.
(The tree above depicts a simplified tree representing a subset of the
possible futures foreseen by the engine.)
How to choose the best decision? There are many ways to do so. For
the Delta HP rule, the best path is the one that maximizes the HP of
the computer’s team (ego) minus the HP of the user’s team (alter). If
two options have the same Delta HP outcome, the actor at hand (computer/user) chooses what is best for itself. But note that the computer
will choose the decision that is best for the computer, but the user will
choose what is worst for the computer.
If we consider the case of teams of size 3, composed of knights, and only
thinking of the moves melee and sacrifice, and for three turns only, a
tiny tree could be processed as follows. First, we compute the final HP
of both teams after all decisions.
Then, we make the best choice for the ego, around the leaves.
But the alter chooses what is worst for the ego.
Finally, the first decision by the ego is the one that is best in spite
of the alter’s decision.
• HP Ratio. As the rule for the above tree, the ego should seek the
moves that maximize its HP ratio to the alter’s, i.e., HP(ego)/HP(alter).
The alter seeks to minimize this ratio. Note: to avoid division by zero,
you can replace HP(alter) by 1+HP(alter).
• Survival. The ego should seek the moves that maximize its HP over
time, while the alter seeks the moves that minimize the ego’s HP.
• Kill alter. The ego should seek the moves that minimize the alter’s
HP, while the alter seeks the moves that minimize the ego’s HP (as
• Other criteria? Heuristics? You can propose alternative criteria as
long as they are reasonable.
• Random. When the computer’s turn comes, it chooses a random move
from the active fighter. If the active fighter hit 0 HP, the computer
chooses the remaining fighter to activate at random.
Suggestion: with a clean object-oriented design, this problem can be relatively easy. As a suggestion, you should create a class to represent the state of
the game (e.g., GameState), which should return the available actions (e.g.,
GameState.getActions), update its state by choosing actions (e.g., GameState.applyAction), and is clonable (e.g., GameState.clone()). Cloning is key
for building a tree structure that simulates future states of the game BUT
does not affect the current state at all.

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