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Homework 5: Adding Spell Checking, AutoComplete and Snippets to Your Search Engine

Homework 5:
Adding Spell Checking, AutoComplete and Snippets to Your Search Engine
o Experience using a third party spell program
o Developing efficient methods for accomplishing autocomplete
o Implementing a simple snippet feature for search results
In the previous document (SpellAndAutocompleteInSolr.pdf) you saw how to enhance the Solr
program with spelling correction and an autocomplete (suggest) function. In this exercise you
are asked to use an external spelling correction program in conjunction with Solr and to
enhance the autocomplete functionality of Solr. In addition, the search results you return
should include, in addition to a link to the resulting web page, a snippet that includes one or
more of the query keywords. In the case of spelling correction you may use an existing thirdparty program adapted to your downloaded files. In the case of autocomplete you will need to
enhance your client program that communicates with Solr to deliver autocomplete suggestions
to the web interface you created in an earlier homework. In the case of snippets, you will need
to locate a string in the web page that includes the query terms and output that sentence along
with the link results.
Description of the Exercise
Spelling Correction: in the class lecture you saw a complete spelling correction program
developed by Peter Norvig. The program was written in Python. For this exercise you are
welcome to use whatever third party spelling program you wish, or you may even write your
own. Since most of you wrote your previous homework client using PhP, you may want to
adopt a version of Norvig’s spelling program written in PhP and run it on your server. You can
download the PhP version of Norvig’s spelling corrector from here:
(you will have to register at the site before being able to download the software, registration is free)
If you prefer to use Norvig’s program in a different language, a wide variety of implementations
can be found at the bottom of this page,
You should make sure to enhance your spelling correction program with a set of terms that are
specific to the news website that you are responsible for. You should make sure that common
terms such as politics, election, etc, and the terms used in the queries of homework #4 are
handled. Norvig’s spell correction program uses a text file(‘’big.txt”) to get set of words to
calculate edit distance. For this, you can use any parser (our suggestion - Apache Tika) and
create your own big.txt instead of the one in website. Instructions on using apache Tika for this
purpose can be found here.
Autocomplete: for the autocomplete portion of the exercise, you will have to modify your
client program so it accepts single character insertions to the text box, and returns a list of
There are several ways to implement the autocomplete functionality while using Solr. One
possible way is to use the FuzzyLookupFactory feature of Solr/Lucene. The FuzzyLookupFactory
creates suggestions for misspelled words in fields. It assumes that what you’re sending as the
suggest.query parameter is the beginning of the suggestion. It will match terms in your index
starting with the provided characters. So if the query is "ca" it will return all the words starting
with "ca", e.g. "california" and “carolina" etc. For the first character and second character that
is entered, some autocomplete suggestions should appear.
For this to work you need to enable the suggest component as described in the tutorial but add
some options.
Note: with respect to specific issues about how spelling corrections are displayed or how
autocomplete corrections are displayed you should imitate the way Google handles both. For
example, while typing in the search box, the top suggestions should automatically appear and
be updated as the user keeps typing. The spellcheck suggestion should appear at the top of the
retrieved results. If the word typed is correct no suggestion should appear at the top.
Snippets: To produce a snippet for each of the returned search results you can do the
following: for each search result you should open the web page that is referred to. You should
then look for a string match of the query terms with the web page. Return the first sentence
that provides a match. If no match is found, then no snippet is returned.
Demonstrating Your Solution
There will be an in-class demonstration where all students will demonstration their
implementation. The demonstration will be on the last day of class. Graders will run a script
designed to test your implementation. It will include a set of queries so we can see your
autocomplete functionality. It will contain a set of misspellings so we can examine how well
your spell correction program performs. And we will be looking at the snippets your program
produces for the results returned from the queries.
Submission Instructions
There should be a report describing what you have done. This report should include:
1. Steps you followed to complete this assignment. Include the details of what tools and
techniques you used to implement spelling correction and autocomplete.
2. Analysis of the results: In this you should provide FIVE examples of misspelled terms that are
correctly handled by your spelling correction program. You should also provide FIVE examples
of auto-completion.
3. Using the submit command you should provide a single .zip ( file which
contain the following files
● your report (no more than 5 pages)
• the external spelling correction program that was used
● all source code that you wrote, most especially the code implementing the autocomplete
You are required to submit your results electronically to the csci572 account on SCF. Though
there will be an actual in-class demonstration, you must also submit the above files
electronically, by entering the following command from your Unix prompt:
submit -user csci572 -tag hw5

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