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Homework 5: Craps

CS1372 Homework 5: Craps

This assignment is to make sure you have an understanding of program structure, states, and tiles.
Write a simple game of craps for the GBA. For simplicity, you only have to include “Pass Line” and
“Don’t Pass Line” bets. You must have the following features:
1. The player should be able to select the bet type and the size of the bet.
2. There should be two dice using a random number generator to come up with numbers. The generated
should be seeded dynamically so that the game isn’t the same every time it runs. (Debugging Hint: It
may be helpful to use a constant seed while debugging so that the outcomes are won’t vary every time
you play.)
3. You must use tiles for the dice and all in-game text. You will receive a 0 on this assignment if you do
not use tiles.
4. Your game must also determine if the user wins or loses and find the player’s payout.
For program structure, you should include the following:
1. Structures.
2. Auxiliary function for performing common tasks.
3. Clear segments in your code for performing different tasks.
4. More than one C file.
7. Tiles.
Submit all C files, header files, and your makefile on T-Square. EXTRA CREDIT: Animate the dice being
“rolled”. That is, flash different faces upon until landing on one or something of that nature.
As before, include the following in the top of your main file:
// Name: //
// Prism Account: //
// Collaboration: //
// "I worked on the homework assignment alone, using only //
// course materials." //
// or //
// "I received outside aid on this assigned from the following //
// person(s): //

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