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homework 5 Create Bokeh interactive charts for Lemonade Sales

DS 201X – homework 5
Create Bokeh interactive charts for Lemonade Sales
Sample of Bokeh chart:
More resources:
Bokeh Github:
Import the data from the Lemonade2016-2.csv to Pandas DataFrame
Create Bokeh Charts 1.
1. Create a Circle scatter-plot chart that shows Temperature on the X axis and Sales on the Y axis,
with Revenue/2 (assume that the cost to make a drink is 50%) as the circle size.
2. Fill with any color you like. Have the Fill alpha of 0.5
3. Save output file as output_file("Lastname-DS201X-HW5-plot1.html")
Create Bokeh Charts 2.
1. Create a gridplot of three scatter-plot charts
2. Revenue by Leaflets, Revenue vs. Sales and Sales by Temperature
3. Save output file as output_file("Lastname-DS201X-HW5-plot2.html")
Submit three files on Canvas:
1. your Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb file),
2. Lastname-DS201X-HW5-plot1.html
3. Lastname-DS201X-HW5-plot2.html

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