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Homework #5 (Hadoop MapReduce & Spark)

Homework #5 (Hadoop MapReduce & Spark)
Points: 100
1. [40 points] Write a Hadoop MapReduce program named to find answers to the
following SQL query on the aqi.csv data set (for Air Quality). The file has 10,129 rows, each row
has four values: date, country, status, value.
select status, avg(value)
from aqi
where date like ‘2022-08%’
group by status
having count(value) >= 100;
You are provided with a template for where you can provide the missing code to
produce a complete program. The template also has some hints that may help you.
Before you compile and run the program, please complete the following:
● You should remove the header of aqi.csv file and save it under a directory called
aqi-input on EC2.
● You should comment out OR remove <property>xxx</property> part in core-site.xml.
Here is the path for the core-site.xml file <your hadoop file
● Remember to stop your mysql server before running hadoop(sudo service mysql stop).
You are reminded of the following steps to compile and run the program.
● hadoop
● jar cf sql2mr.jar SQL2MR*.class
● hadoop jar sql2mr.jar SQL2MR aqi-input aqi-output
Submission:, sql2mr.jar, and part-r-00000 file under aqi-output.
2. [30 points] Using the JSON files in and the aqi.csv file, answer the following
questions using Spark DataFrame API. You can use “import pyspark.sql.functions as fc”. Note:
you should not use Spark SQL in this question.
Remember to stop your mysql server before running spark (sudo service mysql stop).
Submission: Copy your Spark DataFrame scripts and outputs into one file and generate PDF to
a. [8 points] Find countries that are in both country.json and aqi.csv.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
b. [8 points] Find (names of) countries that are in aqi.csv but not in country.json. Output
the same countries only once.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
c. [6 points] Find countries that are in country.json but not in aqi.csv.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
d. [8 points] Find answer to the SQL query in Task 1, copied below:
select status, avg(value)
from aqi
where date like ‘2022-08%’
group by status
having count(value) >= 100;
Note that if the “date” column is a timestamp, you may proceed as follows to extract
year and month of the dates:
fc.year('date') # this will get year
fc.month(‘date’) # of this will get month
3. [30 points] Using the JSON files in and the aqi.csv file, answer the same questions
as in Task 2 but using Spark RDD API. Note that you should first convert the dataframe for the
entire data set (e.g., aqi for aqi.csv) to rdd (e.g., using aqi.rdd) and work on the RDDs to solve the
Hint: if date is a datetime, e.g., datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 1, 0, 0), you can use date.year and
date.month to get year and month respectively.
[Row(date=datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 1, 0, 0), country='Albania', …]
Submission: Copy your Spark RDD scripts and outputs into one file and generate PDF to submit.
a. [8 points] Find countries that are in both country.json and aqi.csv.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
b. [8 points] Find (names of) countries that are in aqi.csv but not in country.json.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
c. [6 points] Find countries that are in country.json but not in aqi.csv.
i. Using join
ii. Using set operation
d. [8 points] Find answer to the SQL query in Task 1, copied below:
select status, avg(value)
from aqi
where date like ‘2022-08%’
group by status
having count(value) >= 100;
Note: you are required to use aggregateByKey in question d.
1. Please ZIP your files as a whole .zip file(don’t use any other compress type such as ‘.rar’) and
submit. Otherwise you may not be able to submit because of D2L security reasons.
2. For Q1:, sql2mr.jar, and part-r-00000 file under aqi-output
3. For Q2: Copy your Spark DataFrame scripts and outputs into one file and generate PDF to
4. For Q3: Copy your Spark RDD scripts and outputs into one file and generate PDF to submit.

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