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Homework #5  Principal Component Analysis

CSCI567 Homework #5 
1 Principal Component Analysis (30 points)
1.1 Deriving PCA in terms of minimum reconstruction error (15 points)
In class, we have derived PCA formulation in terms of maximum variance of the projection. Here
we would like to derive PCA from another perspective. Given a set of data x1, · · · , xN where
xi ∈ R
D and P
i xi = 0, we project the data into a d-dimensional subspace. Let U ∈ R
D×d be the
basis of the subspace, i.e. U U = Id, and zi ∈ R
represents the corresponding coordinates of xi
in the subspace. Now we are able to reconstruct xi by xˆi = U zi
. Our goal is to find optimal U
and {zi} such that the reconstruction error PN
i=1 kxi − xˆik
is minimized.
(a) (5 points) Show that zi = U xi minimizes the reconstruction error when U is fixed.
(b) (10 points) Show that the optimal U leads to the PCA solution, i.e. U is the eigenvectors of
the covariance matrix.
1.2 Projecting a Gaussian distribution (15 points)
Assume random variables x ∈ R
D follow a Gaussian distribution, x ∼ N (0, Σ) where Σ ∈ R
Let p ∈ R
D be a direction which projects x into one-dimensional space z = p
x. We would like to
find p such that the entropy of z is maximized.
(a) (10 points) Derive the optimal solution p

(b) (5 points) Show that p
∗ also maximizes the variance of z.
2 Hidden Markov Models (30 points)
In this problem, you will use an HMM to decode a simple DNA sequence with components
A, C, G, T. Assume there is one hidden variable X that controls the generation of DNA sequence.
X takes two possible states S1, S2. Assume the following probabilities for HMM θ = {πi
, aij , bij}:
Transition probabilities aij (i.e. P(Xt+1 = Sj |Xt = Si
, θ)):
P(S1|S1) = 0.7, P(S2|S1) = 0.3,
P(S1|S2) = 0.3, P(S2|S2) = 0.7.
Emission probabilities eij :
P(A|S1) = 0.4, P(C|S1) = 0.1, P(G|S1) = 0.4, P(T|S1) = 0.1,
P(A|S2) = 0.1, P(C|S2) = 0.4, P(G|S2) = 0.1, P(T|S2) = 0.4
and initial state distribution πi
π1 = P(X1 = S1) = 0.5, π2 = 0.5
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #5 Due 12/1/14 23:59 PDT
Assume the observed sequence is e = CGT CAG:
(a) (5 points) Calculate the probability of the sequence e for the HMM θ, i.e. P(e|θ).
(b) (10 points) Calculate the probability for the hidden state Xt to be Si for each time step
individually, i.e. P(Xt = Si
|e, θ) for t = 1,...,6
(c) (5 points) Calculate the most likely path of hidden states Xt for emissions e, i.e. arg maxx P(x|e, θ),
where x is a sequence of hidden states Xt
, i.e. x = {X1, ...XT }. The sequence of most likely
states estimated independently does not necessarily form the most likely path. Does it happen in this example?
(d) (10 points) Predict the most likely emitted symbol at the end of sequence e, i.e. p(eT +1|e, θ),
with T = 6.
Show your work for full credit.
3 Quiz #2 - Sample questions (0 points)
Note: the sample questions are just for practices and will not be graded.
3.1 Expection Maximization
Consider the following Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
p(x) = X
wkN (x|µk, σI)
where I represents the identity matrix. Note that we are assuming all covariance matrices are the
same as σI.
We will use the EM algorithm to estimate the paramters wk, µk and σ.
(a) Write down the E-step; simplify (as much as possible) the quantity that is being computed.
(b) Write down the M-step, i.e. give the expression of the parameter update. (You do not need
to produce the proof or even have to derive - you can use your intuition, such as when we
first described EM for GMMs. Your parameter update, however, needs to be correct).
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #5 Due 12/1/14 23:59 PDT
3.2 Dimensionality Reduction
We have learned the technique of PCA, a method of reducing x ∈ R
D to y ∈ R
d where d < D. Note
that in PCA the directions are computed as to maximize variances of the projected data points onto
those directions. I am proposing a new algorithm called Coordinate Component Analysis (CCA)
[Not to be confused with Canonical Correlation Analysis]. The algorithm goes as follows:
• For each dimension of the data, I compute the variance in that direction.
• I then sort descendingly the variances and pick the top d dimensions corresponding the largest
d variances.
• I then throw away the remaining D − d dimensions. I have thus reduced the data to ddimensions.
Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the difference between CCA and PCA?
(b) In what cases, CCA and PCA yield same results and why so? (i.e. the projection directions
are precisely those d dimensions)
(c) Is there any advantage or disadvantage of using CCA? If so, in what cases?
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #5 Due 12/1/14 23:59 PDT
4 Programming (PCA) (40 points)
Face recognition is an important task in computer vision and machine learning. In this part
you will implement a classical method called Eigenface. You will use face images from the Yale
Face Database B ( which
contains face images from 10 people under 64 lighting conditions.
(a) Dataset. Download the data file face data.mat from Blackboard. It contains three sets of
• image: each element is a face image (50 × 50 matrix). You can use matlab function
imshow to visualize the image. The data is stored in a cell array.
• personID: each element is the ID of the person, which takes values from 1 to 10.
• subsetID: each element is the ID of the subset which takes values from 1 to 5. Here the
face images are divided into 5 subsets. Each subset contains face images from all people
with certain lighting conditions. Note that the lighting conditions in different subsets
are different.
(b) (10 points) Implement PCA. Please fill in the function pca fun in pca fun.m file (in Blackboard). The function takes the data matrix (each row being a sample) and target dimensionality d (lower than or equal to the original dimensionality) as the input, and outputs the
(c) (15 points) Obtain Eigenfaces. Take each 50 × 50 training image and vectorize it into a
2500-dimensional vector. Perform PCA on all vectorized face images, and retrain the first
d eigenvectors. These eigenvectors are called eigenfaces (when displayed as images). Please
display the top 5 eigenfaces (use imshow) in your report.
(d) (15 points) Classification. First project each image into the eigenspace to obtain a ddimensional vector. For each d ∈ {20, 50, 100, 200}, train a classifier and report its classification performance. The classification performance is evaluated using the leave-one-subset-out
strategy: treat each subset as the test set and the remaining four subsets as the training
set, and then report the average accuracy. Please experiment with both linear SVM and
RBF kernel SVM (use LIBSVM toolbox
For linear SVM, the tuning parameter is C; for RBF kernel SVM, the tuning parameters
include both C and g. Note that when tuning these parameters, you should also apply the
leave-one-subset-out strategy on the training set instead of traditional cross validation strategy (which randomly divides the data into subsets). To summarize, what you should report
include (a) optimal parameters for linear and kernel SVMs (b) average test accuracy, for each
d ∈ {20, 50, 100, 200}.
CSCI567 Fall 2014 Homework #5 Due 12/1/14 23:59 PDT
5 Programming (HMM) [Bonus Question, 30 points]
In this exercise you will implement an expectation-maximization algorithm, the Baum-Welch algorithm, for HMMs in Matlab. Please refer to the textbook ([MLaPP] 17.5.2) for the description of
the algorithm. You should not use any of the built-in functions related to HMMs.
(a) Dataset. Download the data file hmm data.mat from Blackboard. It contains a 1000×6
matrix with 1000 sample trajectories of length 6 each. Each trajectory contains a sequence
of state 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(b) Implement the Baum-Welch algorithm. Please fill in the function baumwelch in baumwelch.m.
The function takes the data matrix (each row being a sample) and initial guesses for the
transition matrix A and emission probability matrix E, as well as the number of iterations of
expectation-maximization as inputs and returns estimates for A and E.
(c) Obtain parameter estimates. Using the the function you designed above and the data
provided, obtain estimates for A and E. We assume there exist two hidden states, and initial
guesses are A = [0.7, 0.3; 0.3, 0.7] and E = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25; 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] where
Eij = p(state = j|hidden state = i). Let the algorithm run for 500 iterations. Compare your
solution to the results obtained from the built-in function hmmtrain (read the Matlab docs
for hints on the input format).
6 Submission instructions
You need to provide the followings:
• Provide your answers for all of the problems in hard copy. The papers need to be
stapled and submitted to the CS front desk. We suggest printing it as double-sided to
save papers.
• Submit ALL the code and report via Blackboard. The only acceptable language is
– For your program, you MUST include the main function called CSCI567 hw5.m in
the root of your folder. After running this main file, your program should be able to
generate all of the results needed for this programming assignment, either as plots
or console outputs. You can have multiple files (i.e your sub-functions), however,
the only requirement is that once we unzip your folder and execute your main file,
your program should execute correctly. Please double-check your program before
submitting. You should only submit one .zip file. No other formats are allowed
except .zip file. Also, please name it as [lastname] [firstname]
Collaboration You may collaborate. However, you need to write your own solution and submit
separately. You also need to list with whom you have discussed.

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