CS6375: Machine Learning
Homework #5
1. (Principal Component Analysis, 50 points)
We explore how to use PCA to generate “good” features for Handwritten Digit Recognition using the
USPS data set. A reduced and pre-processed version of this data set is available on eLearning with
files usps.train, usps.valid and usps.test. The
files are in CSV format, with the first column being the digit label and the next 256 columns representing gray scale intensities of the 16 × 16 digit.
The features are all in the range [0, 1]. Perform the
following experiment and write a brief report with
visualizations, plots and answers. Denote the original data set X100, which corresponds to using all
the features to capture 100% of the variance, and
let k100 = 256 denote the total dimension of the
original data set.
a. Perform PCA on the training data and visualize the top 16 eigendigits.
b. Plot the cumulative explained variance ratio vs. number of components. What dimensionality does it take to achieve 70%, 80% and 90% of the total variance? Denote these lower
dimensionalities k70, k80 and k90.
c. Use sklearn.linear model.SGDClassifier with settings loss=’hinge’ and penalty=’l2’
to realize a linear support vector machine classifier optimized via stochastic gradient descent.
This is a 10-class classification problem, and SGDClassifier supports multi-class classification by combining binary classifiers in a one-vs-all (OVA) scheme1
. For each of the three
projections and the original data set (i.e., k = k70, k80, k90, k100), perform the following steps:
(a) Compute the projection Xf , by projecting the data on to the top kf eigenvectors, where
f = 70, 80, 90. For f = 100, simply use the original training set.
(b) Learn different multi-class SVM classifiers for each α ∈ {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1}. α corresponds to the weight on the regularization term and can be passed to SGDClassifier
via alpha=0.001.
(c) Evaluate the learned SVM model on the validation set.
Report the validation error of each (kf , α) as a table. Note that k100 corresponds to the
original data set.
d. Report the error of the best (k, α) pair on the test data? Explain how it compares to the
performance of the SVM without feature selection?
Homework # 5 1 Due: In class, April 29
CS6375: Machine Learning (Spring ’19) Gautam Kunapuli
2. (Spectral Clustering, 50 points) In this problem, we will take a look at a clustering algorithm
based on the eigenvalues of a matrix, referred to as spectral clustering. Given data points
i=1 ∈ R
, we construct a matrix A ∈ R
n×n of similarities and analyze its eigenvalues/vectors.
Perform the following experiment and write a brief report with visualizations, plots and answers.
a. Generate a noisy, synthetic data set:
from sklearn import datasets
x = datasets. make circles ( n samples =1500 , factor =.5, noise =.05)
b. Write a function spectral clustering(x, k) that implements the following steps:
• Construct a symmetric n × n matrix of pairwise similarities between all data points such that
Aij = Aji = exp
−γ kxi − xjk
for i, j = 1, . . . , n and γ 0. This step can be very slow for
even moderate data sets. Consider using scipy.spatial.distance.pdist2
• Compute the Laplacian matrix, L = D−A, where D is a diagonal matrix with Dii =
j=1 Aij
(the row sum of A) for all i = 1, . . . , n; that is, D is a diagonal matrix of the row sums of A.
• Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of L, and select eigenvectors Vk corresponding to the
k smallest eigenvalues of L.
• Let the rows of Vk ∈ R
n×k be vi ∈ R
. These rows are a lower-dimensional representation
of the training examples xi ∈ R
. Use sklearn.cluster.KMeans3
to cluster the rows vi
clusters C1, . . . , Ck.
• Generate the clustering output such that xi ∈ Cj if vi ∈ Cj , for j = 1, . . . , k.
c. Use sklearn.cluster.KMeans directly to compute an alternative clustering for the two-dimensional
circles data set generated above. Generate a scatter plot of the clusters, where the points are
colored by the cluster they belong to.
d. Use your function spectral clustering(x, k) to compute the clustering for the two-dimensional
circles data set generated above with k = 2 and different values of γ. Find a value of γ such that
spectral clustering outperforms k-means clustering. Generate a scatter plot of the clusters, where
the points are colored by the cluster they belong to.
e. We can use spectral clustering to segment images. Load the 81 × 121 image seg.jpg.
import cv2
img = cv2.imread(’seg.jpg’, 0)
cv2.imshow(’image’, img)
• We consider each pixel as a single data point and construct a similarity matrix for pairs of pixels,
resulting in an adjacency matrix of size 9801 × 9801. Care should be taken while setting γ.
• Perform the same comparison between k-means and spectral clustering as before with k = 2.
Visualize the segmented images produced by both approaches. Do not perform a full eigendecomposition of the Laplacian matrix as it will be very time-consuming.
Homework # 5 2 Due: In class, April 2