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Homework 8 Database Systems

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Homework 8

Objective: The problems in the homework are a little hodgepodge as we get the course material
back under our feet and pointed in a good direction. FYI, we are proceeding straight into the use
of fully managed database instances in the Cloud, starting with The PostgreSQL image offered by
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Graph Databases.
Part 1: Back-fill Homework 6a
Raw I/O bandwidth vs. reality.
Per discussion in class, I aimed to convert the load time, in minutes, of your database load in
homework 6a to a measure of I/O bandwidth in bytes per second. The first necessary calculation
was to determine the total size of the database, 5 million rows, at 128 bytes each, or roughly
1.25Gbytes. Recall, my first effort at calculating this at the whiteboard was off by three orders of
magnitude. In retrospect, I made a nearly equally large mistake in the calculation of bandwidth,
and the discussion degenerated from there.
Given your measured load time, (sorted or unsorted, your choice. Simply be obvious in your
answer that you have provided this figure)…. Given your measured load time, in seconds, for
your database of roughly 1.25Gbytes, at what rate, in bytes per second, were you able to load the
Extra Credit: I don’t know how, in the first step, I enunciated 1.25Mbytes instead of 1.25Gbytes,
but, looking back, I know the mistake I made for the second calculation. What was it?
Part 2: Moving to the Cloud
Per Piazza post, optionally, (but highly recommended if you don’t already have experience with
running an RDBMS on AWS), the class is moving to PostgreSQL, (which is commonly simply
called Postgres). See Box class folder for instructions on getting started on AWS
1 Per Piazza, some students did not get an invite email to AWS. I have determined that there is no
way to add a student to an AWS class account. (The accounts are set up in 1 shot). So I will have
to apply for a new class account for any such student. According to AWS, approving an account
may take 3 or 4 business days. So it is imperative that you determine if you have account
privileges by Tuesday morning.
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A) You should load Postgres and its GUI client pgadmin, onto to your personal computer, and
verify from the GUI that you can create a table, insert a row, and run a query.
You may also want to exploit the stack builder installer and at least review the optional
parts available for creating a more expansive environment. Those of you using Python
and not Java will especially want to do this.
B) Milestone 1: Similarly, you should spin-up a Postgres instance in Amazon RDS and verify
that it functions, as you did in Part A.
Part 3: Yes, you can have a graph in a relational database. You can even use relational
constraints to keep the contents of the database correct.
This is a programming exercise per the specification of referential integrity constraints (foreignkey constraints), including some of its finer details. It is also an introductory exercise intended
to demonstrate that there is no problem storing data as a graph in a relational database. So we
will see there are elements of the SQL 3 standard that were included just for this purpose.
Consider the data model in the Monge book concerning employee and recursive
Note, Ch. 4.7 and Ch. 4.8 of your text concern the use of UML class diagrams for data modeling. I
use this on-line text as the
primary source in the undergraduate class, as it is much more expansive than your textbook, and
at the undergraduate level this material is of primary importance.
For this homework problem, I bring the section of that book on recursive relations to your
attention as it reveals in much greater detail that a 1-to-many association, (like the
inventions/inventions model), can be implemented using foreign keys that reference primary
keys, but in a recursive (self-referencing) association, a) the foreign key values are in a column in
the same table as the primary key, b) this is tantamount to a method of representing trees in a
relational database. From this starting point, we will soon discuss representing more general
For the following variations, create a table, load the database, per the following data, and attend
to the details of the following scenarios.
The data is as follows:
Fenves, President (UT)
Goldbart, Dean (Natural Sciences)
Wood, Dean (Engineering)
Fussell, Chairman (Computer Science)
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Beckner, Chairman (Mathematics)
Tewfik, Chairman (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Miranker, Professor (Computer Science)
Mok, Professor (Computer Science)
Ghosh, Professor (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Alcook, Professor (Mathematics)
For each variation start with the complete set of data above.
A. Write a SQL query that returns the names of all the professors, (but not the chairmen), in
the college of Natural Sciences.
Turn in the SQL query and the result.
Do not make the problem any more complicated than necessary. i.e. each employee has just one
supervisor and the use of keys and referential integrity constraints is the basis of a straight
forward solution.
B. Set up referential integrity constraints, such that if an employee’s boss loses his job, the
manager field is set to Null
• Delete Chairman Fussell from the database.
• Write and execute a query showing the final contents of the table.
• Turnin your DDL (your “create tables” showing your referential integrity
constraints and their extra qualifications.
C. Set up referential integrity constraints, such that if an employee’s boss loses his job,
he/she also loses their job.
• Delete Dean Goldbart from the database.
• Repeat as above
D. Set up the referential integrity constraints such that if a boss is changed as the result of an
update, the table is updated per the new bosses name, and if an employee’s boss loses his
job, he/she also loses their job.
• Update the Chairman of Computer Science to be “Smith”.
• Repeat as above.
Challenge, think about, question (i.e. don’t hand anything in, just spend a few minutes
thinking about how you might do this):
What if Fussell’s appointment as Chairman reaches its end, and the CS department
votes Miranker to be the new Chairman. Hence there are two updates to the table, yet
no one should lose their job.
If necessary, you may use a trigger.
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