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Homework 8 Ford-Fulkerson algorithm

1. (7 points) Implement and evaluate Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for maximum flow. The input is
a directed graph with edge capacities, a source node and a sink node. The output is the maximum
flow and an assignment of flows to edges. You will be comparing the two approaches "Fat
Pipes" and "Short Pipes" to find augmented paths on Erdos-Renyi graphs.
Graph generation: You will generate graphs using the same G(N.p) model you used in
Homework 6, which takes two paramaters N, the number of nodes, and p the probability of an
edge being present. Set p = 2 ln N/N, which makes the graph connected with a very high
probability. You can use the gnp_random_graph function in the networkx package. (Links to an external site.)
Assign each edge a random integer capacity in the range of (1, 100). Also assign a direction to
each edge with probability 0.5. Arbitrarily choose some node to be s. Do a random walk of
length 10000 starting from s (i.e., for 10000 steps, pick one of the neighbors of each node at
random) and call the final node t. The random walk ensures that there is a directed path from s to
Data generation: Generate 10 graphs each of sizes 1100, 1200, ..., 2000 nodes using the above
approach. For each size graph, run both the algorithms and check that the maximum flows are
the same. Report the fraction of the times the actual flows along each edge are also the same for
both approaches for graphs of each size. Finally, report the average running times of the
algorithms as a function of number of nodes in a plot/table. Comment on their relative
performance. Is there a clear winner?
Both capacities and flows are integers. You will compare the two approaches "Fat Pipes" and
"Short Pipes" to find augmented flows in the residual network.
Fat pipes: In this approach, the augmented flows are computed by finding a path from source to
sink (an st-path) in the residual graph that has a maximum capacity. The capacity of the path is
the minimum (remaining) capacity of any edge (the 'bottleneck') in that path. The algorithm
works like Dijkstra's algorithm except that it tries to build maximum capacity path (rather than
shortest path) from the source to sink.
Short pipes : A breadth first search in the residual graph which returns the shortest path (i.e., the
path with the least number of edges) with non-zero flow.
You can use the following examples to verify that your programs are working.
Examples 1: Input: (0, 3, [(0,1,1), (0,2,5), (1,2,1), (2,3,2), (1,3,6)])
Explanation: The source node is 0, the sink node is 3; the capacity of edge (0->1) is 1; the
capacity of edge (0->2) is 5; etc.
Output: (3, [(0, 1, 1), (0, 2, 2), (1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 2)])
Explanation: "3" is the maximum flow; [(0, 1, 1), (0, 2, 2), (1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 2)] is an assignment
of flows to edges.
Example 2: Input: (0, 4, [(0, 1, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 8), (1, 4, 5), (2, 4, 7), (3, 4, 9)])
Output: (8, [(0, 1, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 2), (3, 4, 6)])
2. (1 point) Suppose you are running a conference and want to assign 40 papers to 12 reviewers.
Each reviewer bids for 20 papers. You want each paper to be reviewed by 3 reviewers.
Formulate this problem as a max-flow problem, i.e., describe the architecture of the network and
the capacities of the edges. Assume a reviewer cannot review more than 11 papers. What is the
maximum flow you can expect in your network?
3. (1 point: Hall's theorem) Consider a bipartite matching problem of matching N boys to N girls.
Show that there is a perfect match if and only if every subset of S of boys is connected to at least
|S| girls. Hint: Consider applying the Max-flow Min-cut theorem.
4. (1 point) Suppose you want to find the shortest path from node s to t in a directed graph where
edge (u,v) has length l[u,v] > 0. Write the shortest path problem as a linear program. Show that
the dual of the program can be written as Max X[s]-X[t], where X[u]-X[v] <= l[u,v] for all (u,v)
in E. [An interpretation of this dual is given in page 290 of DPV. ]
Instructions on submission:
Label the source file '' and the report report8.pdf. Submit the report on the Canvas site
and the code at the teach interface to an external site. .

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