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Homework 9:  Finding Invariants

CS 536: Science of Programming  Homework 9: 
Finding Invariants
CS 536: Science of Programming
A. Why?
• The hardest part of programming is finding good loop invariants.
• There are heuristics for finding them but no algorithms that work in all cases.
B. Objectives
After this homework, you should know how to
• Describe the strength connections among the conditions of {p₀} S₀ {inv p} while B do S od {q}
• Describe and use the invariant-finding heuristics "Replace a constant by a variable", “Drop a
conjunct” and “Add a disjunct”.
C. Problems [60 points total]
Classes 19 & 20: Loop invariants 1 & 2
1. [12 = 4*3 points] In general, for {p₀} S₀ {inv p} while B do S od {q},
a. In general, roughly, is p stronger or weaker than q?
b. When we start the first iteration, does p have to be true?
c. Do we have to establish p if we know we'll do zero iterations?
d. Where inside S (if anywhere) can ¬B be true?
2. [9 = 3*3 points] We're given the postcondition (x² – f(2*y, a) < g(z², b)) where x, y, and z are the
variables and 0 ≤ a ≤ n and –n ≤ b ≤ –1. Use Replace a Constant by a Variable to generate three
different candidate invariants and loop sketches of the form
init. code; {inv invariant} while loop test do …; progress step od
Assume f(2*y, 0) and g(z², –1) are easy to calculate. If there's no obvious way to write
initialization or progress step code, say so and just give what you can. Ignore the occurrence of
2 as an exponent.
CS Dept., Illinois Institute of Technology – 1 – © James Sasaki, 2022
CS 536: Science of Programming Sun 2022-11-06, 13:17 Homework 9: Classes 19 & 20
3. [9 = 3*3 points] We're given the postcondition (x > 0 ∨ y < n) ∧ (x < n → f(x, n)) ∧ (f(y, n) 㲗
y ≥ 0). If we use Drop a Conjunct, what are the candidate invariants / loop tests we get? Logically
simplify to get rid of as many ¬ operators as you can. You can use ⊕ for XOR if you like.
4. [4 = 2*2 points] (Add a disjunct)
a. For the postcondition (p₁ ∧ p₂), how are Drop a Conjunct and Add a Disjunct related?
b. Why is Add a Disjunct less constrained than Replace a Constant by a Variable or Drop a
5. [26 = 13*2 points] Take the partial proof outline for Class 20's Example 6 (Faster Multiplication),
and expand it to give a full proof outline. You can skip the expansion of substitutions and the 1
listing of predicate logic obligations.2
 Yes, technically there isn't a lot of “Finding Invariants” in this problem, but it's still a good skill to practice. 1
 You need to be able to do this for the exam, but this problem is already long enough. 2
CS Dept., Illinois Institute of Technology – 2 – © James Sasaki, 2022

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