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OBJECTIVE: Get some experience using ArrayLists as well as OO design.
INTRODUCTION: Please remember the coding standards here.
You will build an application that simulates the game of War between two
players. As you will see, this game has no decisions that the players make. Once
the two players receive their cards, the eventual outcome of the game is
completely determined. You need to build an application that randomly deals
out the 52-card deck to two players, and then simulates those two players playing
War with each other. The rules of the game are:
• War is a card game for two players.
• A standard deck of 52 cards is dealt so that both players have 26 cards.
• During each round of play (or "battle"), both players play a card from the top
of their hand face up.
• The player who plays the card of the higher rank wins both cards and places
them at the bottom of his stack of cards.
• If both cards played are of the same rank, then both players play three
additional cards face down and then one more card face up (this is called a
▪ 2 of any suit is less than 3 of any suit, and so forth up through 10.
▪ Jack beats a 10
▪ Queen beats a Jack
▪ King beats a Queen
▪ Ace beats a King
• The player who wins the war by playing the higher card wins all ten cards.
• If the ranks are still the same, additional wars are played until one player wins
the turn.
• If either player runs out of cards to play, he loses the game.
• You will use only ArrayLists to store the cards in this program. This means cards
cannot be stored in arrays.
Sample output might look like this:
player 1 plays Card is 9 of Clubs
player 2 plays Card is Ace of Diamonds
player 2 wins the round
player 1 plays Card is 10 of Diamonds
player 2 plays Card is Ace of Hearts
player 2 wins the round
player 1 plays Card is 7 of Clubs
player 2 plays Card is 6 of Hearts
player 1 wins the round
player 1 plays Card is 9 of Hearts
player 2 plays Card is 9 of Clubs
war card for player1 Card is xx
war card for player2 Card is xx
CECS 277 Homework ArrayLists.docx 9/3/2019 11:17:00 AM 2
war card for player1 Card is xx
war card for player2 Card is xx
war card for player1 Card is xx
war card for player2 Card is xx
war card for player1 Card is 7 of Clubs
war card for player2 Card is 10 of Diamonds
player 2 wins the war round
player 1 plays Card is 6 of Hearts
player 2 plays Card is Ace of Hearts
player 2 wins the round
game over
player 2 wins the game
• You may find methods in the Collections class that will help with some of the
functionality needed in this project.
• Make sure you document the programs as specified in the grading guidelines.
• You will hand in a printout of the program(s) along with a demo in the lab.
The question was asked if both players have the same number of cards in their
hand, and neither one is able to complete the three cards down and one card
up for the next tie-breaking war, what happens. To get there, you would have
to have a very long string of ties that occurred in a row, since both players
would have half of the deck if they had the same number of cards. So, if you
want to explicitly treat such a case, I would say that the game ends in a draw.
On the other hand, if one player runs out of cards before the other one does
while trying to play three cards down and one up, then the one who has the
most cards wins.
Another question was whether to put a cap on the number of plays in a single
game. If you have played war before, you have noticed that it’s entirely
possible for the game to go on for an extended period of time, with the odds
seemingly favoring one player, then the other. I suggest that you put a cap on
the number of plays that can be executed before the game is suspended in a
draw. Do not make that a literal; make it a parameter that is passed into the
program at run time, or even read from a parameter file if you really want to
get frisky.
1. Think of a Card as an object with properties (rank and suit).
2. Think of a Deck of Cards as a collection of Cards.
3. Think of the remaining objects: Hand, Discard Pile, etc. as a collection of some objects.
4. You may find methods in the Collections class that will help you with some of the functionality
needed in this project.
5. Make sure that you document the programs as specified in the coding standards.
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• All of the code that you write for this assignment.
• Your sample output.
• A demonstration during lab.

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