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Building an Image Mosaic_Homework 1 Solution

Homework 1: Building an Image Mosaic

You will be given: • 20 images. • A set of keypoint coordinates for each of the 20 images (found in this PDF). You must submit: • A short description of the approach you followed. • Code that solves the problem specified in the next section. • An image of the mosaic you have constructed.
Constructing a basic image mosaic
In this homework, you will start constructing an image mosaic. You are given a collection of 20 images, I1,I2,...,I20, and the goal is to compose them into a single image I, much in the same way in which you would “stitch” multiple photographs together. For simplicity, you are given coordinates of “key points” in different images. You will notice that each image Ij has a certain number of green crosses, with an index written next to each of them (see Fig. 1). The matrix xj ∈R2×Nj contains the two coordinates (row, column) of those points in the image. You will notice that each point is visible in more than one image, so you will have multiple copies of the coordinates of that point, each written relative to a different reference frame. We will say that the coordinates in different images of a point with the same index “correspond” to each other. In the final mosaic, corresponding points will coincide. Your goal is to find the transformations [Gij] that map each point with index “i” in image “j” onto a common canvas, where it will have coordinates [xi, yi]. Once you have found all the transformations, you will assemble the mosaic image on the canvas and visualize it. You may write your solution in any programming language (e.g. C++, Python, Matlab). You will turn in your solution, which should produce the final mosaic image given the original images and the coordinates of corresponding points. You may use a library that can assist you with displaying images. The questions below may help you get the most out of your homework: • What does it mean for two points in different images to “correspond”? Try to distill a definition that is as simple and concise as possible, but unambiguous. • Based on your definition above, how would you design an algorithm to determine such correspondence automatically? • Does your mosaic show artifacts? Would you be able to tell from your final product that it has been assembled from different “fragments”? If so, how would you go about eliminating such artifacts?
Homework 1: Building an Image Mosaic
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
20 40 60 80 100 120
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Figure 1: Point with j = 17 is visible on the left and right images, I1 and I3, where it has coordinates, respectively, x1 = [42, 153] and x3 = [22, 65]. The same goes for point j = 19, that is visible in the first and second images, etc. Each image Ij comes with the coordinate vector xj 2R2⇥Nj, where each column is the coordinate of a point in image xj. Note that the order in this matrix is not necessarily consistent among di↵erent images. For instance, point j = 17 is visible in both images I1 and I3, but its coordinates may be, say, the fifth column of x1 and the seventeenth column of x3.
Constructing a basic image mosaic
In this homework, you will start constructing an image mosaic. You are given a collection of 10 images, I1,I2,...,I10, and the goal is to compose them into a single image I, much in the same way in which you would “stitch” multiple photographs together. For simplicity, you are given coordinates of “key points” in di↵erent images. You will notice that each image Ij has a certain number of green crosses, with an index written next to each of them. The matrix xj 2R2⇥Nj contains the two coordinates (row, column) of those points in the image. You will notice that each point is visible in more than one image, so you will have multiple copies of the coordinates of that point, each written relative to a di↵erent reference frame. We will say that the
Figure 1: Point with j = 17 is visible on the left and right images, I1 and I3, where it has coordinates, respectively, x1 = [42, 153] and x3 = [22, 65]. The same goes for point j = 19, that is visible in the first and second images, etc. Each image Ij comes with the coordinate vector xj ∈R2×Nj, where each column is the coordinate of a point in image xj. Note that the order in this matrix is not necessarily consistent among different images. For instance, point j = 17 is visible in both images I1 and I3, but its coordinates may be, say, the fifth column of x1 and the seventeenth column of x3.
In order to complete this homework, you will need the following skills: • Solve a linear system of algebraic equations in the least-squares sense. • Efficiently solve a combinatorial search over index permutations Below are the numerical values of the coordinates in the 20 images shown in Fig. 2. Note that you should not assume that such coordinates are perfect! There may be errors, some small, some perhaps not so small. Direct your questions on the homework to Georgios Georgiadis,
x1 = 109 109 124 147 181 179
x2 = 24 57 24 39 49 62 57 67 42 56 68 23 15 57 55 51 48 71 122 153 159 152
x3 = 18 51 80 88 100 18 33 43 56 73 70 72 14 6 18 26 22 48 46 42 39 41 50 53
x4 =
7 15 20 15 34 36 37 44 52 64 73 84 82 177 141 174 197 185 188 176 154 161 157 175 186 153
x5 =
2 19 16 18 19 11 19 26 34 46 42 48 53 89 91 99 103 139 156 163 68 76 72 163 142 167
x6 = 17 25 37 55 64 79 88 102 37 45 41 37 47 29 50 37
x7 =
5 14 23 8 16 23 24 14 14 23 10 3 55 33 43 84 66 60 90 104 122 122 133 132
x8 =
9 23 47 33 39 28 17 9 129 111 119 132 158 147 146 146
x9 = 39 15 25 31 20 10 30 27 21 34 9 6 3 38 30 51 77 65 65 155 165 194 282 257 236 170
x10 = 6 48 45 39 21 15 5 4 21 31 60 36 49 30
x11 = 50 66 56 40 11 11 34 46 52 56 68 61 51 10 16 30 33 30 54 54 58 59 48 91 104 85
39 39 25 10 34 104 90 84 90 54
x12 = 59 88 104 104 101 93 82 59 47 22 36 48 58 10 13 10 28 39 38 34 34 34 65 71 64 70
73 87 64 70
x13 =
52 64 78 63 53 41 27 18 30 65 73 47 30 15 15 45 50 45 52 46 87 100 126 177 164 156
21 19 179 151
x14 = 37 42 14 35 115 129 105 117 52 4 21 34 45 27 34 69 81 89
x15 = 95 83 69 60 72 89 72 63 45 22 6 34 41 35 77 90 153 145 168 128 129 97
x16 = 23 89 152 182 210 185 170 150 124 39 62 89 106 21 13 27 31 76 52 43 36 39 52 52 69 77
132 153 170 210 208 179 118 81 90 94 77 76 128 121 132 92
x17 = 14 26 26 17 11 43 61 55 64 69 84 103 86 18 30 86 108 176 94 56 149 214 108 200 231 158
91 87 89 107 106 117 123 119 112 53 44 60 94 138 69 48
x18 = 12 29 55 76 92 108 93 133 102 72 40 131 50 29 37 50 54 37 12 3 36 81 102 92 88 157
69 89 110 143 255 267 251 265 143 174 144 137 101 121 141 167
x19 = 21 50 29 62 8 66 75 136 184 170 186 173 33 40 96 89 126 136 135 160 119 94 73 53
x20 = 18 39 82 114 145 173 185 152 111 92 131 188 198 49 50 23 33 12 19 68 75 74 88 105 115 114
Figure 2: Images I1 through I20.

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