Starting from:


Humankind is a lazy thing indeed

BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
Programming Language : Java 8 (Oracle)
1 Introduction
Humankind is a lazy thing indeed, according to our evolution progress, we always tried to
do something with less and less effort. So, we invented many things to make our life easier,
so that we can have more time to do "nothing". Automation is one of the things that we
have done to feed this urge. So, smart home accessories is the one of the things that we have
invented for the sake of automation. In short, we have done complex jobs to make our life
easier, how ironic. In this project, you will be one of the people that tries to make our life
easier for the sake of earning a bit more money, but with a "small" difference, unfortunately,
you will not be paid for this project. So, enough with the story part, let’s talk about the real
things. OOP is what Java is based on, and it has very straightforward rules to obey. They are
called as four pillars of OOP: Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation. If one
obeys these four pillars with taking care of trade-offs, then it can be said that he/she knows
what OOP is in basic. In this project, you are assumed to implement a good OOP design for
given sceneario and control the time flow.
Project Assignment 2 1
Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
2 Description of the System
In this project, there are some smart home accessories as follows: Smart Lamp (with whiteambiance and color-white-ambiance variants), Smart Plug, and Smart Camera. Variant of
the accessories have been kept low to make scenario easy to understand and avoid any kind
of confusions. The task here is, controling these devices and time with respect to commands.
Devices must be always in sorted order according to their switch times in ascending order.
For exceptional situations, following rules will be applied: If there are two or more devices
that have same switch time, their initial order (with respect to each other) will be preserved
while sorting, if a device does not have any switch time, it will be considered as greater than
all the devices. Note that, by default, each device is switched off and has no switch time at
initialization if it is not stated otherwise. Moreover, switching the status of the device deletes
switch time information.
2.1 Controlling the Time
This system is an autonomous system that obeys the given rules, the task must be done is
getting the commands from the user and controlling the time when nop command is given.
Description of the devices are as follows.
2.2 Smart Lamp
It is a lamp that its kelvin and brightness values can be adjusted in range of [2000K, 6500K]
and [0%, 100%], they both are integers and their default values are 4000K and 100% respectively.
2.3 Smart Lamp with Color
It is same as smart lamp with an extra, it also has color mode, its color code is in range
of [0x000000 0xFFFFFF], also color code is an integer but in hexadecimal base. It has two
modes, color mode and white mode, if color mode is activated, kelvin value is not important,
else, color code is not important. Default value for this lamp is as same as smart lamp (4000K,
2.4 Smart Plug
It is a wall plug that can calculate total energy consumption of itself. It is enough to update
consumptions at events such as switching on/off, plugging in/out. Note that, if a smart plug
is switched off, it does not mean that it is also plugged out. Default voltage value for it is
220 Volts. Ampere value is in positive number format. Moreover, initially there is nothing
plugged in to the smart plug if it is not stated otherwise.
2.5 Smart Camera
It is a camera that give information about how much storage it uses. It is enough to update
storage information at events such as switching on/off. Megabytes per minute is in nonnegative number format.
Project Assignment 2 2
Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
3 Commands
Your program must give appropriate error message if it is tried to adjust values out of the
ranges, it must give just the first error for each command. For example if it is tried to set white
to 7000K, 150%, it must just give kelvin error. Note that, if provided kelvin or brightness
values are not integer, as casting to integer is impossible at this situation, it will be considered
as erroneous command. So, it is your own responsibility to check all kind of errors, such as if
something must be an integer, then your program must give an error message about that if
given value is not an integer. If something has to be in a range (such as second has to be in
range of 0<=SECOND<=60), then your program must give an error if it is not in the range
as it has to be in.
3.1 Set Initial Time
This is the very first command that is given at input. Its mechanics are as follows:
Date will be in following format: Year: In full format, such as 2023. Month: In integer format,
such as 3 or 03. Day: In integer format, such as 31, it can be padded for smaller days such
as 3 as 03. Hour: In integer format, such as 14, it can be padded for smaller hours such as 3
as 03. Minutes: In integer format, such as 0 or 00. Seconds: In integer format, such as 0 or
3.2 Set Time
Sets the time with respect to given time. Does the required switch operations if there are any.
3.3 Skip Minutes
Minute can be any positive integer, skips given amount of minutes, same rules applied as set
time command.
SkipMinutes <TAB> <MINUTE>
3.4 Nop
This command does nothing but skips forwards the time to the first switch event and does
the necessary switch operations. If there is not such an event, then it has to give an error. It
is as follows:
3.5 Adding Commands
For these command sets, program must add desired smart device to the system and print
that command applied successfully unless it is an erroneous command. If there is an error
at command, program must simply print an appropriate error message according to situation
and it must discard that command for sure. Note that, names can be used as IDs, if a device
with an existing name is trying to be added, your program must give an appropriate error
Project Assignment 2 3
Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
3.5.1 Adding a SmartPlug
This command’s mechanics are as follows:
Add <TAB> SmartPlug <TAB> <NAME>
3.5.2 Adding a SmartCamera
This command’s mechanics are as follows:
3.5.3 Adding a SmartLamp
This command’s mechanics are as follows:
Add <TAB> SmartLamp <TAB> <NAME>
3.5.4 Adding a SmartColorLamp
This command’s mechanics are as follows:
Add <TAB> SmartColorLamp <TAB> <NAME>
Add <TAB> SmartColorLamp <TAB> <NAME> <TAB> <INITIAL_STATUS>
Note that, as both kelvin value and color code are integer, following trick can be used to discriminate them. Kelvin value will be given as decimal, such as 4000 whereas color code will
be given as hexadecimal, such as 0xFA1D1F or 0x123456
3.6 Removing Commands
Remove <NAME> command will be used to remove a smart device from the system. If there is
not such a device, system must give an error, else, it must print status of that device before
removing. Note that, it has to switch the device off before removing it.
3.7 Determining a Switch Time for Device
Following command will be used for switching the device’s status off or on. If there is not
such a device, program must give appropriate error, else, it must give a message about result
of set. Date format is as given before.
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BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
3.8 Switching a Device to On or Off
Following command will be used for switching device to status of on or off. If there is not
such a device, program must give appropriate error, else, it must give a message about result
of switch, if it is already on or off, it must give an error. Smart cameras and smart plugs
must update their total storage used and total energy consumption accordingly at switching
of command.
Switch <TAB> <NAME> <TAB> <STATUS>
3.9 Changing name of a device
Following command will be used for changing name of a device, if there is not such a device,
or new name is already exists, or there is no change at name, then your program must give
appropriate error message.
ChangeName <TAB> <OLD_NAME> <TAB> <NEW_NAME>
3.10 Plug In Command for Smart Plug
Following command will be used for plugging in a device to smart plug, if that device is not
a plug or there is not such a device or there is already a device plugged in or ampere value is
not positive, then your program must give appropriate error. Note that, default voltage for
smart plug is assumed as 220 Volts.
3.11 Plug Out Command for Smart Plug
Following command will be used for plugging out the device from smart plug, smart plug
must update its total energy consumption when a plug is plugged out. Same errors at plug in
command are valid for this scenario.
PlugOut <TAB> <NAME>
3.12 Set Kelvin, Brightness and Color Code
Following commands will be used to tune smart lamps’ kelvin, brightness and color code values, if there is not such a device, or requested device is not a lamp, or not a color lamp (for
color code part) program must give an appropriate error message.
SetKelvin <TAB> <NAME> <TAB> <KELVIN>
SetBrightness <TAB> <NAME> <TAB> <BRIGHTNESS>
SetColorCode <TAB> <NAME> <TAB> <COLOR_CODE>
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Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
3.13 Z Report
Following command will be print Z Report of the system. This command will be runned once
at the end of the command set even if it has not stated.
4 Report
You must prepare a report, the report must contain following parts:
• A cover
• An index
• The part that you define the problem
• The part that you explain your solution approach
• The part that you explain the problems you faced and the solutions you found to solve
these problems
• Benefits of this system
• Benefits of OOP
• What are the four pillars of OOP (not just names of them but also their explanations
in your own sentences) and UML?
• UML Diagram of your OOP Design and Explanation of the UML Diagram
• Resources (if you used any)
• Appendix (if you have any)
• The text at your report cannot be more than three pages and less than one page when
it is copied to an empty Microsoft Word document with settings of font type Calibri,
font size 11, so do not concern about images, cover and index pages as the limitation is
only about the text that you write during your report. Your report must be in passive
voice and it must be in justify alignment. Note that justify alignment is not needed to
be obeyed for the headers or sections. Do not inject any code fragment to your report.
Your reports must also be unique as your code, so do not share your code and report
with anybody until objections are finalized.
5 Restrictions
• Your code must be able to compiled and executed on our department’s developer server
• You must obey given submit hierarchy and get score (1 point) from the submit system.
• Your code must be clean, do not forget that main method is just driver methods that
means it is just for making your code fragments to run, not for using them as main
Project Assignment 2 6
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BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
container, create classes and methods in necessary situations but use them as required.
Moreover, use the four pillars of Object-Oriented Programming (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism) if there is such a need, remember that your code must
satisfy Object-Oriented Programming Principles, also you can benefit from exceptions
and even if create your own exception class if you need any.
• You are encouraged to use lambda expressions which are introduced with Java 8, list
structure of Java such as LinkedList, ArrayList etc., and your own exception classes.
• You must append a PDF file ("Checklist.pdf") in addition to your report that contains
the requirements that you did not satisfy, please state your situation such as “This
functionality does not work at all.”, “There is a tiny issue such as . . . ” so that your
assignment will be graded by taking them into consideration, please note that if you
did not stated a requirement, that is assumed that that functionality is fully working
on your system and that will be graded as zero even if a tiny issue occurs that stated
as has to be checked (not for the issues that they are not stated at requirements, but
remember that there may be some extra conditions that you should check, but they are
not going to be graded as zero if you do not satisfy them). Moreover, if you did not
provide such a file, it is assumed that your code is working well without issue and that
it will be graded as zero even if a tiny issue occurs that stated as must be checked.
• You can benefit from Internet sources for inspiration but do not use any code that does
not belong to you.
• You can discuss high-level (design) problems with your friends but do not share any
code or implementation with anybody.
• You must use JavaDoc commenting style for this project, and you must give brief information about the challenging parts of your code, do not over comment as it is against
clean code approach. Design your comments so that some wants to read your code can
easily understand what is going on. You can check here to access Oracle’s own guide
about JavaDoc Sytle.
• Do not miss the submission deadline.
• Source code readability is a great of importance. Thus, write READABLE SOURCE
CODE, comments, and clear MAIN function. This expectation will be graded as “clean
• Use UNDERSTANDABLE names to your variables, classes, and functions regardless
of the length. The names of classes, attributes and methods should obey Java naming
convention. This expectation will be graded as “coding standards”.
• You can ask your questions through course’s piazza group, and you are supposed to be
aware of everything discussed in the piazza group. General discussion of the problem is
allowed, but DO NOT SHARE answers, algorithms, source codes and reports.
• All assignments must be original, individual work. Duplicate or very similar assignments
are both going to be considered as cheating.
• Submit system for this homework will be opened a few days before deadline, so please
be patient.
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Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
6 Execution and Test
Your code must be compiled and executed under Java 8 and If your
code does not compile and execute under developer server, then you will be graded as 0 for
code part even if it works on your own machine. Sample run command is as follows:
Compilation: javac
Run: java Main input.txt output.txt
7 Grading
Task Point
Implementing Smart Devices 25 (5 per each, 5 for full implementation)
Output (Including Errors) 30
Output 20
Comments in JavaDoc Style 10*
Report 15*
Total 100
* The score of your report will be multiplied by your overall score (excluding
report and comments) divided by the maximum score that can be taken from these
parts. Say that you got 60 from all parts excluding report and 25 from report,
your score for report is going to be 25*(60/75) which is 20 and your overall score
will be 80.
Note that, there will be two major overall multipliers, OOP Multiplier and Correct
Submit Hiearchy Multiplier. If you do not obey the submit hierarchy (you have
to score exactly 1 point at submit system, otherwise it will not be accepted as
correct hierarchy even if your hierarchy fits to format), you will be penalized with
20% of point deduction. If you do not obey to OOP at all you will be graded as
0, and also there will be some values for OOP multipler between 0 and 1 with
respect to your design. So, OOP Design is as important as getting the correct
output as you may get 0 from this project if you will not obey the OOP rules at
all, even if your code outputs fully correct.
8 Submit Format
File hierarchy must be zipped before submitted (Not .rar, only not compressed .zip files because
the system just supports .zip files).
- b<studentid>.zip
- Report.pdf
- Checklist.pdf
- <src>
- *.java
Project Assignment 2 8
Spring 2023
BBM 104: Introduction to Programming Laboratory II
9 Late Policy
You have two days for late submission. You will lose 10 points from maximum evaluation score
for each day (your submitted study will be evaluated over 90 and 80 for each late submission
day). You must submit your solution in at the most two days later than submission date,
otherwise it will not be evaluated. Please do not e-mail to me even if you miss the deadline for
a few seconds due to your own fault as it would be unfair for your friends, e-mail submissions
will not be considered if you do not have a valid issue.
Project Assignment 2 9

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