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Homework 14 - Project

Note That my options for this project were 1,2,4, and 5.
Homework 14 - Project Introduction In this homework, we are going to do something a little different than the rest of the homework assignments that you have done so far. Many times in Computer Science, you will receive a strict set of criteria that tell you exactly how you should solve the problem– just like we have done all semester. In other cases, (the more fun cases) you will only be given general guidelines to follow, and it is up to you to use your creativity and (newly developed) problem solving skills to get the job done! In homework 14, we want to tap into your creativity and allow you to pick your own project that you can make your own. In addition to making the project your own, we also want to introduce you to doing your own research while trying to solve computer science problems. Outside of the classroom, you will not always be told which functions to use and how to use them, and that is exactly what this project is all about. We are not going to tell you how to solve the problem – that is up to you. We may give a few hints and guidelines, but the implementation is completely up to you. There are no banned functions. So get out there, be creative, and have fun with this project! Grading Each project will be graded out of 100 points. There is a total of 100 extra credit points available for each project (yes, 100 points). The extra credit is more challenging and will push your problem solving skills! Note that this project will NOT be autograded.
What to turn in Each project below lists the specific things that you must turn in if you choose that project. However, each project must also include a text document with answers to the following questions: 1. What project did you choose? Why did you choose that project? (1-2 sentences) 2. How did you solve the problem? Why did you solve it that way? 3. What did you learn? Your responses to these questions don’t have to be very long. Focus on answering the question succinctly and accurately. Note that the text document is not graded directly, but your project will not be graded if you do not submit the text document. The text document should be named _analysis.txt where “” is replaced with your GT username, not your GTID. Extra Credit Notes As stated above, each project includes extra credit options. However, we are very interested in how creative you can be with these projects. If you think of your own improvement or cool feature to add and want it to be extra credit, contact your TA to get it approved! Let them know about what you are improving, and how many points you think that new extra credit option should be worth. Homework 14 - Project Table of Contents There are a total of 6 projects to choose from. Check out the links below to find the description of each. You only have to choose one! 1. Write your own autograder 2. Become an Excel master 3. Import data from the internet and learn about APIs 4. Learn about 3d animation and build your own working clock 5. Learn about GUIs in MATLAB and make your own 2048 Game 6. Build your own website Homework 14 - Project Project Option #1: Write your own autograder You are nearing the end of a wonderful Fall semester at Georgia Tech, when a terrible catastrophe happens – Georgia Tech servers catch fire and are irreparably destroyed. All Computer Science classes, including your beloved CS 1371, are in chaos. Since the TAs can't possibly grade all the remaining homework submissions by hand, they tell the class that everyone will get a 0, unless someone can come up with a quick fix. You realize that, given all your MATLAB knowledge, you yourself can create a rudimentary autograder! Create a function, autograder.m, that takes in a rubric structure, and is placed in the same directory as student code, and autogrades their homework. You can assume that you're in a folder that contains the following files and directories: ● A folder with solution files (.p) ● A folder for each student o In each folder, the homework files that the student turned in (ie, rectangleMath.m) Your job is to generate feedback for each student. The student folders are named based on the student's name; for example, if the student's name is Alexander Rao, their folder is “Alexander Rao”. You can assume that each student has a folder and their code won't error. You can assume that all students have a folder. The rubric is a structure that contains information about each problem: Field: Value: name The name of the problem. testCases The test cases to run for that problem grades The point value assigned for this problem bannedFunctions The banned functions. This is for extra credit only! name is a string that represents the name of the problem; for example, if the problem is called getFeedback, then the name field of rubric will have getFeedback for that problem. testCases is a cell array where each value is the complete set of inputs for the given test case. For example, if the first test case has three inputs (1, 2, 3), then testCases would have {{1, 2, 3}} as its value. The number of elements in testCases is the number of test cases, and each test case is guaranteed to be a cell array; that is, testCases{1} will be the complete set of inputs for the first test case. grades is a vector of numbers, the same size as testCases. Each value in grades is the number of points to assign for that specific test case; for example, if the first test case was worth 15 points, and the second test case was worth 5 points, grades would be [15 5]. You are guaranteed that all points will always add up to 100 percent. bannedFunctions is a cell array of strings that represent functions the student should not be able to use. For example, if you shouldn't be allowed to use the numel() function, then bannedFunctions would contain {'numel'}. rubric is a structure array; below is an example of what rubric might look like: Homework 14 - Project rubric(1): name: drinkWater testCases: {{1, 2, 3}, {55, 6, -7}, {45, 44, 1}} grades: [10 10 20] bannedFunctions: {'imread', 'why'} rubric(2): name: theRest testCases: {{[1 2 3]}, {'helloWorld1'}, {}} grades: [10 15 35] bannedFunctions: {'size', 'numel'} Your autograder should create some kind of feedback file (whether it be text or HTML or anything else you can come up with) that contains the following information: ● Student name ● List of each problem and test case ● Whether they got the test case right or wrong ● The points the problem was worth ● Some kind of summary of their grade for each problem ● Some kind of summary of their overall grade Each student should have a feedback file. Additionally, we also need to upload these grades to TSquare, so you should generate an Excel file that summarizes each student and their grade for the homework. The exact structure of this file is not important. Think about what would be most useful given the task! Notes: ● You are guaranteed that each student's code will work for the given test case, and that the same goes for the solution code. ● The function name will always be exactly the same as the entry in the rubric. ● There will never be any external files used in the code ● The zip file attached for this problem gives an example of what the folder directory might look like Point Breakdown: ● 40 points: Your code successfully loops through all the student folders ● 30 points: You correctly write the feedback or each student ● 15 points: You correctly write the gradebook file ● 15 points: The whole thing works correctly There is a chance for extra credit: ● 25 points: You successfully detect and catch all extra outputs (for example, if the function outputs two outputs, you successfully find this and check both outputs for correctness. You are guaranteed that both functions will output the same number of outputs, even if the outputs are wrong). ● 10 points: You account for if the student code errors. (your autograder does not crash if a student function crashes) Homework 14 - Project ● 20 points: You correctly implement banned functions. ● 10 points: You account for the case where the student did not submit the function ● 35 points: You account for infinite loops in the student’s code Hints: ● You should look at the functions cd(), dir() feval(), and exists(). ● For the inputs, see what happens when you do this: o a = {[0; 1], [0; 1], 'k'}; o plot(a{:}); ● For bannedFunctions, think about which function MATLAB chooses if there's two .m files with the same name? Is it important whether or not a function is in your folder? ● Is there a MATLAB function that can tell you how many outputs a function has? Homework 14 - Project Project Option #2: Become an Excel master In this project, you will step outside of MATLAB land and learn more about Microsoft Excel and how you can use Excel built-in functions while also learning about how MATLAB can help supplement our newly acquired Excel skills. For the first part of this project, you will read and follow all of the steps listed in the “Excel_Project.pdf” file. This file will walk you through the basics of excel, as well as dive into some more advanced techniques that will help introduce you to the important topics. For the second portion of this project, you will need to seek out data that includes at least both double and char types. Some resources and websites to get you started are below. You are encouraged to be as creative as possible here, pursue some of your personal interest, or relate it to your future career. Past the initial data, you must complete some math operations and general functions. The more unique the function, and relevant the math, the higher the point value (this means only using the sum function and adding two columns for no reason will not receive high marks). Remember to keep your ultimate goals in mind when manipulating your data (what do you want to show?). Absolute addressing and conditional statements should both be used at least once. One section of your final spreadsheet needs to incorporate vlookup and conditional formatting heavily. How you choose to use those techniques is up to you, but your goal should be to impress us and use those tools in a way that shows how helpful they are. You will have a chance to explain why and how you used those tools in your report. Based on your data, create at least two visuals (graphs) representing your results. At least one must be for data received of type char, and at least one must be for data received of type double. For at least one of your graphs, make the same type of plot/graph using MATLAB techniques taught in this course. Write a brief statement about the utility and merits of each graphing method (2-3 sentences). Find one insight in your data that crosses multiple data sets. An example of this would be if you surveyed sales of the donut shop by time of day, type of donut, etc., and found that, of the morning buyers, 70% preferred chocolate, as compared to the afternoon buyers, of whom only 30% preferred chocolate. What might this mean? What might drive the data to be this way. Support your claim with visual graphics or spreadsheet sections (4-5 sentences). Finally, reflect on your use of Excel and knowledge of MATLAB. Talk through some of the steps you might have taken if you had to import the data and manipulate it in MATLAB. What might be easier? What might be more difficult? This written portion should not include code, but special attention will be given to those projects that mirror some of the excel functions in MATLAB for better comparison (1 paragraph). ● ● ● For the final part of this project, we are going to see the limitations of Excel and see if we can get MATLAB to help us out. Open up “random_people.xlsx” and take a look at the data. What if we wanted to find the first and last name of everyone who has an email? What about if we wanted to find the ip address of everyone with a particular area code? All of these operations are rather difficult to perform in Excel. They are not impossible, but the formulas are not pretty (they are much prettier in Google Sheets however). Instead, we’re going to use Homework 14 - Project MATLAB to solve this problem. Using MATLAB, perform the following operations: 1. Find a cell array of first names for those people who have a valid email (the email column is not blank) 2. Find a cell array of the ip addresses of those who have a homework that starts with the letter “S” 3. Find a cell array of emails for those who have a favorite website that is NOT a .com, and who are female. However, there is one catch here. You may not use any iteration for these problems. That’s right, no for loops or while loops. Hint: the cellfun function will be extremely useful here. Combine that with logical indexing and you just saved yourself the trouble of writing loops over and over again. Extra Credit: ● (35 points) Do one more cellfun operation. o Take a look at the Excel file 'chipotleOrders.xls'. This file contains real Chipotle orders that you will be analyzing. o You want to determine what the most popular thing at Chipotle is. You could just determine the most popular item (Barbacoa Burrito, Steak Bowl, etc), but you want to go a step further and determine not only the most popular item, but also the most common combination of toppings for that item. However, the catch is that, like with the previous cellfun portion of the project, you MAY NOT use iteration at all to do this. Feel free to use cellfun and search around for other functions that may help you in your endeavour. o The final output of the function that you write should be a string that says the most popular item (the item that occurs the most) and the list of the most common set of toppings for that item. Note that you are not looking for simply the most common toppings, but rather you are looking for the most popular COMBINATION of toppings for the most popular item. ● (30 points) Using Excel Macros, create a “table of contents” sheet with buttons to navigate between the different sheets of your document for part 2. There should be a button for each sheet, and when clicked, it should navigate to that sheet automatically. ● (35 points) Redo all of the calculations you did with MATLAB (using cellfun) in Excel using Excel formulas. Make a new column for each calculation. Homework 14 - Project Project Option #3: Import data from the internet and learn about APIs Throughout the semester, we have used MATLAB to process data, but that data has always been given to you directly. Many times you’ll want to use MATLAB to process data, but you have to get the data off a website first! This project will be two parts: reading a given website to extract data from it, and an open-ended portion of accessing some API to get whatever data you would like. In the first part of this project, you should pull the top twenty nonfiction bestsellers from the New York Times. The list of best sellers is available at: contentCollection=Books& odule=WeeklyListsIndex&version=Nonfiction&pgtype=Reference. All webpages are made up of HTML content, which is what you will want to pull down into MATLAB, and process accordingly. You don’t need to necessarily understand how the HTML works, just treat it as an ugly string that you have to process to get the data that you want. After pulling the data, create a structure of the top 20 books with their rank, name, authors, and description. The exact format of the structure is not important so think about what the best design would be! ● A helper function, nyTimesParser, has been provided that will cut down some of the parsing. This function takes in the HTML for the entire webpage and returns only the relevant chunk of HTML that contains the data you need. Now one question you may have at this point is “do I always have to go through ugly HTML parsing when I want to pull data from the internet?”. Luckily, the answer to that question is no. In some cases, companies (or private users) will publish APIs to interact with their data. APIs have a few different definitions, but in the context that we’re dealing with, an API is just an interface that allows you interact with data on a website. In the previous example, we used a URL to read HTML content. With an API, we are again going to use a URL, but this time we are going to get nicely formatted data that is easier to process, and often can be filtered to exactly what we want. A nice example of this is the OMDb API, which provides data about movies. Try going to this link: What you’ll notice is that instead of seeing a nicely formatted HTML page, you see a bunch of data formatted as a JSON string. This is much easier for programmers (such as yourself) to work with. Don’t let JSON scare you, it is just one of the many ways to format data, and luckily many people have already written awesome libraries that do the JSON processing for us. Yes, you are allowed (and encouraged) to use this JSON parsing library (or any JSON parsing library) on your project. How did the website know which movie we were looking for? If you look closely at the URL, you’ll notice the last part “t=Interstellar”. This is one of the many ways to pass data to an API – through the URL This is called a GET request, but that’s all we’ll get into for this project. By changing the name after the equal sign, you change what movie you are looking for. For the second part of this project, write a function that takes in a movie name and outputs some interesting data about that movie using the OMDb API. It doesn’t matter how you output Homework 14 - Project the data. Think about what would be considered good design if you had to turn this in to your boss! What should happen if the movie doesn’t exist? Make sure you account for that! For the last part of this project, pick any other API and write some cool function to interact with that API. Notice that most APIs require API keys, which can usually be obtained by signing up for a free account. If you have to get an API key that is okay, but clearly state how you went about getting that key so we can reproduce it and give you a grade. The API doesn’t matter (Twitter, Spotify, OpenWeatherMap, etc), but rather the cool way in which you interact with it! For example, many developers use a Twitter API to access trending topics or tweets mentioning a specific person. Extra credit opportunities: ● +20 – update your OMDb API function to show the Rotten Tomatoes rating ● +30 – update your last function to pull data from two different APIs and correlate them in some meaningful way ● +30 – write nyTimesParser ● +20 – update your first function to additionally pull the isbn for each book (also available in the HTML) Some things that may help: ● webread ● Regular expressions may be helpful (but not mandatory) ● HTML is very structured, which should help with your string parsing ● Many JSON libraries are already available for MATLAB, don’t reinvent the wheel! Homework 14 - Project Project Option #4: Learn about 3d animation and build your own working clock In this project, you will use your MATLAB skills to build a fully-functioning 3D clock. This homework will be different from the homework assignments you have completed up until now. Instead of having many problems to solve with different functions, you will be graded only on one function, analogClock(). The function analogClock() should be able to make the face of an analog clock and animate the movements of the second, minute and hour hand appropriately. There will be more instructions on how to do this later on. You are not required to have any other functions besides analogClock when you hand in your files, but it is encouraged that you make helper functions to aid your main function. Before you begin writing your analogClock function, you should and must first finish the ABCs for surface plotting and animation. There are 3 ABC files total, one on surface plotting and two on animation. Unlike other ABCs you have had this semester, there is no autograder to check your answers for these. The only way to see if you completed the ABCs correctly is to run the solution code (.p files) and visually compare your answers. Ensure that you load the ABCs_surfacePlotting.mat file and run the surface plotting ABCs with inputs when testing. Once you have completed the ABCs, refer to clock function description further down. You have also been provided with a grading scheme and example extra credit opportunities. You can earn up to 100 points extra credit to get a max score of 200 on this assignment. Notes: You have a lot of freedom in this project to change things up and be creative. At the very minimum, you must create the face of a clock with a second, minute and hour hand using surface plotting. The clock should work properly like any other clock would. You can create additional functions if you want to do more than what the provided function guidelines offer. Grading Scheme: Ten percent (10%) of your grade for this project will come from your completion of the ABCs (hand-graded). Another Sixty percent (60%) will come from a hand-graded score of your analogClock function. The remaining thirty percent (30%) of your grade will be based on a write-up that answers specific questions and explains how your clock function works. Make sure you look through the rubric provided to ensure you have fulfilled all the requirements for this project homework. You will receive 0 credit for making a 2D plotted Clock! Extra Credit: The animation aspect of this homework will give you an opportunity to be creative. If you go above and beyond what the problem statement specifies, there is potential to receive extra credit. Extra credit will be awarded by your TAs based on how many creative additions you make to your clock, where each addition can be worth up to 10 points of EC. You should make note of any extra credit you have incorporated at the bottom of your file (below all of the code) Homework 14 - Project as comments, in addition to mentioning it in your write-up. The TAs are NOT responsible for helping you implement your extra credit! Example Extra Credit Additions: (You are not limited to this list) ● Incorporate the date somewhere. ● Put in 1-12 hour marks and/or other tick marks. ● Make the clock face more intricate (a grandfather clock, with a swinging pendulum). ● Ticking noises / hourly clock chimes ● Change the background based on the time of day. ● Incorporate a second input which specifies the format of the clock (pocket watch, sports watch, etc.). ● Add images to the clock face. Homework 14 - Project Function Description Function Name: analogClock Inputs: 1. (char) start time as a character vector (Ex. '13:58:55') You may have more inputs to your function. Outputs: none Plot Outputs: 1. Animated 3D plot of a clock Function Description: After completing the ABCs for surface plotting and animation, you should now feel comfortable making the face of a clock with a second, minute and hour hand. You are encouraged to make a flat disk your clock face and use flat cylinders as your hands (Think about how you would use the sphere and cylinder functions to achieve this, and how you would manipulate your xx, yy, and zz values . However, you are in no way required to make your face in this manner. You are allowed to and highly encouraged to use the rotate function to rotate your hands appropriately. Otherwise you may use the 3D rotation matrix. You have also been provided with the freezeColors and unfreezeColors functions. These functions allow you to use multiple colormaps in a single figure. You can call freezeColors (without inputs) after you use the colormap function. The file analogClock_sample.p has also been provided for you to see an example of what your animation may look like. Try running the analogClock_sample function with an input of 'now'. An analogClock function file has already been created for you with some comments and simple code to help you get started. You are free to create a new file altogether if you wish. Requirements for analogClock: ● You must have a clock face. ● You must have all 3 hands ● Your hands must move at real time: ○ The seconds hand should rotate around completely in a minute ○ The minute hand should rotate around completely in an hour ○ The hour hand should rotate around completely in 12 hours. ● You must interpolate the minute and hour hand positions in between integer positions ● Your axes should be turned off ● Comments should be at the bottom of the file that outline creative changes made or a statement that no creative changes were made. ● The clock must be made using 3D surface plotting! Homework 14 - Project Hints: ● Use colormap() to change the color of your surfaces. ● Use freezeColors after calling colormap. ● Consider what shading interp does and whether you need it. ● Think about when you need to hold on and hold off. ● Don't forget to pause. Rubric ABCs: Points Available ABCs_surfacePlotting 5 ABCs_animation1 & ABCs_animation2 5 Function: Points Available Face 20 Hands 20 Moving in real time 10 Minute and hour hands interpolated 5 Axes turned off 5 Extra credit 100 Write-Up: Points Available Explained how you made the face of your clock and your hands. 10 Explained how you managed to rotate your hands properly. 10 Explained how you colored and formatted your clock. 5 Explained anything else that was relevant to your clock, including extra credit 5 You may format your write-up in any way, and use as many images as you want, so long as you address everything. Please limit your write-up to 2 pages. Homework 14 - Project Homework 14 - Project Project Option #5: 2048 Game GUI For this project, you will be creating your own MATLAB version of the tile shifting game 2048! You'll be working with GUIs (graphical user interfaces) in MATLAB. To get you started, we are providing an optional ABCs to introduce some MATLAB features that may be helpful. There is also a document called Figure Basics in MATLAB which goes along with these ABCs. We are also providing you with a skeleton function that will guide you through how to build this project. This is just for guidance, so you are free to change this and implement your project in any way. We have also given two helper functions called boardSlider() and tileGenerator(). These can help you manipulate a backing array of doubles, which can represent the board, by sliding the values based on user input and randomly generate tiles into the array, respectively. You can look at the help documentation for more information on how these helper functions work. Requirements: ● (10 Points) Properly set up the figure window with appropriate dimensions, background color, and figure title, and remove the menu and the number title ● (5 points) Display the title of the game 2048 in the window ● (5 points) Display the score in the figure ● (10 points) Create the appropriate number of tiles objects ● (30 points) Use arrow key input controls to manipulate backing array ● (10 points) Update tiles within the figure to match the array ● (5 points) Have different colors for blank tiles vs. a tile with a value ● (5 points) Update the score display as the game is played ● (10 points) Display a game over page when there are no more available moves ● (10 points) Includes a quit button in the figure that will exit the game After the 100 points for the 2048 are completed, you can receive a max of 100 extra credit points in the following ways ● (up to 40 points) Include a start screen when the game is run. This can include a start button, color settings, game title, etc. ● (up to 20 points) More advanced display during game play. Includes color changing titles, displaying gamer tag, displaying previous high score, etc ● (20 points) Include a play/pause button. Should prevent the game from being played while the game is paused. ● (up to 40 points) Animate the tiles so they move across the board as the game is played. ● (up to 40 points) Create your own helper functions ○ 30 points for boardSlider ○ 10 points for a tileGenerator Homework 14 - Project ● (up to 20 points) Create a more advanced game over display window. This can include a flashing or animated game over display, a return to start screen button, a replay button, etc. Hints: ● You may find the function waitforbuttonpress helpful while completing this project ● You may find the figure properties CurrentCharacter and KeyPressFcn helpful for this project Notes: ● If you use waitforbuttonpress and it errors when you close your game window, then you will not have points taken off. However, it is highly encouraged that you write you code so that no errors occur. Homework 14 - Project Project Option #6: Build your own website Have you ever been close to the end of the semester and wondered “what do I need on the final to get a _____ in this class”? In this project, you’re going to build a custom website that can help you answer just that question. Instead of the usual MATLAB, we’re going to reach outside of our normal toolbox and explore other coding languages – specifically web languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Don’t panic, we’re not going to do anything too complicated with them. For this project, you will build a website that helps you figure out what score you need on the final to achieve a certain score in a class, and you are going to upload that website to your Prism drive. The Prism drive is the space allocated by Georgia Tech just for you. That’s right – every GT student has their own space on the Georgia Tech servers that they can use to host websites (like resume websites, blogs, etc.). For our purposes, we’re going to pretend that every class is broken down into 5 sections: 1. Tests (before the final) 2. Homework 3. Quiz 4. Class Participation 5. Extra Credit 6. Final exam But every class assigns different weights to these categories. For example, one class might assign 30% to tests while another class might assign 85%. You will build a user interface that allows the user to enter the percentage assigned to each category, the grade they have for that category, and what grade they want coming out of the final. Then, your website will display what score they need on the final to achieve that score in the class. Point breakdown: ● 20 points – Website inputs ○ +10 for having inputs for each of the 6 categories above for their associated weight ■ Note: Extra credit has no weight – the value entered into “score” is added onto the final grade ○ +10 for having inputs for each of the 6 categories above for the user’s score in that category ● 10 points – Desired grade and button ○ +5 for having an input that allows the user to enter what score they want in the class ○ +5 for having a button for calculating the score needed ● 50 points – Grade calculation ○ +50 for having the correct score show when the button is pressed ● 10 points – Input validation ○ +10 for displaying an error message if the user enters percentages that total to Homework 14 - Project more than 100% ● 10 points – styling ○ +10 points if the page has at least 10 different CSS style definitions ● Note – you will receive no credit if your site is not publicly accessible at your Prism URL ○ Your prism URL is Resources to get you started: ● HTML and CSS ○ Here are a few slideshows for introductions to HTML and CSS. ○ If you want more information on HTML and CSS, there are lots of great resources online. Probably more than you could go through in a year. Google is your friend here. ■ HTML inputs ■ HTML buttons ● JavaScript ○ There are also lots of great tutorials online regarding JavaScript. But since our project is simple, you will probably find a lot of success in just searching your question. Examples: ■ “How to handle a button click in JavaScript” ■ “How to get text from input in JavaScript” ● Uploading your site to Prism ○ To upload your website to your Prism drive, you can follow the walkthrough put together by OIT. It has all the information you need regarding how to set up your account and start transferring files. ● Calculating the grade ○ If I had two categories in a class, test and homework, I could calculate the grade I need on the final with the following code: test_raw = test_score * (test_weight/100) hw_raw = hw_score * (hw_weight/100) score_needed = (desired_score - extra_credit – test_raw – hw_raw) / (final_weight/100) Live Examples: ● Here’s an example of a bare-bones solution (don’t copy this!) ○ Notes: ● You may use external libraries if you think they will help you (example: jQuery). Warning: if you don’t already know how to use them, it will probably just make things more complicated. Homework 14 - Project Extra Credit Opportunities: ● 10 points – Extra CSS styling ○ At least 25 different style definitions ● 20 points – the user can enter a comma separated lists of scores into any category, and the score for that category is calculated as the average of the comma separated list ● 70 points – Allow the user to search for a class and dynamically populate category weights ○ More info below Getting Started on the Extra Credit For the last part of the extra credit, instead of having the user input the weight of each category, you should allow the user to choose a class from a list, and then you will go get the category weights for that class. To do this, we have built a mock API which returns the weights of classes. To learn about APIs, you can skim over the API project, but here is a summary: “In some cases, companies (or private users) will publish APIs to interact with their data. APIs have a few different definitions, but in the context that we’re dealing with, an API is just an interface that allows you interact with data on a website. In the previous example, we used a URL to read HTML content. With an API, we are again going to use a URL, but this time we are going to get nicely formatted data that is easier to process, and often can be filtered to exactly what we want.” Our API returns the data associated with the weights for a given class. You can access this API by using a specific URL like this: Where “className” is the class you want the data for. Here are some example URLS, you can try them out in your browser or just follow the hyperlink: ● ● ● If you try out those URLs, you’ll notice that the result is not a nicely formatted HTML page like you’re used to. Instead, you see a bunch of data formatted as a JSON string. This is much easier for programmers (such as yourself) to work with. Don’t let JSON scare you, it is just one of the many ways to format data. Luckily for us, JSON is very easy to use in JavaScript. The data returned from our API will have each category and the corresponding weight for that category. It will also have a “success” field that has a value of true if the class was found and false otherwise. To earn this extra credit, you should present a list of classes to the user that they can choose from. When they select one (you can have another button for selection if you want), then your website should go get the data from the API shown above, and fill in the weights in the appropriate boxes. Here’s a list of classes that our API will display fake data for: CS1371, AE1350, AE1601, AE1770, CHEM1211, CHEM1212, CHEM1315, CHEM2311, ECON1101, ECON2100, ECON2101, ENGL1101, ENGL1102, MATH1111, MATH1113, MATH1501, MATH1502, PHYS2211, PHYS2212, PHYS2213, PHIL2010, PHIL2025, PSYC2005, Homework 14 - Project PSYC2020, PSYC2103, NRE2110, NRE2698, CS1331, CS1332, ECE1010, ECE2020, ECE2026. Note that this type of request is called a “GET” request because we are passing the necessary data inside of the URL. Feel free to search around for how to make a GET request in JavaScript.

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