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HW 2: Functional programming and Racket

CS314 HW 2: Functional programming and
Using Bloom Filters for Spell Checkers

In this project, you will implement an “infrastructure” that allows you to
create and experiment with different spell checkers that are based on hash
functions. Hash functions map character strings (e.g. “hello”) to integer
values. Each hash function has a range of [0, size - 1], i.e., can map a
character string to an integer value greater than or equal to 0, but smaller
than size. The index generated by applying hash function h to a word w,
i.e., h(w), can be used to index into a data structure that stores information
associated with w. For instance, symbol tables typically use hashing to map
identifiers to their attributes.
Hashing can also be used to implement a spell checker. Instead of comparing a word w with entries in a dictionary of words, the word’s hash value
h(w) is used to index into a bitvector. A bitvector is an array of booleans,
i.e., each entry is either true (= 1) or false (= 0). If bitvector(h(w)) = false,
w is spelled incorrectly. The bitvector is created by applying a hash function
to each word w in the directory, setting the the bitvector to true (:= 1) for
the computed hash value, i.e., bitvector(h(w)) := 1 for all w in the dictionary.
Typically, the memory requirement of a dictionary of words is much larger
than the memory requirement of its corresponding bitvector. In addition,
indexing into the bitvector (or any other array data structure) is typically
much faster than using any lookup technique based on string comparisons.
Unfortunately, the more compact representation and faster access has its
price. Clearly, the choice of the hash function will determine the quality of
the spell checker. If a misspelled word has the same hash value as a correctly
spell word in the dictionary, the spell checker will fail to report the misspelled
word. In order to increase the chances of mapping a misspelled word to a
bitvector location that is marked false, we can
• use a set of (different) hash functions h1, ..., hn instead of just a single
hash function h; instead of marking (checking) only h(w) as true in the
bitvector, we now mark (check) all hi(w) as true.
• increase the length (size) of the bitvector, allowing hash functions with
larger ranges and thereby generating a sparser bitvector, i.e., a bitvector
with many more 0 entries than 1 entries.
In this project, you will write a spell checker generator that allows the experimentation with different sets of hash functions and their ranges. Racket
is a language well suited for “rapid prototyping”, i.e., allows a quick implementation of a working prototype. We will represent a bitvector in Racket
as a list of indices, i.e., a list of integer values for which the bitvector entry
is ‘1’ (e.g. vector [0 0 1 0 1 0 0] is represented as list ’(2 4) – the indexing is
0-based). This is a typical representation of a bitvector where ‘1’ entries are
sparse, i.e., where there are many more ‘0’ entries than ‘1’ entries.
1 Hash Functions
Our hash functions consist of two main steps. In the first step, the input word
w is mapped to an integer value, called its key. In the second step, the key
is mapped to its final hash value. We will compute w’s key by associating
an integer value with each letter (symbol) in w, and then multiplying the
resulting values. Note: In this project we only consider lower case letters
and words.
We will use the following key function key(w) – please note that we are
using pseudocode for functions here rather than the Racket’s function notation:
key <- 5413
for each character c in w
reading from right to left do
key <- 29 * key + ctv(c)
end for
where ctv (“character-to-value”) maps ’a’ to 1, ’b’ to 2, ... and ’z’ to 26.
1.1 Division Method
In the division method, a key k is mapped into size slots by taking the
remainder (modulo) of k divided by size. In other words, the hash functions
have the form: h(k) = k mod size. The size should be a prime number in
order to generate a more uniform spread of the hash function values over the
function’s entire [0, size - 1] range.
1.2 Multiplication Method
The multiplication method for creating hash functions operates in two steps.
First, we multiply the key k by a constant A (we choose A = 0.6780227553),
and then extract the fractional part of kA. Then, we multiply this value with
size and take the floor of the result. In other words, the hash functions have
the form:
h(k) = bsize · (k · A − bk · Ac)c
The desired uniform spread of the hash function over its entire range is
not dependent on a particular selection of size.
2 Project Description
For this project, words are represented as lists of lower case symbols, e.g.,
the word “class” is represented as ’(c l a s s). The project consists of
three parts:
1. Write the key function key which takes a word as input and maps it to
its key using the provided cvt character to value mapping.
2. Write a function that generates hash functions based on the division
method gen-hash-division-method, and a function that generates
hash functions based on the multiplication method gen-hash-multiplication-method.
3. Write a function gen-checker that takes as input a list of hash functions
and a dictionary of words, and returns a spell checker. A spell checker
is a function that takes a word as input and returns either #t or #f,
indicating a correctly or incorrectly spelled word, respectively.
Your implementation of gen-checker should generate the bitvector representation for the input dictionary exactly once. For the implementation of these functions, you can use Racket functions such as modulo
and floor. You must use the reduce function at least once in your implementation in a useful way. The definition of reduce is given in file
Note that a hash function based on a multiplication method may return
integer values of the form 17.0 instead of just 17 . Use the Racket “=”
function (numeric equality) to test for equality. Do not use “eq?” or
3 How To Get Started
The code for this project is in the hw2.tar file on Sakai.
Create your own directory on the ilab cluster, and copy the entire provided project hw2.tar to your own home directory or any other one of your
directories. Say tar xf hw2.tar to extract the project files.
Make sure that the read, write, and execute permissions for groups and
others are disabled (chmod go-rwx <directory name). It is considered
cheating if you do not protect your project files!
There are four files: spell.rkt, include.rkt, test-dictionary.rkt and dictionary.rkt. You are only allowed to modify the spell.rkt file. File testdictionary.rkt contains a small dictionary consisting of only three words. Use
it to debug your program. File dictionary.rkt contains a list of over 45,000
words allowing you to generate a realistic spell checker. You can switch
between different dictionaries by requiring the corresponding .rkt file.
4 Grading
You will submit your version of file spell.rkt via the Assignments page on
Sakai. No other file should be modified, and no additional files may be used.
Your programs will be graded based on programming style and functionality. You must not use assignment (set!) in Racket. Functionality will be
verified through automatic testing on a set of test cases.

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