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HW #2: Recommender Systems & Deep Learning

6240 HW #2: Recommender Systems & Deep Learning

Problem 1 [40 points]
● Read papers [2,3]
● Download the movielens 100K ratings dataset from here
● The dataset consists of 943 users and 1682 movies in which each user has rated
at least 20 movies. Choose ua.base/test and ub.base/test for result comparison
between different training sets and testing sets; and ua.base/test for model
comparison between different algorithms. The training and testing data are
pre-processed as follows: we apply the database to build a U by I matrix A,
where U is the number of users, and I is the number of rated movies. Each
element Aui denotes the rating scored by the u-th user for the i-th movie.
a. Plot the histogram of the variable #movie_ratngs = number of ratings for a
b. Plot the histogram of the variable #user_ratings = number of ratings for a
● Build a recommender system where the baseline predictor for a (u,i) pair is :
bui=μ+bu+bi as described in [2] section 4.1.
a. Estimate μ, bu
, bi
empirically and compute the means square error on the
test set according to the following formula
b. Plot the RMSE per user x movie rating. For example plot the RMSE for all
the test user x movies that have test rating 1,2,3,4,5. You have to deliver 5
c. Plot the RMSE per user. For example, bin your user in 5 different
categories based on their average rating (you get that from your training
data). For example, if the average ratings for user range from 3 to 5, then
create 5 intervals between 3 and 5. For every bin plot the RMSE for all the
users in that bin.
● Build a recommender system based on [2] section 4.2. For a (u,i) pair compute
the rating by using the item similarity function:
For a (u,i) pair find the k most similar items to i that the user u has rated and
compute the average rating as indicated in [3] section 3.2.1
a. Compute the test RMSE for k=1,2,3,5,10 and find the optimal one.
b. Plot (for k=2 and k=5) the RMSE per user x movie rating. For example
plot the RMSE for all the test user x movies that have training rating
1,2,3,4,5. You have to deliver 5 plots.
c. Plot the RMSE per user. For example, bin your user in 5 different
categories based on their average rating (you get that from your training
data). For example, if the average ratings for user range from 3 to 5, then
create 5 intervals between 3 and 5. For every bin plot the RMSE for all the
users in that bin.
Problem 2 [20 points]
● Download the MNIST dataset. It’s available in many places, including Kaggle
● Create a modified training set
a. For each image in the train set, generate two images where the probability
of a pixel value being flipped is 0.03
b. Your new training set size should be 120K
● Review the blog on keras and autoencoders,
● Implement a convolutional autoencoder (four times)
a. Vary the CNN architecture in four ways
b. Optimize as best as possible during training
● Plot the test set error (mean L2 error) as a function of the number of samples
used to train each autoencoder
● Plot the best- and worst set of digits as measured by error (original image,
reconstructed image)
Problem 3 [40 points]
● Download the imagenet collection from The imagenet
collection is very big for the scope of the class. We will pick few categories so
that we can keep the computations tractable. As you can see the categories are not balanced. For the scope of
this class we will use the images from:
a. Plant, flora, plant life (1271)
b. Geological formation (1808)
c. Fungus (1207)
d. Sport (1888)
e. Person (1242)
f. Animal (1571)
● Convert the images to vectors:
a. Autoencoder (unsupervised): You can pick your model details, but justify
them (loosely)
b. Singular Value Decomposition: Represent each image as a vector by
unfolding it columnwise. If you have N images, and each image is 256 x
256 that will give you a matrix of N x 2^16. You can do SVD on that matrix
and transform each image as a k dimensional vector. You may choose to
resample images to be uniform size beforehand. You can pick the
number of singular values to retain (k), but provide a justification.
c. Histograms: For every image,
i. Create RGB histograms and combine to create a single feature
vector by concatenating RGB vectors.
ii. Create HSV histograms and combine to create a single feature
vector by concatenating HSV vectors.
● Compare classification results. Each of the four techniques in #2 above convert
images into a vector. For each of the four techniques:
a. Use Euclidean distance and Pearson correlation coefficient to find the 5
nearest neighbors of each image.
b. Use majority vote of the 5 NNs to determine the category of each image.
c. Create a 6x6 confusion matrix for each distance metric whose rows index
the true categories and whose columns index the predicted category
values. Compute counts for each cell, and the overall accuracy of the
system (percentage of correctly classified images).
Present a detailed report on your experiment experiment that explains your design
choices and results, shows examples of outputs and inputs, etc.. Are the results
reasonable? How did you test to assure so? Reports should include code in python or
ipython notebooks.

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