EECS 545 HW 2
When you upload your solutions to gradescope, please indicate which pages of your solution are
associated with each problem.
1. Worst Bayes Risk (5 points)
Consider multiclass classification with K classes. As a function of K, what is the largest
possible value of the Bayes Risk R∗
? Justify your answer.
2. Na¨ıve Bayes for Spam Filtering
In this problem you will apply the na¨ıve Bayes classifier to the problem of spam detection,
using a benchmark database assembled by researchers at Hewlett-Packard. Download the
HW2 files found fom Canvas under Files → Homework → HW2. The file spambase.data
contains the data. The file loadspam.py contains the following code for loading the training
data, and extracting feature vectors and labels.
import numpy as np
z = np.genfromtxt(’spambase.data’, dtype=float, delimiter=’,’)
np.random.seed(0) #Seed the random number generator
rp = np.random.permutation(z.shape[0]) #random permutation of indices
z = z[rp,:] #shuffle the rows of z
x = z[:,:-1]
y = z[:,-1]
Note: If you copy and paste the above, you may need to delete and retype the single quotes to
avoid an error. This has to do with the optical character recognition of pdfs on some systems.
Here x is n × d, where n = 4601 and d = 57. The different features correspond to different
properties of an email, such as the frequency with which certain characters appear. y is a
vector of labels indicating spam or not spam. For a detailed description of the dataset, visit
the UCI Machine Learning Repository, or Google ’spambase’.
To evaluate the method, treat the first 2000 examples as training data, and the rest as test
data. Fit the na¨ıve Bayes model using the training data (i.e., estimate the class-conditional
marginals), and compute the misclassification rate (i.e., the test error) on the test data. The
code above randomly permutes the data, so that the proportion of each class is about the
same in both training and test data.
You should implement this algorithm yourself. Do not use existing implementations.
(a) (10 pts) Quantize each variable to one of two values, say 1 and 2, so that values below
the median map to 1, and those above map to 2. In Python, use np.median(a,axis=0)
to calculate the columnwise medians of an array a.
Report the test error. As a sanity check, what would be the test error if you always
predicted the same class, namely, the majority class from the training data?
Your code should follow best coding practices including the use of comments, indentation,
and descriptive variable names. Submit your code as a single .py file to the corresponding
assignment on Canvas designated for this purpose. In addition, please also submit a .pdf
version of your code (just print the .py file to pdf) and upload to gradescope. This will
make it easier for graders who want to take a quick look at your code without running
Note: On the spam detection problem, please note that you will get a different test
error depending on how you quantize values that are equal to the median. It makes a
difference whether you quantize values equal to the median to 1 or 2. You should quantize
all medians the same way – I’m not suggesting that you try all 2
combinations. So just
make sure you try both options, and report the one that works better.
Note: The notes mention a technique (“Laplacian smoothing”) that adds 1 to the numerator and L to the denominator, where L is number of class. In this problem you do
not need to implement this technique.
3. Logistic regression objective function (5 points each)
Consider the regularized logistic regression objective (penalized negative log-likelihood)
J(θ) = −`(θ) + λkθk
`(θ) = Xn
i=1 "
log ?
1 + e−θT x˜i
+ (1 − yi) log
T x˜i
1 + e−θT x˜i
!# .
Here x˜i = [1 xi1 · · · xid]
T and yi ∈ {0, 1}.
(a) Show that if we change the label convention in logistic regression from y ∈ {0, 1} to
y ∈ {−1, 1}, then
−`(θ) = Xn
1 + exp
?? .
Introduce the notation φ(t) = log(1 + exp(−t)) so that, by the previous problem, the logistic
regression regularized negative log-likelihood may be written
J(θ) = Xn
Tx˜i) + λkθk
. (1)
(b) Calculate the gradient of J(θ) using (1). Your answer may be in the form of a summation.
Simplify your result so that it involves only the full vectors xi (or x˜i) and not their
(c) Calculate the Hessian of J(θ). This will be a (d + 1) × (d + 1) matrix. Again your result
may be in the form of a summation. Simply your result so that it involves only the full
vectors xi (or x˜i) and not their components.
(d) Use the previous result to argue that J is a convex function of θ when λ ≥ 0, and strictly
convex when λ
4. Logistic Regression for Handwritten Digit Recognition (15 points)
Download the file mnist 49 3000.mat from Canvas under Files → Homework → HW2. This
is a subset of the MNIST handwritten digit database, which is a well-known benchmark
database for classification algorithms. This subset contains examples of the digits 4 and 9.
The data file contains variables x and y, with the former containing patterns and the latter
labels. The images are stored as column vectors. To visualize an image, in Python run
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mnist_49_3000 = sio.loadmat(’mnist_49_3000.mat’)
x = mnist_49_3000[’x’]
y = mnist_49_3000[’y’]
d,n= x.shape
i = 0 #Index of the image to be visualized
plt.imshow(np.reshape(x[:,i], (int(np.sqrt(d)),int(np.sqrt(d)))))
The above code can be found in the file loadmnist.py.
Note: If you copy and paste the above, you may need to delete and retype the single quote to
avoid an error. This has to do with the optical character recognition of pdfs on some systems.
Implement Newton’s method (a.k.a. Newton-Raphson) to find a minimizer of the regularized
negative log likelihood J(θ) from the previous problem. Set λ = 10. Use the first 2000
examples as training data, and the last 1000 as test data. As a termination criterion, let i be
the final iteration as soon as |J(θi) − J(θi−1)|/J(θi−1) ≤ ? := 10−6
. Let the initial iterate θ0
be the zero vector.
• Report the test error, the number of iterations run, and the value of the objective
function after convergence.
• In addition, generate a figure displaying 20 images in a 4 x 5 array. These images
should be the 20 misclassified images for which the logistic regression classifier was
most confident about its prediction (you will have to define a notion of confidence in a
reasonable way – explain what this is). In the title of each subplot, indicate the true
label of the image. What you should expect to see is some 4s that look kind of like 9s
and 9s that look kind of like 4s.
• Your code should follow best coding practices including the use of comments, indentation,
and descriptive variable names. Submit your code as a single .py file to the corresponding
assignment on Canvas designated for this purpose. In addition, please also submit a .pdf
version of your code (just print the .py file to pdf) and upload to gradescope. This will
make it easier for graders who want to take a quick look at your code without running
Some additional remarks:
• Helpful Python commands and libraries: numpy.log, numpy.exp, numpy.sum, numpy.sign,
numpy.zeros, numpy.repeat, str(), matplotlib.pyplot.
• Note that the labels in the data are ±1, whereas the notes (at times) assume that the
labels are 0 and 1.
• It is possible to “vectorize” Newton’s method, that is, implement it without any additional loops besides the main loop. If you would prefer to do this, please consult the
book by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman and look for the iterative reweighted least
squares (IRLS) implementation. Do note that they may have different notation than
what was presented in class. That said, if you just use an additional loop to calculate
the Hessian at each iteration, and it shouldn’t take too long.
5. Weighted Least Squares Regression (5 points)
Consider linear regression and let c1, . . . , cn 0 be known weights. Determine the solution of
ci(yi − wTxi − b)
Express your solution in terms of the matrix C = diag(c1, . . . , cn) an appropriate data matrix
X, and other notation as needed.
Hint: As a sanity check, your solution should reduce to the ordinary least squares solution
when C is the identity matrix.