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HW 5 Critter Simulator [Part II]

EE 422C HW 5 Critter Simulator [Part II]
EE 422C HW 5 Critter Simulator [Part II]
1 Instructions
1.1 Team Policy
1.2 What to do
2 Requirements
2.1 Model Components
Basic Functionality
In doTimeStep()
In fight()
When to Remove Dead Critters
2.2 View Component
2.3 Controller Component
2.4 Critter Subclasses
2.5 Animation
2.6 Changes to displayWorld() and runStats()
3 Extra Credit
4 Submission and Grading
6 Submission Checklist
1 Instructions
1.1 Team Policy
This project is optionally a pair-programming project. Read the full assignment instructions on Canvas before
you continue reading, and again before you start coding.
1.2 What to do
In this assignment, you’ll add a more modern controller and view module based on the JavaFX framework to your
Critter simulation engine (Assignment 4). We’ll make the Critter model a little more interesting (just a little) so that
Critter subclasses can be more interesting; if time permits, we’ll let you show the class your fancy GUI (just for fun
and bragging rights).
A large part of your grade will be based on the visual presentation of your JavaFX-based interface. Also note that
we will not be imposing specific requirements on how you implement your interface. Rather, the TA will be working
off a checklist of required features and will score your project partly on whether you can accomplish everything on
that list (in some fashion, we won’t tell you what to do), and how attractive and effective (i.e., easy to use) your
interface is.
2 Requirements
2.1 Model Components
Basic Functionality
The model remains largely unchanged for this project. Given that the model was the dominant focus of the last
project, that seems reasonable. However, you do need to introduce one new piece of functionality. You must
implement the protected Critter.look(int direction, boolean steps) method. This method examines
the location identified by the Critter’s current coordinates and moving one or two positions (for steps = false or
true respectively) in the indicated direction (recall direction 0 corresponds to moving along the x axis, 1
corresponds to moving diagonally along both the x and y axes, etc. (refer to Part 1 for documentation)). If the
location is unoccupied, then look() returns null. If the location is occupied, then look() returns the
toString() result for the Critter in that location. In either case, the Critter invoking look() will pay the
Params.LOOK_ENERGY_COST energy cost.
In doTimeStep()
When implementing look() you must respect the simulation rule that all Critters move simultaneously during their
doTimeStep(). So, if a Critter invokes look() during doTimeStep(), then the result of calling look() is based
on the old position of the Critter (before it moved this time step, if it has) and based on the old positions of all the
other Critters (before they move this time step).
In fight()
Conversely (and consistent with Part 1), if a Critter invokes look() during its fight() method, then the result of
calling look() is based on the most current up-to-date information. Any walk/run effect is processed immediately
in the arbitrary order that you process them (any sequence of fight() actions is fine – this is the same
requirement as Part 1). A Critter can look as often as it wishes in a time step.
When to Remove Dead Critters
One source of confusion might be to decide when to remove dead Critters from their location. If Critters die during
doTimeStep(), remove them after doTimeStep(). If they die during fighting, remove them right away. If there
are some corner cases for these rules, implement anything reasonable, and document your behavior in your
README file.
2.2 View Component
The view component is completely rewritten for this project, and you may design this component (almost) anyway
you wish. These are the requirements:
The view component must be triggered by the Critter.displayWorld() static method.
The view component must display Critters graphically using a JavaFX class such as GridPane. For this
purpose, you may access objects in your Main class statically.
The view object can be scaled however you see fit. The quality and flexibility of your scaling will be rated by
the TAs. A well-scaled view will permit large worlds (Params.WORLD_WIDTH and Params.WORLD_HEIGHT
larger than 100) to be displayed on reasonably sized screens (i.e., laptop computer screens).
Each Critter in the simulation can select how it is viewed by overriding the following methods
viewShape() – returns a CritterShape value, see the Critter.CritterShape enumeration for
possible values
viewOutlineColor() – returns a JavaFX Color value (see the JavaFX Canvas tutorial for
demonstrations of possible colors)
viewFillColor() – returns a JavaFX Color value
The view method must correctly draw each Critter based on these values, the shape must be outlined
using the outline color and the shape must be filled using the fill color. Note that by default, the two
colors are the same.
In addition to rating your view based on the quality of its scaling implementation, the TAs will give an overall
“attractiveness and quality” rating as part of your score.
2.3 Controller Component
The controller will also be largely rewritten; however, you may be able to salvage and reuse parts of your controller.
The controller commands themselves will remain the same. Your controller must be a JavaFX graphical user
interface rather than a text based interface. Users will enter commands by pushing buttons rather than typing text.
When evaluating your controller, the TAs will look for the following.
Do you have the ability for the end user to create Critters? Can the user add new Critters to the simulation at
any time (i.e., creating new Critters should not be limited to before the first time step – when you implement
animation, you can and should disable Critter creation while animation is running, see below)? You must not
pre-program the acceptable Critter types.
Does the user have the ability to perform time steps? Can the user perform multiple time steps with a single
button push? Is the view updated correctly after performing time steps – note that if the user asks to perform
100 time steps, then the view should be updated only after all 100 time steps have completed, not updated
after each time step. Users should be able to (with one click) step the simulation by 1 time step, or by 100
time steps, or by 1000 time steps (configured and selected by the user). If the user can select other values
for the number of time steps, that’s even better.
Does the user have the ability to invoke their runStats() method? Do you have a panel where the results
of runStats() is continuously being displayed (updated whenever the view is updated)? Can the user
select which Critter class(es) have their runStats() methods updated? You may simply display all the
Critters' stats all the time, for a small point penalty. By default (if the particular critter has no runStats()
defined) is the Critter.runStats() base class method invoked each time the view is updated? Note
that runStats() now returns a String, instead of being void.
Does the user have the ability to set the random variable seed?
For all of the above items, the less typing the user has to do to activate the required functionality the better.
Is there an easy and obvious way to terminate the program (this requirement is probably trivial with a
JavaFX GUI, but a quit button is a nice touch). For this assignment, you may use System.exit(0).
Users should be able to add Critters as long as the class files are available in the package folder. Do not
hard code the Critter names in your files. TestCritters should also be addable.
Finally, is the controller properly separated from the model? You should still use the same Critter functions as
before (worldTimeStep, createCritter, runStats, etc). Recall that in the MVC architecture, we really
want to keep each component as well separated as is practical.
2.4 Critter Subclasses
You must also update your Critter subclasses so that at least one Critter class that you write invokes the look
method. You don’t have to invoke the look method in any particular way (you can call it from your doTimeStep or
from your fight method), and you don’t have to invoke the look method every time that method is called, but
there must be some circumstance under which your Critter uses the look method.
Project teams of two developers (i.e., working with a partner) must update two Critter classes so that one Critter
class calls look from fight and will not call look from inside its doTimeStep function; the other Critter class
calls look from its doTimeStep function but will not call look from fight.
All Critter subclasses that you write must override the newly required viewShape method and override one or
more of the viewColor, viewOutlineColor and viewFillColor methods (you don’t have to override all
three). You may not use external image files to make icons for your Critters.
Your solution should be able to add unknown Critter files found in the same directory (which will also happen to be
in the same package). This can be done in one of two ways – the user has to type in a valid Critter's name into a
text box, or you have to search for and find all valid Critter classes in the same directory and package as Main, and
then display these as choices in a pull-down menu. There should of course be a separate text box for the number of
these Critters that you want to add. The pull-down menu is harder to implement, but obviously more elegant. You
may not hard-code Critter names into your .java file.
2.5 Animation
The simulation is well suited for animation. First, allow the end-user to select an animation speed. In each
animation “frame”, the world could perform 1 time step by default. If the user increased the animation speed, the
world could perform 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 time steps per frame (you can pick your own options if you’d like, these
“speedup factors” are just to give you some ideas). Another animation option is to keep the 1 time-step/frame, but
speed up the rate of refresh of the view window.
Once the user has set their animation speed, the user should be able to start animating by pushing a button.
Pushing this button should disable all other controls in your controller except the “stop animation” button. While the
animation is running, the controller invokes the requested number of time steps each animation frame, then calls
the view to update the graphical Canvas for the world, and also calls the selected runStats method to display the
currently selected stats. The simulation continues repeating this behavior every animation frame until the stop
button is pressed.
2.6 Changes to displayWorld() and runStats()
For this assignment, runStats returns a String, and is not a void method. You may change your displayWorld
to accept an Object as a parameter. The parameter can be the pane (such as a GridPane object) on which you
draw your world. You can cast the Object parameter to the correct type within your new displayWorld method.
3 Extra Credit
This assignment has the unique opportunity of implementing additional features for extra credit.
Please finish implementing and testing all the above requirements before attempting to add anything.
Your grade is based primarily on those requirements and additional features are no excuse for not completing them.
With that said, you are allowed to implement any additional feature within reason (i.e., it should be related to
Critters and not any arbitrary piece of software). Here are some great ideas you can add to your project.
Improve graphics
Better general GUI color scheme
Change the window background color or make it an image
Change the grid background color or make it an image
Randomly select image/color when a new world is created
Procedurally generate a tile background for the world. Aim to make it look as cohesive as possible.
Increase Critter customization. Additional shapes, more color options, add patterns, etc.
Runtime dynamic/scaling components. For example, the world scales with the window.
Add a different view. Vanishing point, Isometric (or any other axonometric view), or full 3D with a fixed
camera (amazing if you manage to do this).
Zooming. Instead of having to always look at the whole world allow the user to view a smaller part of
Follow the Critter. When zoomed in, let the user select a Critter to follow.
Unique animation. Instead of only stepping the world also create actual animations for the Critters.
For example, a circle that bounces or a triangle that spins.
Increase functionality
Allow changing settings found in at runtime.
Adding Critters from a menu rather than typing their names
Unique runStats. Like creating a graph showing Critter population over time.
Add sounds or background music
This list is obviously not exhaustive but will hopefully give you enough ideas. We encourage everyone to add an
extra feature. Please note that if a feature modifies functionality found in the main requirements the original
functionality must still work as intended. For example, even if you can set parameters at runtime
must still work.
The actual point values of specific features will be determined after grading is done and will take everyone’s
individual features into account.
4 Submission and Grading
Turn in all the files that are required to test your project:,, your own Critters,
and any other files you created.
Submit a README.pdf file with the following:
A description of your code and graphics, and it might include diagrams.
Any feature in your project implementation that you think is unusually good or did not meet the
standard. Briefly describe any problem that you had and could not solve and how you tried everything
you can to fix it. We will take your effort into account when grading.
Submit a team plan with each of your roles, and your Git URL, if you worked as a team.
For grading, each team will sit with the TA and demonstrate your code. For this purpose, the code that you
turn in will be downloaded into the TA's computer; it will not be graded on your own machine. Both students
have to be present for the checkout.
Before the deadline, one of you should submit a zip file with all your solution files. This file should contain,, your own Critters, and any other files you created. Zip your source folder and
other files together, and rename this file Omit "_eid2" if you are working alone.
To make the zip file, make a folder named Project5_eid1_eid2. Put the files in there as per the diagram below.
Then invoke the Linux/MacOS command (or do the equivalent in Windows):
Just to be sure, move your zip file to a different location and unzip it. Make sure that the structure of the final zip file
is as follows, when unzipped.
$ zip –r Project5_eid1_eid2
Q1. Why is there starter code? Are we not using our previous code?
The starter code provides the method and enum declarations defined above. Essentially you need to merge the
new starter code with your existing code. Do not implement the requirements using different method/enum
The starter code will become available to you when you create a repo.
Q2. Are we allowed to use SceneBuilder/FXML?
Q3. Are we allowed to Swing/AWT?
Swing/AWT is NOT allowed because it’s an entirely different framework from JavaFX.
Q4: How can we find all the Critter subclasses at run-time?
Since the JVM only loads classes as they are needed, the only way to do this is to look at the files inside the
working directory, isolate the .class files, and then isolate the classes that are critters. This has to be done manually.
That is, there is no pre-existing Java method that does this for you. Use the instance method list() in the File
class to get a list of all files in a directory, then use the instance method isAssignableFrom() in the Class class
to check if the found classes are Critters.
Q5: How are we supposed to implement other CritterShapes?
JavaFX by default only has shapes for circles and rectangles. You have to manually implement the other shapes
using Polygon. You have to implement all of them even if your Critters only use one or two of them.
Q6: How can we implement animation without everything breaking?
Using timers and schedulers will probably cause instabilities because they will be on a separate thread from your
main GUI, which will be on the JavaFX thread. To avoid such instabilities, use an AnimationTimer. For even finer
control over your animations, extend AnimationTimer and override the handle() method with your own
implementation. This is one of the hardest parts of the assignment.
Q7: How can we output text to the GUI instead of the console?
You can redirect your outputs to any source using the System.setOut(PrintStream out) method. The
easiest way would be to redirect it to a PrintStream made of a ByteArrayOutputStream. Remember to manually
refresh the part of the GUI that is displaying the text.
Q8: What does scaling mean? Scaling of the windows or scaling of the critter world?
Project5_eid1_eid2/ (folder created by zip)
The latter. The size of the window is of little issue, and it can be fixed as long as it works on most reasonable
resolutions. The Critter world however, should be scalable. For example your program should be able to handle
worlds as small as 4x4 and worlds as large as 100x100 equally well. For full credit, your Critters should be visible at
a reasonable size for different world grid parameters (such as 4x4 and 100x100). For an even better GUI and extra
credit, make your grid dynamically scalable with click-and-drag window resizing resulting in resizing of the Critters
and their grid.
Q9: Must both partners be present for grading?
6 Submission Checklist
Did you complete a header for all your files, with both your names and UT EID's?
Did you mark the slip days used?
Did you do all the work by yourself or with your partner?
Did you zip all the files required to test your project into a zip file?
Did you include your own Critters, after testing them in your system?
Did you download your zipped file into a fresh folder, make sure that your directory structure is exactly what
we asked for, and run it again to make sure everything is working?
Is your package statement correct in all the files?
Did you preserve the directory structure?
Did you include a README pdf document and a team plan pdf?
Did you go through this document and the Piazza posts (especially the faq tagged posts) just before
Good luck and have fun!

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