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HW 5: Programming, Document, and Graphical Tools

HW 5: Programming, Document, and Graphical Tools

Overview: This is an assignment designed to give you practical experience with three sets of tools covered
in class (programming, graphical, and document creation tools). The programming tools utilized are make ,
gprof , diff , and the GNU C/C++ compiler. Graphviz, Imagemagick, and LaTeX/TikZ will be used for
generating graphics in a document form.
Objective: Complete the following tasks (in the order presented) to visualize the execution of a small
calendar tool called remind. Each problem will have one or more outputs, taking the form of a short answer
(text), code, a PNG image, or a PDF. After completing each task, clearly specify which output is matched
with each problem to receive credit.
1. Download the calendar utility remind with the URL
and extract the contents. After running ./configure at the root of the directory, find the Makefile
in the src folder (not at the root). The file you’re looking for should have this at the top:
# for REMIND
SHELL= /bin/sh
BETA = 1
INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -c
After making a backup of this file, edit the Makefile so that it can be profiled with gprof. Explain
the reasoning behind your change. Report (in this HW) the unified format (-u flag) output of the diff
2. Compile the code using using the Makefile of remind-03.01.15 package. Report where the remind
executable is located within the package’s directory after this step. Explain
(a) How you might find remind if you read the Makefile, and
(b) in general how you can find the (non-phony) targets of the Makefile without reading the Makefile
at all (which is not always easy to read).
Note: You do not have to worry about installing any of the binaries produced (i.e. with make install).
Hint: It might help to use a utility covered in the week_3.pdf slides.
3. Profile the remind executable using gprof. The command you will be profiling is
./remind ../examples/defs.rem
Report the 10 functions with the fewest calls as recorded in gmon.out.
4. Use gprof2dot to produce a dot file. Report the contents of the dot file here, and compile it with dot
to produce a PNG.
Note: If you wish to run this from linprog (recommended), you will need to install both pip (the
Python package manager) and gprof2dot locally (because you do not have sudo privileges). This can
be done using the following steps:
(a) Get the pip install script:
(b) Instruct the install script to install locally (in .local/bin):
python --user
(c) Within .local/bin you will find pip . Install gprof2dot locally
./pip install gprof2dot --user
This will put the gprof2dot binary in the same directory as pip. Keep this in mind when using
it (either by specifying its absolute path or by changing your PATH environment variable).
To copy images or other files produced from linprog , you might use WinSCP if you are on Windows
or gFTP on Ubuntu (unless you are already comfortable with scp or sftp).
The rendered dot file (with dot ) could look roughly as complex as this:
5. With TikZ, draw the root and first level of the tree produced by gprof2dot, and render it (as a PDF).
6. Extra Credit Use graphviz to create a circular call graph, and use Imagemagick to create a looping
GIF of the call graph making a full rotation.
(a) 132◦ (b) 24◦ (c) 294◦
Figure 1: Sample output of the circular call graph rotation
Hint: You will want to use Imagemagick’s -distort flag with the SRT distortion. Don’t use the
-rotate flag!
Note: There will be some distortion around the edges with SRT; this is OK.
Upload all the files in a single tar or zip file by the due date.

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