HW1. SQL Basics
In this homework assignment, you will use SQL to store and query a database. You will learn the followings:
How to create a database
How to create a table
How to change a table after creation
How to insert data into a table
How to select certain rows or columns from a table
How to join two tables together
How to use expressions
This assignment has a total of four questions and 25 points.
You will also use SQLite as the DBMS. In contrast to many other database management systems (e.g., Oracle, DB2, and SQL Servier), SQLite is not a client–server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. This unique feature has led it to be adopted by billions of applications.
Install Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Please install it using Anaconda for python 2.7.
Install SQLite
If you are using Mac OS X or Linux, SQLite should be pre-installed. Open a terminal and type sqlite3. To exit, type ".exit"
If you are using Windows, please follow the instructions on here to install SQLite
Install ipython-sql
ipython-sql is a jupyter notebook extension. It allows using SQL queries inside jupyter notebooks. Please install it using Anaconda:
Open a terminal and type conda install -c conda-forge ipython-sql
Initial Test
Please download and follow the steps on the test.ipynb to test your environment before you start your homework assignment.
Q1: Create a database (4 points)
The goal is to create a database to manage student and course information in computing science department (named cssys), and then create three tables in this database. The first table is named students, the second table is named courses, and the third table is called transcript.
To start, please execute the following cell to load the ipython-sql extension.
%load_ext sql
1.1 (1 point) Create an empty database named cssys
%sql sqlite:///cssys
'Connected: @cssys'
1.2 (1 point) Create a table named students
Please create a table named students. The students table has six attributes: studentid, firstname, lastname, age, gender, gpa
id - integer
firstname - char(15)
lastname - char(15)
age - integer
gender - char(1)
gpa - double
id is Primary Key
CREATE TABLE students (
id integer,
firstname char(15),
lastname char(15),
age integer,
gender char(1),
gpa double,
primary key(id)
* sqlite:///cssys
1.3 (1 point) Create a table named courses
Please create a table named courses. The courses table has four attributes: id, name, credit, prereq
id- integer
name - varchar(30)
credit - integer
prereq - integer
(id, prereq) is Primary Key
CREATE TABLE courses (
id integer,
name varchar(30),
credit integer,
prereq integer,
primary key(id, prereq)
* sqlite:///cssys
1.4 (1 point) Create a table named transcript
Please create a table named transcript. The transcript table has five columns: studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit
studentid- integer
courseid - integer
mark - double
semester - integer (represented as year + 01:fall, 02:spring, 03:summer)
credit - integer
(studentid,courseid) is Primary Key
CREATE TABLE transcript (
studentid integer,
courseid integer,
mark double,
semester integer,
credit integer,
primary key(studentid, courseid)
* sqlite:///cssys
Q2: Modify a database (3 points)
Please write SQL queries to delete the age attribute and as a Date of Birth (dob) attribute to table students. Please decide on the type and the default value of this attribute and include it in your response. You can decide how to perform this using delete and recreate or modify.
DROP TABLE students;
CREATE TABLE students (
id integer,
firstname char(15),
lastname char(15),
dob date default '0000-00-00',
gender char(1),
gpa double,
primary key(id)
* sqlite:///cssys
Q3: Add data to a database (6 points)
3.1 (2 points) Add rows to students.
Please write SQL queries to insert the following rows to the students table. Change the format of date of birth attribute value based on your definition of its type.
1001, adam, smith, 2000-01-03, m, 3.1
1002, alice, frank, 1999-03-11, f , 3.4
1003, bob, hal, 1999-09-01, m, 2
INSERT INTO students(id, firstname, lastname, dob, gender, gpa)
VALUES(1001, 'adam', 'smith', '2000-01-03', 'm', 3.1);
INSERT INTO students(id, firstname, lastname, dob, gender, gpa)
VALUES(1002, 'alice', 'frank', '1999-03-11', 'f', 3.4);
INSERT INTO students(id, firstname, lastname, dob, gender, gpa)
VALUES(1003, 'bob', 'hal', '1999-09-01', 'm', 2);
* sqlite:///cssys
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
3.2 (2 points) Add rows to courses.
Please write SQL queries to insert the following rows to the courses table.
100, programming, 3, NULL
110, math, 3, NULL
120, web, 4, NULL
301, networking, 4, 200
301, networking, 4, 150
301, networking, 4, 210
354, database, 3, 120
354, database, 3, 110
360, os, 3, 150
360, os, 3, 210
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VALUES (100, 'programming', 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VALUES (110, 'math', 3, NULL);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VALUES (120, 'web', 4, NULL);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VALUES (301, 'networking', 4, 200);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VALUES (301, 'networking', 4, 150);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VAlues (301, 'networking', 4, 210);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VAlues (354, 'database', 3, 120);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VAlues (354, 'database', 3, 110);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VAlues (360, 'os', 3, 150);
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, credit, prereq) VAlues (360, 'os', 3, 210);
* sqlite:///cssys
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
3.3 (2 points) Add rows to transcript.
Please write SQL queries to insert the following rows to the transcript table.
1001, 100, 3, 201801, 3
1001, 110, 3.5, 201801, 3
1001, 120, 2.7, 201801, 4
1001, 301, 3.4, 201802, 4
1002, 100, 3, 201801, 3
1002, 110, 3.2, 201901, 3
1002, 301, 3.1, 201902, 4
1003, 100, 2.5, 201801, 3
1003, 120, 3.5, 201901, 4
1003, 301, 2.8, 201902, 4
1003, 354, 4, 201903, 3
1003, 360, 3.5, 201802, 3
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1001, 100, 3, 201801, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1001, 110, 3.5, 201801, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1001, 120, 2.7, 201801, 4);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1001, 301, 3.4, 201802, 4);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1002, 100, 3, 201801, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1002, 110, 3.2, 201901, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1002, 301, 3.1, 201902, 4);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1003, 100, 2.5, 201801, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1003, 120, 3.5, 201901, 4);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1003, 301, 2.8, 201902, 4);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1003, 354, 4, 201903, 3);
INSERT INTO transcript (studentid, courseid, mark, semester, credit) VALUES(1003, 360, 3.5, 201802, 3);
* sqlite:///cssys
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
1 rows affected.
Q4: Query a database (12 points)
Please write the SQL query for each of the requests below.
4.1 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show all rows in the students table.
SELECT * FROM students
* sqlite:///cssys
id firstname lastname dob gender gpa
1001 adam smith 2000-01-03 m 3.1
1002 alice frank 1999-03-11 f 3.4
1003 bob hal 1999-09-01 m 2.0
4.2 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show the rows whose credit is 3 in the courses table.
SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE credit = 3
* sqlite:///cssys
id name credit prereq
100 programming 3 None
110 math 3 None
354 database 3 120
354 database 3 110
360 os 3 150
360 os 3 210
4.3 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show the rows whose mark is larger than 3 and credit is no smaller than 3 in the transcript table.
SELECT * FROM transcript
WHERE mark > 3
AND credit >=3
* sqlite:///cssys
studentid courseid mark semester credit
1001 110 3.5 201801 3
1001 301 3.4 201802 4
1002 110 3.2 201901 3
1002 301 3.1 201902 4
1003 120 3.5 201901 4
1003 354 4.0 201903 3
1003 360 3.5 201802 3
4.4 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show studentid, courseid and mark of all rows in the transcript table.
SELECT studentid, courseid, mark FROM transcript
* sqlite:///cssys
studentid courseid mark
1001 100 3.0
1001 110 3.5
1001 120 2.7
1001 301 3.4
1002 100 3.0
1002 110 3.2
1002 301 3.1
1003 100 2.5
1003 120 3.5
1003 301 2.8
1003 354 4.0
1003 360 3.5
4.5 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show studentid, courseid and mark of all rows in the transcript table whose semester value is 201902.
SELECT studentid, courseid, mark FROM transcript
WHERE semester = 201902
* sqlite:///cssys
studentid courseid mark
1002 301 3.1
1003 301 2.8
4.6 (1 point) Please write an SQL query to show distinct courseid of all rows in the transcript table.
SELECT DISTINCT courseid FROM transcript
* sqlite:///cssys
4.7 (2 points) Please write an SQL query to show the firstname and lastname and gpa from students table and sort it based on gpa.
SELECT firstname, lastname, gpa FROM students
* sqlite:///cssys
firstname lastname gpa
alice frank 3.4
adam smith 3.1
bob hal 2.0
4.8 (4 points) Please write an SQL query to compute lettergrade of each row in the transcript table, and show studentid, courseid and lettergrade of all rows in the transcript table. lettergrade is computed as follows:
If mark >= 3.5, then lettergrade = "A"
If 3 <= mark < 3.5, then lettergrade = "B"
If 2.5 <= mark < 3, then lettergrade = "C"
If 2 <= mark < 2.5, then lettergrade = "D"
If mark < 2, then lettergrade = "F"
SELECT studentid, courseid, CASE WHEN mark >= 3.5 then 'A'
WHEN mark >=3 AND mark < 3.5 then 'B'
WHEN mark >=2.5 AND mark < 3 then 'C'
WHEN mark >=2 AND mark < 2.5 then 'D'
WHEN mark <2 then 'F'
end as lettergrade FROM transcript
* sqlite:///cssys
studentid courseid lettergrade
1001 100 B
1001 110 A
1001 120 C
1001 301 B
1002 100 B
1002 110 B
1002 301 B
1003 100 C
1003 120 A
1003 301 C
1003 354 A
1003 360 A
Complete the code in this notebook hw1.ipynb, and submit it to through Canvas system to your HW1 activity. You can also include a pdf file where you can add your comments, thoughts, explanations about any of the questions.