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HW3: Java 1

HW3: Java 1
 Points 30 Submitting a file upload
Note: If you're not familiar with programming with an IDE, a few tips. First off, be sure to make a new
Java project for each problem (file->new->project, then select java project). Once you have a project,
you can create as many classes as you need by right-clicking on the folder containing your Main
class, and creating a new class.
Problem 1: (5 points) Translate this C++ program
( to Java
Please name the file you submit
Problem 2: (10 points) In this problem, you will explore inheritance. Implement the classes Food,
Fruit, Orange, Apple, Seafood, Shrimp, and Prawn as represented in the class diagram here.
That is, Fruit inherits from Food, Orange inherits from Fruit, etc. In addition to what is shown, you
may add a getter method for the name field in Food.
The first area in a class’s box is its name, the second is its member data fields and their types, and
the third is its member methods. So you can tell what the methods should do, I’ve provided a main
function and its output. (
( Note that the
name field of any object of a given type should be initialized to match its class name; ex:
Apple objects' names should be initialized to “apple”.
Please submit a .java file for each class, and the class with your main function should be called
Problem 3. (5 points) We started on a BinarySearch Class in class on Monday (Code is on
Camino). In this problem you will make it “more” object-oriented in the following ways:
-Note its name is now SortedList
-You will make a constructor that takes no arguments initializes the member field
-You will add a constructor that takes in an initialized array
4/3/23, 7:24 PM HW3: Java 1 2/2
-You will add an insert function that adds a value to the list and maintains its sorted-ness.
-You will add a quicksort function (feel free to use what you wrote #1).
-You will add a print function that prints out the contents in a nice format.
-You will make updates as necessary to the main function so that it still runs and tests your code. Up
to you if you want to separate it out into a different class.
Please name your file for this problem
Problem 4 (10 points). You’ll write a function which takes as input an ArrayList of Strings and
Integers, and returns an ArrayList of objects from Problem 2 (to make it simpler, we’ll restrict it to
Food, Fruit, Apple, and Orange objects), and a sensible main that tests it. The starting ArrayList
should be formatted as follows: the name of the type of the next object, followed by parameter(s) that
should be sent as input to the class’ constructor (however if you should send a Date as input, you will
be given either the string “now” if you should use Date’s constructor that takes no parameters, or an
Integer if you should use the constructor that takes a long). So for instance, the input ArrayList could
contain the following: “Food”, “Orange”, “Fruit”, “Papaya”, Integer(3932728), “Apple”, “now”, “Food”,
“sandwich”, and the resulting ArrayList would have 5 objects in it, of type Food, Orange, Fruit, Apple,
and Food.
You may wish to refer to the documentation for the Date
For this problem, you do not need to re-submit your Food, Fruit, Apple, and Orange classes. Simply
submit the file containing your function and a main that tests it. The file should be named where Lastname is your last name.

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