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HW4: Java 2

HW4: Java 2
Points 30 Submitting a file upload
Problem 2 (15 points).
a. In this problem, you’ll be working with the Food, Fruit, Apple, and Orange classes from HW 3.
You should modify your Fruit class so that it implements Java’s Comparable interface:
A piece of fruit should be considered greater if its ripe Date is later.
You should also create a main function and/or class that creates an ArrayList of Fruit, prints out its
contents in a nice format, sorts it, and prints out its contents again. Note: Implementing Comparable
means you can use the Java built-in sort function.
You may wish to refer to the documentation for the Date class:
For this problem, submit your file and your main file. The main file should be named where Lastname is your last name.
b. In this problem, you'll work with the SortedList class from HW3. You should modify your SortedList
class so that if implements Java's Iterable interface:
You should also create a main function and/or class that creates a SortedList, adds elements to it,
and uses a foreach loop to print out its contents.
Hint: it may be helpful to know that you can pass an array into the method to convert
it into a Stream. Note that Stream inherits from BaseStream.
For this problem, submit your file and your main file. The main file should be
named where Lastname is your last name.
Problem 3 (10 points) In this problem, you’ll be working with the Food, Fruit, Apple, and Orange
classes from HW 3. Translate these classes into C++, and add the following two classes:
Vegetable, which inherits from Food (Data: expiration:Date, Methods: Vegetable(),
Vegetable(n:String, e:Date), expireTime():Date)
4/3/23, 7:32 PM HW4: Java 2 2/2
Tomato, which inherits from Vegetable and Fruit (Data: None, Methods: Tomato(), Tomato(e:Date,
r:Date, n:String))
Add print statements to all constructors that show which class’s constructor has been called. You
should ensure that the Food constructor is called only once when a Tomato object is created.
Also include a main function that creates a Tomato object and calls all of its member functions.
Note that C++ doesn't have a built-in Date type like Java, so instead you may use whatever type you
like to represent the date; you can use functionality from ctime, create your own Date type, etc.
For this problem, submit your Food.h, Fruit.h, Apple.h, Orange.h, Vegetable.h, and Tomato.h
files (please write the entire class in the header file to control the explosion of files) and your
main file. The main file should be named HW4P3Lastname.cpp where Lastname is your last
Problem 4 (5 points). Show that this CFG is ambiguous. What is the problem with a grammar
being ambiguous if we're trying to use it to represent a programming language?
A-> A<A | A>A | A!=A | A==A | (A) | N
N-> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Please name the file you upload for this problem HW3P4 and submit as either a pdf or jpg

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