HW5: Linear Regression
Assignment Goals
Implement a linear regression calculation
Examine the trends in real (messy) data
Percentage of body fat, age, weight, height, and ten body circumference measurements (e.g., abdomen)
are recorded for 252 men. Body fat, one measure of health, has been accurately estimated by an
underwater weighing technique. Fitting body fat to the other measurements using multiple regression
provides a convenient way of estimating body fat for men using only a scale and a measuring tape. In
this assignment, you will be looking at the bodyfat dataset
(http://jse.amstat.org/v4n1/datasets.johnson.html) and build several models on top of it.
Program Specification
You will be using the bodyfat dataset (bodyfat.csv
(https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230450/files/18459063/download?download_frd=1) ) for this assignment.
Complete the following Python functions in this template regression.py
(https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/230450/files/18557291/download?download_frd=1) :
1. get_dataset(filename) — takes a filename and returns the data as described below in an n-by-
(m+1) array
2. print_stats(dataset, col) — takes the dataset as produced by the previous function and prints
several statistics about a column of the dataset; does not return anything
3. regression(dataset, cols, betas) — calculates and returns the mean squared error on the dataset
given fixed betas
4. gradient_descent(dataset, cols, betas) — performs a single step of gradient descent on the MSE
and returns the derivative values as an 1D array
5. iterate_gradient(dataset, cols, betas, T, eta) — performs T iterations of gradient descent starting at
the given betas and prints the results; does not return anything
6. compute_betas(dataset, cols) — using the closed-form solution, calculates and returns the values
of betas and the corresponding MSE as a tuple
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7. predict(dataset, cols, features) — using the closed-form solution betas, return the predicted body
fat percentage of the give features.
8. synthetic_datasets(betas, alphas, X, sigma) — generates two synthetic datasets, one using a
linear model and the other using a quadratic model.
9. plot_mse() — fits the synthetic datasets, and plots a figure depicting the MSEs under different
Get Dataset
The get_dataset() function should return an n-by-(m+1) array of data, where n is the number of data
points, and m is the number of features, plus an additional column of labels. The first column should be
bodyfat percentage, which is the target that our regression model aims for. We denote it as y in the rest
of the write up. Starting from the second column, there goes a list of features, including density, age,
weight, and more. We use index 1 to represent density, 2 to represent age, and so on... You should
ignore the "IDNO" column as it merely represents the individual id of each participant.
= array([[12.6 , 1.0708, 23. , ..., 32. , 27.4 , 17.1 ],
[ 6.9 , 1.0853, 22. , ..., 30.5 , 28.9 , 18.2 ],
[24.6 , 1.0414, 22. , ..., 28.8 , 25.2 , 16.6 ],
[28.3 , 1.0328, 72. , ..., 31.3 , 27.2 , 18. ],
[25.3 , 1.0399, 72. , ..., 30.5 , 29.4 , 19.8 ],
[30.7 , 1.0271, 74. , ..., 33.7 , 30. , 20.9 ]])
dataset = get_dataset('bodyfat.csv')
(252, 16)
Dataset Statistics
This is just a quick summary function on one feature, given in the parameter col, from the above
dataset. When called, you should print:
1. the number of data points
2. the sample mean
3. the sample standard deviation
on three lines. Please format your output to include only TWO digits after the decimal point. For
data = get_dataset('bodyfat.csv')
print_stats(dataset, 1) # summary of density
You might find this guide (https://pyformat.info/) to python print formatting useful.
Note: Please implement the formula yourself, instead of using np.mean() or np.std() .
x¯ =
n ∑n
i=1 xi
( −
n−1 ∑n
i=1 xi x¯)
−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− √
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Linear Regression
This function will perform linear regression with the model
We first define the mean squared error (MSE) as the sum of squared errors divided by # data points:
The first argument refers to the dataset, and the second argument is a list of features that we wish to
learn on. For example, if we would like to study the relationship of body fat vs age and weight, cols
should be [2, 3]. In this case, the model should be . The last argument
(betas) of this function represents three betas, . Return the corresponding MSE as
calculated on your dataset.
regression(dataset, cols=[2,3], betas=[0,0,0])
= 418.50384920634923
regression(dataset, cols=[2,3,4], betas=[0,-1.1,-.2,3])
= 11859.17408611111
Gradient Descent
This function will perform gradient descent on the MSE. At the current parameter , the
gradient is defined by the vector of partial derivatives:
This function returns the corresponding gradient as a 1-D numpy array with the partial derivative with
respect to as the first value.
gradient_descent(dataset, cols=[2,3], betas=[0,0,0])
= array([ -37.87698413, -1756.37222222, -7055.35138889]) # order: [partial derivative of beta_0, beta_2, be
Iterate Gradient
Gradient descent starts from initial parameter and iterates the following updates
at time t = 1, 2, ... , T:
f (x) = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + ⋯ + βmxm
MSE (β0, β1,⋯, βm) =
n ∑n
(β0 + β1xi1 + ⋯ + βmxim − yi)
f (x) = β0 + β2x2 + β3x3
β0, β2, β3
(β0, β1,…, βm)
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and so on for the rest.
The parameters to this function are the dataset and a selection of features, the T number of iterations to
perform, and η (eta), the parameter for the above calculations. Begin from the initial value as specified
in the parameter betas.
Print the following for each iteration on one line, separated by spaces:
1. the current iteration number beginning at 1 and ending at T
2. the current MSE
3. the current value of beta_0
4. the current value of other betas
As before, all floating point values should be rounded to two digits for output.
iterate_gradient(dataset, cols=[1,8], betas=[400,-400,300], T=10, eta=1e-4)
1 423085332.40 394.45 -405.84 -220.18 # order: T, mse, beta0, beta1, beta8
2 229744495.73 398.54 -401.54 163.14
3 124756241.68 395.53 -404.71 -119.33
4 67745350.04 397.75 -402.37 88.82
5 36787203.39 396.11 -404.09 -64.57
6 19976260.50 397.32 -402.82 48.47
7 10847555.07 396.43 -403.76 -34.83
8 5890470.68 397.09 -403.07 26.55
9 3198666.69 396.60 -403.58 -18.68
10 1736958.93 396.96 -403.20 14.65
Try different values for eta and a much larger T, and see how small you can make MSE (optional).
Compute Betas
Instead of using gradient descent, we can compute the closed-form solution for the parameters directly.
For ordinary least-squares, this is
This function returns the calculated betas (selected by cols) and their corresponding MSE in a tuple, as
(MSE, beta_0, beta_1, and so on).
compute_betas(dataset, cols=[1,2])
= (1.4029395600144443, 441.3525943592249, -400.5954953685588, 0.009892204826346139)
Predict Body Fat
Using your closed-form betas, predict the body fat percentage for a given number of features. Return
that value.
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For example:
predict(dataset, cols=[1,2], features=[1.0708, 23])
= 12.62245862957813
Synthetic Datasets
Now, let us create a few new datasets to study some characteristics of Linear Regression models. The
function synthetic_datasets(betas, alphas, X, sigma) should return two synthetic datasets, a linear one and
a quadratic one.
The linear dataset is defined as an nx2 array, where n is the size of the input array of data points X. You
may assume that X is a 2D array with shape (n,1). The second column of the linear dataset should be a
copy of X. The first column is defined as follows:
and are provided by the argument betas. is an artificial error term to 'jitter' the labels so that
they don't look too perfect. It is used to create a noise in the label. You should sample z's from a normal
distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation sigma , which is provided in the argument, too. You may
use numpy.random.normal() detailed here
(https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generated/numpy.random.normal.html) .
Similarly, the quadratic dataset is also defined as an nx2 array. The second column remains the same as
above, while the first column is defined as follows:
The alphas and z's are from the argument alphas , and a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard
deviation sigma , respectively.
The function should return a tuple, with the first being the linear dataset array, followed by the quadratic
dataset array.
synthetic_datasets(np.array([0,2]), np.array([0,1]), np.array([[4]]), 1)
= (array([[8.65003702, 4. ]]), array([[15.5334939, 4. ]]))
Compare and Plot
Using the two synthetic datasets, let us study the performance of linear regression under linear data and
quadratic data respectively. In plot_mse() , do the following:
1. Create an input array X containing 1000 numbers within range [-100, 100].
2. Create couples of betas and alphas with non-zero values.
3. Set sigmas to be .
4. TUnder each settings of sigmas, generate two synthetic datasets. ypesetting math: 100%
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5. Fit both datasets using compute_betas(), obtain the corresponding MSEs.
6. Plot a figure showing how MSE changes while sigma is increasing:
You should use the plotting format -o (line with circle markers)
The x-axis should be different settings of sigma.
The y-axis should be the MSEs calculated from the linear and quadratic datasets.
Make both axes log scale.
Label your x- and y-axes.
Make a legend.
Save the figure as mse.pdf . Do NOT display it (i.e., no plt.show() ).
Hint: You may expect your graph to contain two nearly straight lines (with a little curve).
Note that in order to run your code on CSL machines, you should invoke your program with an additional
keyword csl :
$ python3 regression.py csl
Experiment on different combinations of features, and learning methods (closed form solution, gradient
descent). Try to answer these questions:
What is the best feature that predicts well?
What are the best set of features that predict well?
Which learning method is the most effective in terms of training error (MSE)?
Which learning method is the most efficient (takes the least time)?
What will happen if our dataset has more than 1 million entries?
Observe the figure you plotted, and try to answer these questions:
What do you see happening in the linear case as the noise variance goes up?
What do you see happening in the quadratic case as the noise variance goes up?
What happens if the noise is extremely small?
What happens if the noise is extremely large?
We won't grade these questions, but feel free to share your thoughts on Piazza!
Please submit your code zipped in a file called hw5_<netid.zip . Inside your zip file, there should
be only one file named: regression.py . Do NOT submit a Jupyter notebook .ipynb file.
Be sure to remove all debugging output before submission. Failure to remove debugging output will
be penalized (10pts).
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Cheating results in -100 pts and further punishment
This assignment due at 3/9/2021 2:30pm. Submitting right at 2:30pm will result in a late
submission. It is preferable to first submit a version well before the deadline (at least one hour
before) and check the content/format of the submission to make sure it's the right version. Then,
later update the submission until the deadline if needed.
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Total Points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
20 pts
get_dataset 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
print_stats 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
regression 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
gradient_descent 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
iterate_gradient 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
compute_betas 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
predict 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
synthetic_datasets 10 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
plot_mse (requires manual grading) 20 to 0.0 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
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