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 HW6: Neural Networks

 HW6: Neural Networks

Assignment Goals
Get Pytorch set up for your environment
Familiarize yourself with the tools
Perform some basic neural network tasks using Pytorch's utilities
Happy deep learning! :)
Home-brewing every machine learning solution is not only time-consuming but potentially error-prone
(as you may have discovered). One of the reasons we're using Python in this course is because it has
some very powerful machine learning tools. Besides common scientific computing packages such as
SciPy and NumPy, It's very helpful in practice to use frameworks such as Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow,
Pytorch, and MXNet to support your projects, as their utilities have been developed by a team of
professionals and undergo rigorous testing and verification.
In this homework, we'll be exploring the Pytorch ( framework. Please complete the
functions in this template:
( .
Part 1: Setting up the Python Virtual Environment
In this assignment, you will familiarize yourself with the Python Virtual Environment. Working in a virtual
environment is an important part of working with modern ML platforms, so we want you to get a flavor of
that through this assignment. Why do we prefer virtual environments? Virtual environments allow us to
install packages within the virtual environment without affecting the host system setup. So you can
maintain project-specific packages in respective virtual environments.
We suggest that you use the CS lab computers for this homework. You can also work on your personal
system for the initial development, but finally, you will have to test your model on the CSL lab computers.
Find more instructions: How to access CSL Machines Remotely (
The following are the installation steps for Linux (CSL machines are recommended). 
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You will be working on Python 3 ( instead of Python 2 which is no longer supported). Read more about
Pytorch and Python version here ( . To check your Python
version use:
python -V or python3 -V
If you have an alias set for python=python3 then both should show the same version (3.x.x)
Step1: For simplicity, we use the venv ( module (feel free to
use other virtual envs such as Conda ( ). To set up a Python Virtual
Environment named Pytorch:
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
For example, if you want to put the virtual environment in your home directory:
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ~/Pytorch
If you want to learn more about Python virtual environments, a very good tutorial can be found here
( .
Here the name of our virtual environment is Pytorch (you can use any other name if you want).
Step2: Activate the environment:
source ~/Pytorch/bin/activate
Step3: From your virtual environment shell, run the following commands to upgrade pip and install the
CPU version of Pytorch 1.8 (this homework only uses the basic functionality of Pytorch, so feel free to
use older versions such as 1.6):
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install torch==1.8.0+cpu torchvision==0.9.0+cpu torchaudio==0.8.0 -f
You can check the version of the packages installed using the following command:
pip freeze
Note: to deactivate the virtual environment, just type
Part 2: Build Your First Neural Network
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In this section, we will guide you step by step to build a simple deep learning model for predicting labels
of handwritten images. You will learn how to build, train, evaluate models, and make predictions on test
data using this model. We expect you to implement the following functions in Python.
Input: an optional boolean argument (default value is True for training dataset)
Return: Dataloader for the training set (if training = True) or the test set (if training = False)
Input: none.
Return: an untrained neural network model
train_model(model, train_loader, criterion, T)
Input: the model produced by the previous function, the train DataLoader produced by the first
function, the criterion, and the number of epochs T for training.
Return: none
evaluate_model(model, test_loader, criterion, show_loss=True)
Input: the trained model produced by the previous function, the test DataLoader, and the criterion.
It prints the evaluation statistics as described below (displaying the loss metric value if and only
if the optional parameter has not been set to False).
Return: none
predict_label(model, test_images, index)
Input: the trained model and test images,
It prints the top 3 most likely labels for the image at the given index, along with their probabilities.
Return: none
You are free to implement any other utility function. But we will only be testing the functionality using the
above 5 APIs, so make sure that each of them follows the exact function signature and returns. You can
also use helper methods to visualize the images from the MNIST dataset for a better understanding of
the dataset and the labels. But it is totally optional and does not carry any points.
Import necessary packages
Here are some of the useful modules that may help us save a ton of efforts in the project:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
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import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
The following 5 sections explain the details for each of the above functions you are required to
implement respectively.
Get the DataLoader
We will use the "hello world" dataset MNIST ( which consists of
handwritten digits from 0 to 9.
Hint1: note that Pytorch already contains various datasets for you to use, so there is no need to
manually download from the Internet. Specifically, torchvision.datasets.MNIST() can be used to retrieve
and return a Dataset object torchvision.datasets.mnist.MNIST which is a wrapper that contains image
inputs ( as 2D arrays) and labels (0 to 9) representing handwritten numbers:
train_set = datasets.MNIST('./data', train=True, download=True,
test_set = datasets.MNIST('./data', train=False,
The train set contains images and labels we'll be using to train our neural network; the test set contains
images and labels for model evaluation. Here we set the location where the dataset is downloaded as
the data folder in the current directory. If you encounter HTTP Error 403, check here.
Note that input preprocessing can be done by specifying transform as our custom_transform :
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 custom_transform= transforms.Compose([
 transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))
transforms.To_Tensor() converts a PIL Image or numpy.ndarray to tensor.
transforms.Normalize() normalizes the tensor with a mean and standard deviation which goes as the
two parameters respectively. Feel free to check the official doc
highlight=normalize#torchvision.transforms.Normalize) for more details.
Hint2: After obtaining the dataset object, you may wonder how to retrieve images and labels during
training and testing. Luckily, Pytorch provides such a class called that
implements the iterator protocol. It also provides useful features such as:
Batching the data
Shuffling the data
Load the data in parallel using multiprocessing .
Below is the full signature (for more details, check here):
DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, sampler=None,
 batch_sampler=None, num_workers=0, collate_fn=None,
 pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, timeout=0,
 worker_init_fn=None, *, prefetch_factor=2,
As an introductory project, we won't use complicated features. We ask you to set the batch_size = 50 for
both train loader and test loader. Besides, set shuffle=False for the test loader. Given a Dataset object
data_set, we can obtain its DataLoader as follows:
loader =, batch_size = 50)
Putting it all together, you should be ready to implement the get_data_loader() function. Note that when
the optional argument is unspecified, the function should return the Dataloader for the training set. If
the optional argument is set to False, the Dataloader for the test set is returned. The expected output
is as follows:
train_loader = get_data_loader()
<class ''
Dataset MNIST
 Number of datapoints: 60000
 Root location: ./data
 Split: Train
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Transform: Compose(
 Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,))
test_loader = get_data_loader(False)
Build Your Model
After setting up the data loaders, let's build the model we're going to use with the datasets. Neural
networks in Pytorch are composed of layers. You've heard about these in the lecture, but take a minute
to look through this simple example
( (it's nice and short) to get an idea of what the implementation logistics will look like.
We use the following layers in this order:
1. A Flatten layer to convert the 2D pixel array to a 1D array.
2. A Dense layer with 128 nodes and a ReLU activation.
3. A Dense layer with 64 nodes and a ReLU activation.
4. A Dense layer with 10 nodes.
In this assignment, you are expected to use a Sequential
( container to hold these layers:
model = nn.Sequential(
 nn.Linear(?, ?),
 nn.Linear(?, ?),
After building the model, the expected output should be like this:
model = build_model()
 (0): Flatten()
 (1): Linear(in_features=?, out_features=?, bias=True)
 (2): ReLU()
 (3): Linear(in_features=?, out_features=?, bias=True)
Note that the Flatten layer just serves to reformat the data.
Train Your Model
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After building the model, now we are ready to implement the training procedure.
One of the parameters of train_model(..., criterion, ...) is the criterion, which can be specified as:
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
Here we use the cross-entropy loss nn.CrossEntropyLoss() (this criterion combines nn.LogSoftmax() and
nn.NLLLoss() )
Inside the function train_model() , you may need to pick your favorite optimization algorithm by setting up
an optimizer first: here we use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with a learning rate of 0.001 and
momentum of 0.9:
opt = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
A note on the major difference between gradient descent (GD) and SGD: in GD, all samples in the
training set are used to update parameters in a particular iteration; while in SGD, only a random subset
of training samples are used to update parameters in a particular iteration. SGD often converges much
faster than GD for large datasets.
The standard training procedure contains 2 for loops: the outer for loop iterates over epochs, while
the inner for loop iterates over batches of (images, labels) pairs from the train DataLoader. Feel free to
check the Train the network part in this official tutorial
for more details (please pay attention to the order of zero_grad() , backward() and step() ).
A kind reminder: please set your model to train mode before iterating over the dataset. This can be
done with the following call:
We ask you to print the training status after every epoch of training in the following format (it should have
3 components per line):
Train Epoch: ? Accuracy: ?/?(??.??%) Loss: ?.???
Then the training process (for 5 epochs) will be similar to the following (numbers can be different):
train_model(model, train_loader, criterion, T = 5)
Train Epoch: 0 Accuracy: 47771/60000(79.62%) Loss: 0.740
Train Epoch: 1 Accuracy: 54914/60000(91.52%) Loss: 0.293
Train Epoch: 2 Accuracy: 55894/60000(93.16%) Loss: 0.236
Train Epoch: 3 Accuracy: 56597/60000(94.33%) Loss: 0.196
Train Epoch: 4 Accuracy: 57142/60000(95.24%) Loss: 0.166
Here are a few specific requirements for the format:
We count the first epoch as Epoch 0
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All the information should be summarized in one line for each epoch. (e.g. in total you should print 5
lines if you train for 5 epochs)
Accuracy in percentage should be put inside parentheses
Accuracy should be printed before Loss
Loss denotes the average loss per epoch (accumulated loss in an epoch / length of the dataset)
You should be able to reach at least 90% accuracy after 5 epochs of training.
Evaluate Your Model
After the model is trained, we need to evaluate how good it is on the test set. The process is very similar
to that of training, except that you need to turn the model into evaluation mode:
Besides, there is no need to track gradients during testing, which can be disabled with the contextmanager:
 with torch.no_grad():
 for data, labels in test_loader:
You are expected to print both the test Loss and the test Accuracy if show_loss is set to True (print
Accuracy only otherwise) in the following format:
evaluate_model(model, test_loader, criterion, show_loss = False)
Accuracy: 97.92%
evaluate_model(model, test_loader, criterion, show_loss = True)
Average loss: 0.0015
Accuracy: 97.92%
Format the Accuracy with two decimal places and the accuracy should be shown as a percentage.
Format the Loss with four decimal places. The loss should be printed in a separate line before Accuracy
(as shown above).
Predict the Labels
Instead of testing on a whole dataset, sometimes it's more convenient to examine the model's output on
a single image.
As it's easier for humans to read and interpret probabilities, we need to use a Softmax
function to convert the output of your final Dense layer into probabilities (note that by default your model
outputs logits ( ). Generally, Softmax is
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often used as the activation for the last layer of a classification network because the result can be
interpreted as a categorical distribution. Specifically, once we obtain the logits, we can use:
prob = F.softmax(logits, dim=?)
You can assume the input test_images in predict_label(model, test_images, index) is a torch tensor with
the shape Nx1x28x28. Your implementation should display the top three most likely class labels (in
descending order of predicted probability; three lines in total) for the image at the given index
(assumed to be valid i.e. ) along with their respective probabilities in percentage
(again, your output will vary in its exact numbers but should follow the format below):
predict_label(model, pred_set, 1)
two: 99.41%
three: 0.42%
one: 0.09%
where we assume the class names are:
class_names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']
A single file named containing the methods mentioned in the program specification
section. Please pay close attention to the format of the print statements in your functions. Incorrect
format will lead to point deduction.
Please submit your files in a zip file named hw6_<, where you replace <netid with your netID
(your login). Inside your zip file, there should be one single file named: Do
not submit a Jupyter notebook .ipynb file.
All code should be contained in functions OR under a
if __name__=="__main__":
check so that it will not run if your code is imported to another program.
Be sure to remove all debugging output before submission. Failure to remove debugging output will
be penalized (10pts).
If a regrading request isn't justifiable (the initial grade is correct and clear, subject to the
instructors' judgment), the request for regrading will be penalized (10 pts).
This assignment is due on March 19, 2:30 PM. We have extended the due date by 3 days due to
the midterm. There will be no additional extensions beyond this. It is preferable to first submit a
0 ≤ i ≤ N − 1
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Total Points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
20 pts
20 pts
25 pts
5 pts
30 pts
version well before the deadline (at least one hour before) and check the content/format of the
submission to make sure it's the right version. Then, later update the submission until the
deadline if needed.
get_data_loader() successfully returns the desired train and test loader 20 pts
0 pts
build_model() returns an untrained, Sequential model with the specified components 20 pts
0 pts
train_model() trains the model for the specified epochs and the print format is correct 25 pts
0 pts
evaluate_model() displays different output based on its optional argument 5 pts
0 pts
predict_label() displays correctly formatted output; predict_label() displays expected
top-3 categories; predict_label() displays probabilities, not logits
30 pts
0 pts

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