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Homework #1 Hypothesis space and inductive bias

TCSS 455 Machine Learning
Homework #1

Please submit a hard copy of your answers to the homework problems below. Staple all of your
pages together (and order them according to the order of the problems below) and have your name
on each page, just in case the pages get separated. Write legibly (or type) and organize your
answers in a way that is easy to read. Neatness counts!

1. Hypothesis space and inductive bias. (4 points) We want to learn an unknown function
f that takes n input arguments x1, x2, . . . , xn and produces one output y. The value of the
input and output variables can be T (true), F (false) or U (unknown).
(a) Let’s consider the hypothesis space H1 consisting of all functions that take n such 3-
valued input arguments and produce one 3-valued output. How many hypotheses are
there in H1? Briefly explain your answer.
(b) Let us restrict ourself to the hypothesis space H2 consisting of functions that are defined
in the following way:
• if any of x1, x2, . . . , xn is U then y = U
• otherwise y is equivalent to a conjunction of any subset1 of the variables {x1, x2,
. . . , xn}
How many hypotheses are there in H2? Briefly explain your answer.
(c) Give a set of training examples such that there is no hypothesis in H1 consistent with
these examples, or explain why you can not do that.
(d) Give a set of training examples such that there is no hypothesis in H2 consistent with
these examples, or explain why you can not do that.
(e) In which of the two cases (H1 or H2) is the inductive bias the highest? What are
the implications of the choice of hypothesis space H1 versus H2 for a machine learning
algorithm that tries to learn the unknown function f from training data?
2. Decision trees. (4 points) Solve problem 3.4 from the textbook. In problem 3.4(b), if
your answer to the second question is “yes”, then give that member of the version space. In
problem 3.4(c), rebuild the decision tree from scratch.
3. Machine Learning in Python. (2 points) The file Files/homeworks/hw1/ on the
Canvas course website contains Python code to train a shallow decision tree for the classification of flowers. The input features are the flowers’ sepal length, sepal width, petal length,
1For instance, “y is equivalent to the conjunction of {x2, x4, x7}” means that the value of y is the value of
x2 ∧x4 ∧x7; “y is equivalent to the conjunction of {x2}” means that the value of y is the value of x2; “y is equivalent
to the conjunction of {}” (the empty set) means that the value of y is T (true).
and petal width, and the label corresponds to the species, i.e. “iris setosa”, “iris versicolor”,
or “iris virginica”. The data is provided in the file iris.csv2
. The code computes the training
accuracy, i.e. the accuracy obtained when labeling all instances from the training dataset that
was used to build the classifier in the first place.
(a) Add a few lines of code to compute the accuracy in a 10-fold cross-validation set up.
Include your code in your homework solution. You shouldn’t make changes to the code
that was provided, so there is no need to include any other code in your homework
solution than the few lines that you added.
(b) What is the training accuracy? What is the accuracy obtained using 10-fold crossvalidation? Briefly comment on which one is the lowest, and why that does (or does
not) agree with your expectations.
2Fisher’s iris flower dataset is well known to data scientists, see

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