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Project 4 Defining and calling functions

1. Problem Statement:
The primary goal of this programming assignment is to give students experience
defining and calling functions. You will start with a partial implementation of a game
modeled after the 1970's computer game called "Adventure". This game was written
before computer graphics was invented, so the game was all "text based" (it was still
a huge hit back in the day).
You will be staring this programming project with some sample code in
“project4.cpp”. This program consists of a collection of functions that are intended
to simplify your implementation. You may call these functions any way you want in
your project, but you must not change the parameters definitions. Several of the
functions describe what is found in different rooms of the cave. The other functions
are used to add to the total treasure, fight battle with creatures, and get directions
from the user playing the game. To finish the game you must complete the following
• Design a maze of rooms: On a piece of paper, draw a maze of 8 rooms, with
Room1 as the start of the maze, and Exit as the exit of the maze. Draw a
collection of N,S,E,W lines connecting the rooms to each other. Try to make it a
little tricky to make it from Room1 to Exit. When you reach Exit, the program
will print a message and exit.
• Create new room functions: Using the existing room functions as examples,
you will have to write 4 new room functions with short descriptions of what is
found in each room. Your descriptions don't need to be long, but make sure they
are "politically correct" so you can demo your game to your friends and family.
• Add room navigation: The current room functions print out room descriptions
and add to the total treasure, but they are not connected to each other in any
way. You need to add some code somewhere in the program to ask the user for
directions. Using this information and your map from above, you need to call the
corresponding room functions. For example, if Room4 is N of Room7, then you
should call the Room4 function when the user types an N when they are in
Room7. If you want your game to be “geographically realistic” you should
implement navigation such that when the user types S in Room4, they will
return back to Room7.• Play the game: Add some code to the main function to initialize variables and
start the game in Room1 of the maze. Then type in a sequence of N,S,E,W
commands to move through the maze and collect gold on the way to the Exit exit.
Save a copy of your program output in a text file to be included in your final
Students are allowed to use any combination of C++ features we have discussed in
class or lab. You are not required or allowed to look ahead to more advanced C++
features like arrays, files or classes to perform this task.
2. Design:
For this assignment, you have two big design decisions. First, you must create your
map of 8 rooms in the maze. Connecting your rooms with N,S,E,W is the fun part.
One tricky point is deciding what to do if a user types in E when they are in a room
that does not have another room to the E side. The normal solution is to stay in the
room and ask the user for directions again. You can think of this as a line that loops
back to the same room.
Second, you need to figure out how to navigate from room to room. To do this, you
must look at the direction the user entered, and make a recursive call to the
corresponding function for that room.
3. Implementation:
You are starting this programming project with our sample program, so you already
have something that compiles and runs. Your task is to add several features to this
program. It is very important to make these changes incrementally one feature at a
time, writing comments, adding code, compiling, and debugging. This way, you
always have a program that "does something" even if it is not complete.
4. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements
listed above. Also check for the error handling capabilities of the code. Try your
program with several input values, and save your testing output in text files for
inclusion in your project report.
5. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a short report using the
“Programming Project Report Template” describing what the objectives were, what
you did, and the status of the program. Does it work properly for all test cases? Are
there any known problems?

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