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Interview Problem: Bash History

CMPUT 275 - Tangible Computing
Interview Problem: Bash History
You are given a simplified bash history file that consists entirely of the following commands:
• cd <directoryname
• cd ..
• ls <filename
Your task is to summarize all directories and files that were seen in this bash history. You
may assume that all listed commands run successfully.
Note, there are no hard or symbolic links in the directory structure (if you do not know
about these, then don’t worry about it).
You may find the map data structure useful, it functions similarly to an unordered map, but
all keys will be stored in lexicographically sorted order. The requirements for using such a
map is that the items are comparable via the < operator.
You may also find the set data structure useful, which is an ordered set: items will be enumerated in sorted order when you iterate through a set. In general, you are permitted to
use anything from the C++ standard library.
The first line of input will be an integer 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 000, the number of commands in the
Then follows n lines, each containing one of the aforementioned commands. You may assume every line is of this form: no error checking is required. There will be a single space
separating the first string (either ls or cd) and the second string on each of these n lines.
Every file or directory name appearing on a line in the input will consist of between 1 and 10
characters. All characters in a file or directory name will be a letter (lowercase or uppercase)
or a digit. There will be no spaces in any file or directory name.
The command cd .. will not appear when we are currently in the root directory. The
maximum depth of any directory is 20, meaning at any point it would take at most 20 cd
.. commands to go back to the root directory.
Output should contain one line for each unique directory, in the format:
<pathname <f ilename1 <f ilename2 ... <f ilenamek
Here, <pathname refers to the full path of the directory from the root and would appear
exactly as it would if you used the command pwd from within that directory (see the sample
output below).
The lines should appear in lexicographic order of the full path name. For each line, the files
within that directory should be output in lexicographic order. Here, by lexicographic order
we simply mean by using < comparison with C++ strings.
e.g. If /b contains the files hello and world and /a contains the files bash, is and cool,
the expected output would be:
/a bash cool is
/b hello world
If output is not lexicographically sorted you will receive zero credit for correctness.
Be careful to avoid extra spaces at the end of a line of output.
Running Time
There is no specific O() running time you must achieve on this weekly exercise. You simply
have to pass the test cases. We have included an example of the largest-possible size in the
Test Center files on eClass. An instructor solution that is a bit unoptimized runs in < 1
second on the VM (hosted on an 8-year old iMac) with the largest input.
If your solution is running too slow, consider what sort of optimizations you can make to save
time. Think about your program: in large input cases what steps are taking the longest?
How can you improve them?
Sample Input 1
ls f1
cd dir1
ls f2
cd subdir2
ls f3
cd ..
ls testfile
ls f2
ls f3
cd subdir1
ls f2
cd subsubdir1
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
ls myfile
cd dir2
cd subdir3
Sample Output 1
/ f1 myfile
/dir1 f2 f3 testfile
/dir1/subdir1 f2
/dir1/subdir2 f3
Observe: Even though the directories /dir1/subdir1/subsubdir1 and /dir2 contained
no files, we still report them because we saw them when analyzing the bash history file.
Sample Input 2
cd dir1
ls f3
ls f1
cd ..
cd dir2
ls f1
ls f2
cd ..
cd dir1
cd newdir
ls filename
cd newsubdir
ls newfile
Sample Output 2
/dir1 f1 f3
/dir1/newdir filename
/dir1/newdir/newsubdir newfile
/dir2 f1 f2
Observe: Even though there was no file directly in the root directory, you still report it in
the output. The root directory / is always reported.
Grading Comments
Despite the fact this appears similar to a morning problem, it will be graded like a weekly
exercise. In particular:
• Style matters. Use appropriate comments, proper indentation, etc. Include a file
header. Consult the style guide on eClass.
• You must adhere exactly to the output specification: for example, if you output the
lines in the wrong order or print extra whitespaces then you will receive a deduction.
For full credit, the test centre must accept the output without any presentation error.
• You were only give a few test cases in the test centre files on eClass. We will test your
solution on additional test cases that adhere to the input specification.
• Partial credit may be obtained if your solution works on some inputs (eg. small instances).
• Adhere closely to the submission instructions for the weekly exercise. See the eClass
code submission link for details.

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