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Interview Problem: Leaders

CMPUT 275 - Tangible Computing
Interview Problem: Leaders
A leader in an array of integers is an entry that is greater than all other entries that come
after it. Specifically, we say that a[i] is a leader in an array a[] if a[i] a[j] for all other
indices j i in the array.
The group of a leader at index i is the longest contiguous subarray starting at index i + 1
that does not contain any leaders.
e.g. Given a leader at i, if the next leader after i is j, the group of i is a[i + 1], . . . , a[j − 1].
Note, a group can be empty if consecutive entries in the array are leaders (e.g. a[i] and
a[i + 1] are both are leaders, so the group of i is empty).
Finally, we also have a group before the first leader. That is, if the first leader is at index
i then a[0], . . . , a[i−1] is a group (which could be empty if the first leader is at index i = 0).
Given an array of n integers, find all leaders and reverse all groups.
The Reverse Function
You may create as many functions as you like, but you must have the following function:
void reverse(int* begin, int* end);
The function reverse takes two pointers that are pointing into an array a[] and reverses all
entries between these pointers including the entry pointed to by begin but not the entry
pointed to by end.
For example, consider the following snippet of code:
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
reverse(a+2, a+6);
// now the array a is {1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7}
You may need to review pointer arithmetic. Note, we can also compare pointers via operators like < and ==. For example, if ptr1 and ptr2 are both pointers then ptr1 < ptr2 will
evaluate to true if and only if ptr1 is a lower memory address than ptr2. You may assume
this function will only be called if ptr1 <= ptr2 (i.e. no need to perform error handling). In
particular, if this function is called with ptr1 == ptr2 then nothing should be done because
the range of items to be reversed is empty.
You will certainly want to build and test this function separately before integrating it into
your solution to the interview question.
For full marks, you must create your own reverse function specified as above, you may not
use the standard reverse function located in the C++ standard template library (if you are
aware of this). More generally, you cannot include any file other than <iostream.
The first line of input will contain a single integer 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 000, the length of the array.
The second line of input will contain n space separated positive integers, each no larger than
1, 000, 000.
The first line of output should contain a list of all leaders in the order they appear within
the initial array.
The second line of output should contain the space separated representation of the edited
array after all groups are reversed.
Sample Input 1
8 2 1 8
Sample Output 1
1 2 8 8
The only leader is at index i = 3, therefore the group from a[0], . . . , a[2] must be reversed.
Sample Input 2
12 17 17 4 8 3 9 5 1 2
Sample Output 2
17 9 5 2
17 12 17 3 8 4 9 5 1 2
Grading Comments
Despite the fact this appears similar to a morning problem, it will be graded like a weekly
exercise. In particular:
• Style matters. Use appropriate comments, proper indentation, etc. Include a file
header. Consult the style guide on eClass.
• You must use the function signature void reverse(int* begin, int* end). You
may change the names of begin and end if you wish, but their type and the return
type of the function must be as we state. Deviating from this will result in a deduction.
• You must adhere exactly to the output specification: for example, if you output in the
wrong order or print extra whitespaces then you will receive a deduction. The test
centre must accept the output without any presentation error.
• The only functionality of the C++ standard library you may use is those pertaining
to input and output (e.g. cin, cout, and endl located within <iostream). Including
any other file will result in a deduction.
• You were only given a few test cases in the test centre files on eClass. We will test your
solution on additional test cases that adhere to the input specification.
• Partial credit may be obtained if your solution works on some inputs but not all inputs
in the described range.
• Adhere closely to the submission instructions for the weekly exercise. See the eClass
code submission link for details.

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