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Interview Problem: Makefile Length

CMPUT 275 - Tangible Computing
Interview Problem: Makefile Length
Comment: This interview problem was given to one of our TAs at their interview for an
internship at IBM. That is, the algorithmic challenge was the same: we just dressed it up
with a different story based on Makefiles.
In this problem, you will first be given a list of Makefile targets and their dependencies
(the actual build commands, eg. g++ commands, do not matter for this exercise). Such a
target will appear like:
<targetname: <list of dependencies
Here, the list of dependencies will be a space-separated list of names. Some files listed as a
dependency to a target may themselves be targets.
You are tasked with answering the following question: what is the length of the longest
sequence of dependencies of the form A depends on B depends on C depends on...?
More precisely, what is the largest ` such that there is a sequence of the form f0, f1, . . . , f`
where each fi
is a file name mentioned in the Makefile and for 1 ≤ i ≤ `, fi
is listed as one
of the dependencies of fi−1.
The first line of input a single integer 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 000, the amount of targets in the makefile.
Then n lines follow, each describing a target and its dependencies. Each such line will take
the form:
k <targetname: <list of dependencies
where k ≥ 1 is an integer specifying the number of dependencies of the target. Exactly
one space will separate the different dependencies in the list and there is exactly one space
between the colon character following the target name and the first dependency. There is
no space separating the target name and the colon.
You are given the following additional guarantees:
• The total number of all dependencies of all targets is at most 300,000 (i.e. the sum of
all the k values on n target lines is at most 300,000).
• All file names consist of letters, digits, or the dot symbol (a period). No file name
contains any space. All file names will have at most 12 characters.
• Different files will not have the same name. So if you see a file name listed twice among
the targets and dependencies, it is the same file.
• No file will be listed as a target more than once.
• There will be no “cycle” of dependencies. For example, if file1 depends on file2 and
file2 depends on file 3, then file3 will not depend on file1. More generally, if we consider
the directed graph over files where we include a directed edge from X to Y if Y is listed
as a dependency of X, then the graph will not contain any cycles. This also means a
file will not depend on itself.
• Any file name listed as a dependency but not as a target is a file given by the user.
You are to output one line containing a single integer that answers the question: what is
the longest sequence of dependencies of the form A depends on B depends on C depends
Running Time
There is no specific O() running time you must achieve on this weekly exercise. The ideal
running time is linear in the total size of the input (i.e. the number of targets + total number
of dependencies). It will not be possible for a significantly slower algorithm to pass the larger
test cases.
Dynamic Programming
Use dynamic programming to solve this problem. This algorithm design paradigm will be
discussed in the lecture on Thursday, April 4. Helpful tip: It will be useful to compute the
following for every file name fname: what is the length of the longest sequence of dependencies that begins with fname? There is a natural top-down dynamic programming approach
to computing these values.
Graph Class + Other Requirements
You are not required to use the graph class developed in the lectures. However, if you wish
to do so to model the dependency relationships in this problem, you should put the class
declaration and method implementations in the same source code file you use to solve this
problem. This is because you are to submit only a single source code file (we will not regard
this as bad style). You may make any modifications you wish to the graph class.
You may include any other libraries or create any helper functions you wish to solve this
problem. There are no strict requirements on the names of the functions you use.
Sample Input 1
3 project: main.o matrix.o fft.o
3 debug: main.o matrix.o fft.o
3 main.o: main.cpp matrix.h fft.h
2 matrix.o: matrix.h matrix.cpp
2 fft.o: fft.h fft.cpp
Sample Output 1
There are many such sequences, one is project depends on main.o depends on main.cpp
Sample Input 2
3 a: b c g
3 b: e f g
3 c: b e d
1 d: f
1 g: e
3 sss: xxx yyy zzz
2 xxx: yyy zzz
1 yyy: zzz
Sample Output 2
The only sequence of dependencies this long is:
a depends on c depends on b depends on g depends on e
Grading Comments
Despite the fact this appears similar to a morning problem, it will be graded like a weekly
exercise. In particular:
• Style matters. Use appropriate comments, proper indentation, etc. Include a file
header. Consult the style guide on eClass. Recall: We are going allowing you to
include the class declaration and method implementations of a graph class (or any
other class you deem useful) in the file.
• You must adhere exactly to the output specification: for example, if you output the
lines in the wrong order or print extra whitespaces then you will receive a deduction.
For full credit, the test centre must accept the output without any presentation error.
• You were only give a few test cases in the test centre files on eClass. We will test your
solution on additional test cases that adhere to the input specification.
• Partial credit may be obtained if your solution works on some inputs (eg. small instances).
• Adhere closely to the submission instructions for the weekly exercise. See the eClass
code submission link for details.

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