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Intro to AI and LP  Assignment 2

EECS 3401 3.0 Intro to AI and LP 
Assignment 2
Total marks: 50.

Note: Your report for this assignment should be the result of your own individual work.
Take care to avoid plagiarism (“copying”). You may discuss the problems with other students, but do not take written notes during these discussions, and do not share your written
1. [20 points] In this exercise, you will work on propositional logic formulas represented as Prolog terms.
Here, a propositional logic formula φ is defined as one of the following (φ, φ1, and
φ2 range over propositional logic formulas):
• a propositional variable, represented by a Prolog atom,
• -φ, the negation of φ,
• (φ1 & φ2), the conjunction of φ1 and φ2,
• (φ1 v φ2), the disjunction of φ1 and φ2,
• (φ1 => φ2), material implication,
• (φ1 <=> φ2), double material implication.
For example, (p <=> -(q v r)) & (s => -t) is a propositional logic formula.
You can define these connectives as operators in Prolog and obtain the right precendence by using the following declarations (- is a built-in operator):
:- op(800, xfy, [&]). % Conjunction
:- op(850, xfy, [v]). % Disjunction
:- op(870, xfy, [=>]). % Implication
:- op(880, xfy, [<=>]). % Equivalence
(a) Suppose that we represent a propositional interpretation as the list of the propositional variables that are true in the interpretation. Implement a Prolog predicate satisfies(I,F) that holds if and only if interpretation I satisfies the
propositional logic formula F. For example,
satisfies([p, q], (-p v q) & p) should succeed, while
satisfies([p], (-p v q) & p) should fail.
(b) Implement a Prolog predicate elimImpl(F,R) that holds if R is the result
of replacing all implications and double implications in propositional logic formula F by their definitions in terms of the other logical connectives. For example, elimImpl((-p => q) & (r <=> -s),R) should succeed with R
= (-(-p) v q) & (-r v -s) & (-(-s) v r).
(c) Implement a Prolog predicate nnf(F,R) that holds if R is the result of putting
propositional logic formula F in negation normal form. A propositional logic
formula is in negation normal form if negation only appears in front of propositional variables and there are no nested negations. You may assume that F
contains no implications and double implications. For example,
nnf(-(p & -q),R) should succeed with R = (-p v q), and
nnf(-(p & -(q v -r)),R) should succeed with R = (-p v q v -r).
(d) Implement a Prolog predicate cnf(F,R) that holds if R is the result of putting
propositional logic formula F in conjunctive normal form. A propositional logic
formula is in conjunctive normal form if it is a conjunction of disjunctions of
literals, where a literal is a propositional variable or its negation. You may
assume that F contains no implications and double implications and is already
in negation normal form. For example,
cnf((p & -q) v r,R) should succeed with
R = ((p v r) & (-q v r)),
cnf((p & -q) v (r & -s),R) should succeed with
R = (((p v r) & (p v -s)) & (-q v r) & (-q v -s)), and
cnf(p & (q v (r & s)),R) should succeed with
R = (p & (q v r) & (q v s)).
Submit both your Prolog code in file and your test results in the file
q1tests.txt. Provide enough tests to convince yourself and the reader that your
implementation is correct. Document your code appropriately.
2. [30 points] In this exercise, we use Prolog to implement a subset of an abstract process algebra which can be used to analyze concurrent processes. Expressions in the
algebra describe the structure of a process constructed from primitive actions that
can be carried out in a particular system. An expression in a process algebra can be
tested to see if the process described by the expression has a particular property, for
example, whether the process can be proved to eventually terminate. Each primitive
action A in the process/system must be declared by asserting primAction(A).
A process is then defined as one of the following:
• 0 (the empty process – nothing left to do), a primitive action,
• A > P: a sequence of a primitive action A followed by a process P,
• P1 ? P2: a non-deterministic branching that either does process P1 or process P2,
• P1 | P2: interleaved concurrent execution of process P1 and P2.
• P1 $ P2: synchronized concurrent execution of processeses P1 and P2.
• ProcName: a call to the procedure named ProcName.
Procedures are defined by asserting defproc(ProcName,Body) where ProcName
is a symbol that is the procedure’s name and Body is a process expression that is the
procedure’s body. When the procedure’s name occurs in a process expression, it can
be replaced by procedure’s body. Procedures can be recursive, for example:
defproc(iterDoSomething, doSomething > iterDoSomething ? 0).
which performs the primitive action doSomething 0 or more times.
We impose the following restrictions on recursive procedure definitions: their body
cannot contain the concurrent execution constructs; and they must always perform at
least one primitive action before making a recursive call.
Among the process composition operators we assume that sequence > has highest
precedence, followed by nondeterministic branch ?, then interleaved concurrency |,
and finally synchronous concurrency $. Parentheses can be used to override this.
You can obtain the right precendence in Prolog by using the following declarations:
:- op(700,xfy,>).
:- op(800,xfy,?).
% | is predefined as xfy with precedence 1100
:- op(1120,xfy,$).
The execution of processes can be defined in terms of transitions. Let P1-A-P2
mean that process P1 can do a single step by performing action A leaving process P2
remaining to be executed. We can define this relation as follows:
• 0 - A - P is always false.
• A - A - 0 holds (where A is a primitive action), i. e., an action that has
completed leaves nothing more to be done.
• (A > P) - A - P (where A is a primitive action), i.e., doing a step of a
sequence (A > P) involves doing the initial action A leaving P to be done
• (P1 ? P2) - A - P holds if either P1 - A - P holds or
P2 - A - P holds.
• (P1 | P2) - A - P holds if either P1 - A - P11 holds and
P = (P11 | P2), or P2 - A - P21 holds and P = (P1 | P21)
• (P1 $ P2) - A - P holds if both P1 - A - P11 holds and
P2 - A - P21 holds and P = (P11 | P21)
• ProcName - A - P holds if ProcName is the name of a procedure that
has body B and B - A - P holds.
We can define this in Prolog as follows:
A-A-0 :- primAct(A).
(A > P)-A-P :- primAct(A).
(P1 ? P2)-A-PR :- P1-A-PR ; P2-A-PR.
(P1 | P2)-A-(P1R | P2) :- P1-A-P1R.
(P1 | P2)-A-(P1 | P2R) :- P2-A-P2R.
(P1 $ P2)-A-(P1R $ P2R) :- P1-A-P1R, P2-A-P2R.
PN-A-PR :- defproc(PN,PB), PB-A-PR.
We can also define a predicate final(P) that holds when process P may legally
terminate. The definition in Prolog is as follows:
final(P1 ? P2):- final(P1); final(P2).
final(P1 | P2):- final(P1), final(P2).
final(P1 $ P2):- final(P1), final(P2).
final(P):- defproc(P,B), final(B).
An execution of a process is a sequence of transitions, which we will represent by a
list [P1, A1, P2, A2, ...], such that for all i > 0, Pi - Ai - Pi+1.
A complete execution is an execution where the last process is final or cannot
make any further transitions.
Let’s look at a few simple examples:
• (a1 > a2 > a3) has only one complete execution: [(a1 > a2 > a3),
a1, (a2 > a3), a2, a3, a3, 0]
• ((a1 > a2) | a3) has 3 complete executions:
[((a1 > a2) | a3), a1, (a2 | a3), a2, (0 | a3), a3, (0
| 0)],
[((a1 > a2) | a3), a1, (a2 | a3), a3, (a2 | 0), a2, (0
| 0)], and
[((a1 > a2) | a3), a3, ((a1 > a2) | 0), a1, (a2 | 0),
a2, (0 | 0)];
interleaved concurrency interleaves the actions of the component processes.
• (a1 $ a1) has one complete execution: [(a1 $ a1), a1, (0 $ 0)];
when we use synchronous concurrency, both component processes advance.
• (a1 $ a2) has no executions; synchronous concurrent processes can only
advance if they perform the same action.
• p1 where defproc(p1, a1 > p1) has the infinite execution [p1, a1,
p1, a1, ...].
Let’s now look at some more interesting examples.
Example 1:
This is a simple example of processes that can deadlock; the processes try to acquire
two locks in different orders.
Actions: acquireLock1, acquireLock2, releaseLock1, releaseLock2,
Process definitions:
defproc(deadlockingSystem, user1 | user2 $
lock1s0 | lock2s0 | iterDoSomething).
defproc(user1, acquireLock1 > acquireLock2 > doSomething >
releaseLock2 > releaseLock1).
defproc(user2, acquireLock2 > acquireLock1 > doSomething >
releaseLock1 > releaseLock2).
defproc(lock1s0, acquireLock1 > lock1s1 ? 0).
defproc(lock1s1, releaseLock1 > lock1s0).
defproc(lock2s0, acquireLock2 > lock2s1 ? 0).
defproc(lock2s1,releaseLock2 > lock2s0).
defproc(iterDoSomething, doSomething > iterDoSomething ? 0).
defproc(oneUserSystem, user1 $ lock1s0 | lock2s0 | iterDoSomething).
The process deadlockingSystem may deadlock. The single user version oneUserSystem
cannot deadlock.
Example 2:
In this example, there is producer process that generates data and a consumer process
that consumes it. The data is stored in a buffer can handle up to 3 items. The buffer
can overflow and underflow. One can use synchronization actions to avoid this.
Actions: produce, consume, underflow, overflow, notFull, notEmpty
Process definitions:
producer | consumer | faults $ bufferS0).
defproc(producer, notFull > produce > producer).
defproc(consumer, notEmpty > consume > consumer).
defproc(faults, underflow ? overflow).
defproc(bufferUF, notFull > produce > bufferUF ?
produce > bufferUF ?
consume > bufferUF).
defproc(bufferS0, notFull > produce > bufferS1 ?
produce > bufferS1 ?
consume > underflow > bufferUF).
defproc(bufferS1, notFull > produce > bufferS2 ?
produce > bufferS2 ?
consume > bufferS0 ?
notEmpty > consume > bufferS0).
defproc(bufferS2, notFull > produce > bufferS3 ?
produce > bufferS3 ?
consume > bufferS1 ?
notEmpty > consume > bufferS1).
defproc(bufferS3, produce > overflow > bufferOF ?
consume > bufferS2 ?
notEmpty > consume > bufferS2).
defproc(bufferOF, produce > bufferOF ?
consume > bufferOF ?
notEmpty > consume > bufferOF).
producerB | consumerB | faults $ bufferS0).
defproc(producerB, produce > producerB).
defproc(consumerB, consume > consumerB).
a) Define a Prolog predicate run(P,R) that holds iff R is a complete execution of
process P. Also define a print run(R) predicate that prints executions in a
readable way. Test this (at least) on the oneUserSystem and deadlockingSystem
b) Define a Prolog predicate has infinite run(P) that holds iff process P has
an infinite run (this happens only if there is a there is a cycle in the configuration
graph). Test this (at least) on the examples above.
c) Define a Prolog predicate deadlock free(P) that holds iff process P cannot
reach a deadlocked configuration, i.e., a configuration where the process is not
final but cannot make any further transition. Test this (at least) on all the
examples above.
d) Define a Prolog predicate cannot occur(S,A) that holds iff there is no execution of process P where action A occurs (an instance of checking a safety
property). Test (at least) cannot occur(P,overflow) on the two versions of the producer-consumer example.
e) Define a Prolog predicate whenever eventually(S,A1,A2) that holds iff
in all executions of process P, whenever action A1 occurs, action A2 occurs
afterwards (a instance of checking a liveness property). Test (at least)
whenever eventually(P,produce,consume) on the two versions of
the producer-consumer example.
For all the parts of the question, provide enough tests to convince yourself and the
reader that your implementation is correct. The tests can involve very simple processes where it is easy to see what should happen. Submit both your Prolog code in
file and your test results in the file q2tests.txt. Document your code
To hand in your report for this assignment, put all the required files in a directory a2answers
and submit it electronically by the deadline. To submit electronically, use the following
Prism lab command:
submit 3401 a2 a2answers
Your Prolog code should work correctly on Prism.

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