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Intro to IS Lab: Wikipedia Language Classification

Intro to IS Lab: Wikipedia Language Classification

For this assignment, we will be investigating the use of decision trees and boosted decision stumps toclassify text as one of two languages. Specifically, your task is to collect data and train (in severaldifferent ways) some decision stumps/trees so that when given a 15 word segment of text from either theEnglish or Dutch Wikipedia, your code will state to the best of its ability which language the text is in.Data collection
The first step will be to collect some data. Note that just as the English Wiki has a "Random article" link,Dutch has a "Willekeurige pagina" operation which you will probably avail yourself of. Also, you shouldtake the information about how your model will be tested into account when collecting your training set -that is, each example should itself be a 15-word sample, so you can get many samples from a single page,but you should also obtain a number of different pages, since they will represent different authors writingin the same language. If you'd like, you may share any raw data you collect with other students. NOTFEATURES and NOT CODE! Raw text only!
Then, you will have to decide on some features to use for learning. That is, you cannot feed in 15 words oftext as an input, but rather features of the 15 words. Since we have decision trees, they should be boolean(or few-valued) features, but can be boolean questions about numeric features as well. So, some featuresyou could use (these may or may not be valuable) could be "Does it contain the letter Q?" or "Is theaverage word length > 5?" You will need to come up with at least five distinct features. Note that youcan't use the same numeric feature as ten different attributes and have that count, though you are certainlywelcome to create several binary attributes out of one numeric feature. Of course, you will need to createthe same features for your training data, your test data, and the novel test examples that I will providewhen grading (see "What to hand in" below). If you don't know where to start consider looking for a fewfunction words from each language.
You will implement two learning algorithms: a decision tree and Adaboost using decision trees as thelearning algorithm.
You will need to write code that creates a decision tree for your data, based on the information gainalgorithm covered in the book and class. You will also be implementing Adaboost using decisionstumps. Remember that Adaboost relies on your learning algorithm to accept weighted examples. Keepthis in mind when designing your decision tree algorithm.
In order to evaluate your algorithms, you should set aside a test set on which to test your algorithmsperformance. Using this you can determine the error rate of your algorithms given certain features,
training sizes, and learning parameters (e.g. different depths and/or entropy cutoffs of the single decisiontree, and different numbers of stumps when boosting). This process should be fully explained in yourwriteup. For testing purposes your implementations should train on files with the format demonstrated here intrain.dat. Each line is a training example consisting of a label (either "en" for English or "nl" for Dutch theformat) followed by a '|' followed by 15 words. Notice that the training data could be in any order andbegin in the middle of sentences and contain numbers and punctuation (other than '|'). Whether you usepunctuation or just strip it all out is up to you. After learning a model you will then have to somehow saveit to be loaded later by a classifier. The easiest way to do this is via serialization (Java or Python) but it isok if you come up with some other scheme. The only requirement is that whatever you training programoutputs your prediction program can load and use. Testing data will follow a similar format as above butwith out the labels, as in test.dat. Each line is an observation without a label (nor the special delimiter '|')
that your program is expected to classify.
What to hand in
You should hand in the following:
Some code! This can be written in Java, C++, Python, or another language if given prior approval.It should have at least two entry points (different modules or command-line args):
train <examples> <hypothesisOut> <learning-type> should read in labeled examples andperform some sort of training.
examples is a file containing labeled examples. For example.
hypothesisOut specifies the file name to write your model to.
learning-type specifies the type of learning algorithm you will run, it is either "dt" or"ada". You should use (well-documented) constants in the code to control additionallearning parameters like max tree depth, number of stumps, etc.
predict <hypothesis> <file> Your program should classify each line as either English orDutch using the specified model. Note that this must not do any training, but should take amodel and make a prediction about the input. For each input example, your program shouldsimply print its predicted label on a newline. For example. It should not print anything else.hypothesis is a trained decision tree or ensemble created by your train programfile is a file containing lines of 15 word sentence fragments in either English or Dutch.For example.
Your best tree or ensemble in some hard-coded form (a serialized object, xml, etc), to enable theprediction. This is the hypothesis we will test using your predict function
Addendum (April 17): your best tree should be named, best.model. Your examples, so we can test your training process.
Documentation about how to use your code
A writeup, containing:
a description of your features and how you chose thema description of the decision tree learning, how you came up with the best parameters (maxdepth, etc.) and your own testing results
a description of the boosting, how many trees turned out to be useful, and your own testinganything else you think we might like to know
Decision tree implementation: 25%
Adaboost implementation: 25%
Example collection, feature selection, and evaluation/testing: 15%Training processes: 10%
Correct predictions: 10%
Writeup: 15%
For the correct predictions, I will present ten examples of each language. Generally your grade will beproportional to the number of correct predictions, however if your model just always predicts the samelanguage will get less than half the credit.

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