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Introduction to Computer Science Assignment 3

CSC3002: Introduction to Computer Science
Assignment 3
Assignment description:
This assignment will be worth 10% of the final grade.
You should write your code for each question in a .cpp and .h file
(please name it using the question name, e.g. q1.cpp). Please pack your
whole project files into a single .zip file, name it using your student ID
(e.g. if your student ID is 123456, then the file should be named as, and then submit the .zip file via Moodle.
You should create an empty project in QT and start your programing.
Please note that, the teaching assistant may ask you to explain the
meaning of your program, to ensure that the codes are indeed written
by yourself. Please also note that we may check whether your program
is too similar to your fellow students’ code using Moodle.
Please refer to the Moodle system for the assignment deadline. For
each day of late submission, you will obtain late penalty in the
assignment marks. If you submit more than three days later than the
deadline, you will receive zero in this assignment.
Detailed description on assignment requirement is stated in the last
few pages.
Question 1:
Most modern editors provide a facility that allows the user to copy
a section of the buffer text into an internal storage area and then
paste it back in at some other position. For each of the three
representations of the buffer given in this chapter, implement the
void EditorBuffer::copy(int count);
which stores a copy of the next count characters somewhere in the
internal structure for the buffer, and the method
void EditorBuffer::paste();
which inserts those saved characters back into the buffer at the
current cursor position. Calling paste does not affect the saved
text, which means that you can insert multiple copies of the same
text by calling paste more than once.
Test your implementation by adding the commands C and P to the
editor application for the copy and paste operations, respectively.
The C command should take a numeric argument to specify the
number of characters using the technique described in exercise 5
of Chapter 13.
Question 2
In the queue abstraction presented in this chapter, new items are
always added at the end of the queue and wait their turn in line.
For some programming applications, it is useful to extend the
simple queue abstraction into a priority queue, in which the order
of the items is determined by a numeric priority value. When an
item is enqueued in a priority queue, it is inserted in the list ahead
of any lower priority items. If two items in a queue have the same
priority, they are processed in the standard first-in/first-out order.
Using the linked-list implementation of queues as a model, design
and implement a pqueue_list.h interface that exports a class
called PriorityQueue, which exports the same methods as the
traditional Queue class with the exception of the enqueue method,
which now takes an additional argument, as follows:
void enqueue(ValueType value, double priority);
The parameter value is the same as for the traditional versions of
enqueue; the priority argument is a numeric value representing
the priority. As in conventional English usage, smaller integers
correspond to higher priorities, so that priority 1 comes before
priority 2, and so forth.
Use the algorithm from section 18.7 of the textbook to implement
the PriorityQueue class so that it uses a heap as its underlying
representation. To eliminate some of the complexity, feel free to
use a vector instead of a dynamic array.
Write a function
bool pathExists(Node *n1, Node *n2);
that returns true if there is a path in the graph between the nodes
n1 and n2. Implement this function by using depth-first search to
traverse the graph from n1; if you encounter n2 along the way,
then a path exists. Reimplement your function so that it uses
breadth-first search instead.
Complete the definition of the Employee class hierarchy by adding
the necessary instance variables to the private sections and the
implementations for the various methods. Design a simple
program to test your code.
Question Requirement
You should write two files: buffer.h, buffer.cpp and
Of them, buffer.h and buffer.cpp should includes
declaration and implementation of class EditorBuffer.
Please refer to Figure 13-2 of textbook. Note that you
should use an array-based implementation of the
P1.cpp includes the test code and some helper
functions. Please refer to Figure 13-3 of textbook.
Besides that, you should design two commands C and P,
and their corresponding methods to be added to
EditorBuffer class:
void EditorBuffer::copy(int count);
void EditorBuffer::paste();
The test code should be in void P1() :
Any methods needed for simulating the process of
manipulating editors should be included such as
So that we can test your commands C and P like others
as follows:
You should write two files: pqueue_list.h and P2.cpp.
Of them, pqueue_list.h includes the declaration of class
PriorityQueue and the corresponding implementations.
You should use linked-list based implementation and
includes all the methods in Figure 14-9 of the textbook.
To consider priority of each element, you should follow
the private section:
P2.cpp includes the test method void P2() which
contains the test code. You should at least declare an
instance of PriorityQueue with base type String and
enqueue element (value and priority) <“A”
, 5, <“B”
, 2,
, 9, <“D”
, 2 and <“E”
, 7. Then dequeue these
elements one by one and print them out (value and
priority) to check the correctness of the order.
You should write two files: pqueue_heap.h and P3.cpp.
Of them, pqueue_heap.h includes the declaration of
class PriorityQueue and the corresponding
implementations. You should use heap based
implementation and includes all the methods in Figure
14-9 of the textbook. The instance variables in private
section of the class are as follows.
P3.cpp includes the test method void P3() which
contains the test code. You should at least declare an
instance of PriorityQueue with base type String and
enqueue element (value and priority) <“A”
, 5, <“B”
, 2,
, 9, <“D”
, 2 and <“E”
, 7. Then dequeue these
elements one by one and print them out (value and
priority) to check the correctness of the order.
You should write two files: graphtypes.h and P4.cpp.
Of them, graphtypes.h contains a low-level graph
abstraction using a set of arcs to represent connectivity
between nodes, which refers to Figure 18-3 of the
P4.cpp should include some helper functions and test
code in void P4(). These helper functions include:
z addNode, addArc and initiateGraph
z writeGraph
z pathExistsBFS
z pathExistsDFS
z printAllPathsFound
Examples: There are two paths from XX to XX:
1. XX - XX - XX…
2. XX - XX - XX…
Examples: There is no paths from XX to XX!
Note that for the helper functions, you can change the
method signature such as return type and argument
type to be suitable for your program.
The test method void P4(), should at first construct a
Simple Graph and print it out by iteratively accessing all
edges as follows:
Then, according to user input from console by
specifying the start position (airport name, For
example, “Altanta”) and the end position (airport name,
for example, “Denver”), you test code should use DFS
and BFS to find all paths and print them out
You should write three files: Employee.h, Empolyee.cpp
and P5.cpp.
Of them, Employee.h and Employee.cpp should include
the declaration of class Employee and its subclasses
including HourlyEmployee, CommissionedEmployee,
and SalariedEmployee, and their corresponding
Test code in P5.cpp should be void P5() contains:
and test your program.
Assignment Submission
Please put all required files in a single QT project which
is stated in the first line of each Question Requirement
Write a main.cpp file to invoke different questions as
After you test all your questions, zip the whole project
in one file named (XXX is your student ID and
your name is not required) and then submit it to the
Moodle system.
Marking scheme
For each question:
z 0.4 Marks will be given to students who have
submitted the program on time.
z 0.4 Marks will be given to students who wrote the
program that meet all the requirements of the
z 0.4 Marks will be given to students who programs
that can be compiled without errors and warnings
z 0.4 Marks will be given to students whose programs
produce the correct output if their programs can be
compiled (Each question worth 0.1 mark).
z 0.4 Marks will be given to students who
demonstrate good programming habit and style.
1. How to check whether the assignment is submitted
on time?
We directly check it through Moodle system
2. How to check whether the assignment meets the
a. A zip file containing the whole project is submitted
b. Zip filename is valid (
c. All the required files stated in Each Question
Requirement should be included with correct
d. The Main.cpp with correct content should be
e. The content of each file should satisfy the
requirement. For example, the declaration of
Editorbuffer class should be in buffer.h and its
implementation should be in buffer.cpp.
f. No other additional files are included
3. How to check whether the assignment can be
Note that we strongly suggest you to use the QT IDE
since your code tested on other IDE may not work on
QT. If you want to use other IDE, please test your
code again on QT to avoid such errors. We also
strongly suggest you to use the Standford Library if
necessary instead of STL or other similar libraries.
If the QT IDE generates any errors when building
your project, 0.4 mark will be missed for each
question. If any warnings are produced but your
code can run, 0.4 mark will be missed for all 5
4. How to check the assignment gives correct output?
We will run your code if it can be compiled (warnings
are tolerated). You test code should be correct and
output is also correct. User-friendly test code and
output is preferred.
5. How to check the programming style?
z Comments.
You should include three kinds of comments in your
a. File comments in the beginning of each code file,
for example,
b. Function comments just before each function
implementation. For example,
c. Statement comments on the right side of some
statements if necessary. You do not have to write
comments for each statement.
z Code layout.
The following points should be pay attention to:
a. The indentation used
b. {} used for function, for structure, while structure,
switch structure.
c. meaningful variable name.
d. dynamic allocated memory should be destroyed
after used
e. class declaration and implementation
We strongly suggest you to adhere to the coding style
used in our textbook, which will be followed by us to
check your code.

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